Sierpinski Gasket L4 / 「シェルピンスキーのガスケット(レベル4)」 Tutorial
Sierpinski Gasket Series
左上からレベル5, 4, 3。自分の実力を極限まで試したいがためにおっぱじめた「フラクタル図形」のインサイドアウト(色分け作品)。理論上、レベルが上がるにつれて必要になる紙の大きさが無限大になってしまうので、「好きなレベルまで折り込める」作品は作れないので、レベルごとに違う作品が必要になるっていう面倒なヤツ。
L5, L4 and L3 from the top left. Theoretically, we need infinite large size of paper with respect to the level goes up, and thus there's no "arbitral level model", I have to make models for each level. So annoying.
As in the last part of this article, I have a model as the same theme and look. Since it was made from an irregular hexagon (3:7:3:7:3:7), is painful to even fold. This rebooting project is going to replace these annoying designs with REGULAR hexagon, considerable grids.
Recommended: the maximal regular hexagon from 24cm square Kami (~ 10cm for the side of the hexagon). Complex Level. The example work is made from a shadow fold (malachite green) with antique gold spray on the back. My favorite.
折り図 / diagram
63 Steps with 3 time repeat of 40 steps. (incidentally about 150)
¥ 200