

English follows. (日本語の後に英語がきます)

What’s up, Fam! デイナです。




  • 海外に行きたい。留学したい。

  • 自分の成長や将来の為に新しい学びや経験をしたい。

  • 今の仕事が忙しい、辛い、そもそも成長実感がない。

  • 好きなことをして生きていきたい。独立や起業がしたい。























インスタ(英語): https://www.instagram.com/danasensei_eikaiwa/

ツイッター(ノマド・考え方): https://twitter.com/AbroadMaigo





What's up, Fam!
It's Dana.

Last time, I wrote about when I stopped telling myself "I can't."
Maybe you keep telling yourself "I can't go study abroad or travel, or invest in new learning experiences. Not now."

But, what if there's a reason you can't push yourself to try these new things?

  • Maybe you want to go abroad but you're afraid to 
    because you can't speak English
    or you're afraid
    or you can't afford it.

  • Maybe you want to invest in new learning experiences 
    but you're afraid to let go of your savings
    or you're too busy because of your work or daily life.

  • Maybe you feel that your current job is too busy or too hard, or that you're not learning anything from it,
    but you're afraid to quit 
    because you hold too much responsibility
    or your company is understaffed.

  • Maybe you want to make a living doing what you love, or start your own business,
    but you don't know how to start nor do you have the confidence.
    Maybe you think you're better off staying at your current company for a few more years.

Do you have these thoughts?
Because I sure did.

Of course, investing in yourself, learning from successful people, going on solo trips and traveling abroad will help you grow as a person.
But it's not that easy, right?

This time, we'll go over how to get over that fear that's stopping you from taking that first step.

It's NORMAL to be afraid

In fact, whenever you try to take that first step towards personal growth by spending money, going to new places, or going through new experiences, your brain is going to raise the OH NO THAT'S NOT A GOOD IDEA red flag. Ha. Surprise.

That's normal, okay? 

You folks who've studied biology probably know this, but this is because the brain thinks that

anything new = dangerous
the unknown = you might DIE

The brain isn't too fond of things that it isn't used to, as it registers the "new" and "unknown" as potentially life-threatening.
And that's why we experience homeostasis, where the brain and body try to return to its usual condition (aka whatever's easy and safe).

This "easy, safe" condition is called the "comfort zone." 
Oof. Well we know it's hard to step out of this zone.

The Comfort Zone

If you're unfamiliar with this term, just imagine you're a lazy couch potato (if you're not already) that wants to get into shape. Well, if you've been crashing onto the couch and turning on the TV every single day after you get back from work, it's definitely going to be hard to leave that comfort zone and force yourself to actually work out.

(Here's a TedTalk discussing the comfort zone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmN4xOGkxGo )

So to reiterate, your comfort zone is linked to your survival instinct, which is why the brain wants to keep your current condition exactly how it is.

But if everything stays the same, how are you supposed to grow as a person? 
If you really want to reach that next stage of self-development, something has to change.

If human beings are naturally lazy and like to avoid change, how does one manage to step out of the comfort zone?

The thing is, it’s nearly impossible to do so on your own.
Humans are social animals and are largely affected by those around them.

At school, if your friend group is the studious one, you also probably often have your nose in a book most of the time.
The same goes for the athletic group and the popular group.

Again, if a lot of people around you are going abroad for their studies or for a working holiday, you’re more likely to become interested in going abroad yourself.

Furthermore, if you’re a freelancer you’re likely to be surrounded by other freelancers, and if you’re an entrepreneur, you likely have other entrepreneurs or successful people around you.

What does this all mean?

Well, if you have some sort of goal, in order to muster the courage to step out of your comfort zone, first you need the right environment to do so. Being surrounded by people who have already achieved your goal will help you become closer to reaching that stage, as those people have likely experienced the fears you’re facing or have overcome the same barriers.

If you want to change your current situation, first you must change your surrounding environment.
Surround yourself with people who you respect and admire, and you’ll be one step closer to leaving your comfort zone and achieving your goal.

English lessons: https://lin.ee/ImMlxpo

Instagram for English learners: https://www.instagram.com/danasensei_eikaiwa/

YouTube Channel for English learners: https://www.youtube.com/@user-eg2ig7pf3q

Travel Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maigo.abroad/

YouTube Channel about Life in Japan: https://www.youtube.com/@DEfromJAPAN
