
Learn English:Forget Perfect English!

Learn English: Forget Perfect English!
(Choose Correct English instead.)
Over the years I have heard many people say they want to "master" English or speak perfect English.
My thought (although I don't always say it out loud) is "Good luck!" Let me explain.
 I think if a person sets such an impossible standard for themselves that they are doomed to failure.
What is a better approach? If "mastery" or "perfect English" is a tight goal, then what would a loose goal look like?
 A looser and more reasonable approach might be to dedicate oneself to "correct" English.
 It seems so simple: just aim to be correct. And do it time after time after time. What do you have in the end? Well you have what you have practiced, i.e. correct English.
 とても簡単なことのように思えます。ただ正しく話すことを目指すだけです。そして、何度も何度も繰り返します。最後には何が得られますか? そうです、練習したもの、つまり正しい英語が得られます。
 Correct is such a good goal in my opinion. First, it takes that really heavy pressure to be perfect off one's shoulders, and leaves him/her with a more attainable goal: just be correct.
 Correct this week, correct next week and correct the week after. Nothing fancy, just correct English. This correct practice will lead to correct performance with all the pressure of "mastering" English gone.
 Interesting huh? What other things could a person do with "correct" being their standard instead of putting the heavy weight of "perfect" or "mastery" on their back?
 Relax and try to figure out how to "level up" your English the easy way– by simply being correct.
 面白いでしょう? 「完璧」や「熟達」という重荷を背負う代わりに、「正しい」を基準にして、他に何ができるでしょうか?
Photo: Courtesy William Warby, FLICKR.
 ©David Parmer 2024 All Rights Reserved ( For reprint tokyodave66@gmail.com)  https://www.instagram.com/tokyodave66/

