
Why I Use Fujifilm Cameras and Lenses.

Why I use Fujifilm Cameras and Lenses.
I started my photography career with a Nikon F that I bought in the Navy PX department store in Honmoku in Yokohama. Later I bought a Nikkormat in America, (The Nikon F and Nikkormat I sold in London in order to buy a one-way ticket to Japan.) and finally I bought my first digital SLR, a Nikon D80. I was a happy Nikon user.
When I was thinking of upgrading my digital camera, a good friend who owned the original Fujifilm X-100 strongly recommended the Fujifilm camera system, and when I checked it out, I found that he was right: it is a photographer-friendly ecosystem that is easy to learn and is consistent throughout the Fujifilm line. And so I switched from Nikon to Fujifilm.
My first Fujifilm camera was the X-100S. It had (and still has) much to recommend it. The first thing that I liked was its "retro" approach to photography–many of the important dials and buttons were on the exterior of the camera which means that the photographer does not have to go into a menu inside the camera to make important changes and settings Most settings can be done manually outside the menus.
My second Fujifilm camera, the X-H1, had the same setup–it had all the important dials on the exterior; aperture, shutter speed and ISO.

(Fujifilm X-T30 External Controls )

Also, with few exceptions due to upgraded features, all the internal menus in the Fujifilm X system are consistent.
So once the system is learned, you can quickly pick up another Fujifilm camera and get working very quickly. This feature further solidified my choice to stay with Fujifim.

(Fujifilm X-T30 Menu)

Another reason why I use Fuji equipment is because of the name of the company: Fuji Film.
Fuji has traditionally made FILM and high quality lenses, not audio equipment.
For us photographers using the Fuji ecosystem we get the legacy of Fuji's experience in film by being able to choose digital "film simulations" based on the great Fuji films of the past and present.

( Tokyo Ometesando Early Evening )

As of 2025, there are 13 Fuji film simulations for JPEG files named for the great Fuji films they emulate. They include:
·     Provia
·     Velvia
·     Astia
·     Pro Neg Hi
·     Pro Neg Standard
·     Monochrome
·     Classic Chrome
·     Eterna
·     Eterna Bleach Bypass
·     Classic Neg
·     Acros
·     Rela Ace
·     Nostalgia Neg.
(To see examples and to compare these film simulations, go to the Fujifilm website:
My favorite film simulations are Pro Neg Hi which I use for color, and Acros which I use for monochrome.

( Tokyo Koto Ward Early Spring )

Why do I use Fujifilm cameras and lenses? I use them to experience real photography, to experience the feel of a classic camera and film and not simply the endless computer menus that we face every day with our smartphones and notebooks or PCs.

( Tokyo Jingugaien Light Snow )

I use Fujifilm cameras and lenses because they let me do my photography, my way, and give me a great deal of pleasure at the same time.
Give them a try and you may find that you agree with me, and you, too, may even switch to Fujifilm and become a fan as I have.
Fujifilm (XT-30) camera top and Fujifilm camera menu shown as example of consistent controls and menus.
Courtesy Karlis Dambrans via Flickr

©2025 David Parmer All Rights Reserved.

私は横浜本牧のネイビー PX デパートで買った Nikon F で写真家としてのキャリアをスタートしました。その後、アメリカで Nikkormat を購入し (Nikon F と Nikkormat はロンドンで日本への片道切符を買うために売りました)、ついに初めてのデジタル一眼レフ、Nikon D80 を購入しました。私は幸せな Nikon ユーザーでした。
デジタル カメラのアップグレードを考えていたとき、オリジナルの Fujifilm X-100 を所有していた親友が Fujifilm カメラ システムを強く勧めてくれました。調べてみると、彼の言う通りでした。それは写真家に優しいエコシステムで、習得しやすく、Fujifilm のライン全体で一貫しています。そこで私は Nikon から Fujifilm に乗り換えました。
私が初めて購入した Fujifilm カメラは X-100S でした。このカメラには (今でも) お勧めできる点がたくさんあります。まず気に入ったのは、写真撮影に対する「レトロ」なアプローチです。重要なダイヤルやボタンの多くがカメラの外側にあるため、カメラ内部のメニューを開いて重要な変更や設定を行う必要がありません。ほとんどの設定はメニューの外で手動で行うことができます。
• Provia
• Velvia
• Astia
• Pro Neg Hi
• Pro Neg Standard
• Monochrome
• Classic Chrome
• Eterna
• Eterna Bleach Bypass
• Classic Neg
• Acros
• Rela Ace
• Nostalgia Neg。
私のお気に入りのフィルムシミュレーションは、カラーに使用するPro Neg Hiと、モノクロに使用するAcrosです。
なぜ富士フイルムのカメラとレンズを使用するのですか?私は、本物の写真撮影を体験し、スマートフォンやノートパソコン、PC で毎日直面する無限のコンピューター メニューではなく、クラシック カメラとフィルムの感触を体験するためにこれらを使用しています。
一貫したコントロールとメニューの例として、富士フイルム (XT-30) カメラの上部と富士フイルム カメラのメニューが表示されています。
 ©2025 David Parmer All Rights Reserved
Flickr 経由の Karlis Dambrans 提供
