
Snowy weather is here

The roof was slightly covered with snow this morning. The high temperature suddenly drops down to 2 degrees from 14 degrees. It is also predicted to snow again from this afternoon.

Weekly weather forecast this morning 

I still feel scared to drive during the snowy weather, though it has passed about 6 years living in Northern Okayama Prefecture. Especially in the last winter, I was so scared driving back home from work. It started snowing from the afternoon on that day. I couldn't drive back through the usual expressway due to the snow. It was already closed by the time I had reached there. So I had to use the national highway instead. This road has hills and curves, so I was driving slowly back home. It also takes more time to get home. 

We do have winter tires, but drivers really need to be careful in this snowy weather. You might slip on the hill or when you turn at the curve. Therefore, we try not to drive in high speed. However, some drivers might not know much about this situation. Then accidents happen. On the same day of the last winter, there were some cars and trucks that couldn't drive up the hill. Traffic jams occurred from the accident. Many drivers suffered from driving back home.

I hope it won't snow so much as last winter. Snowy views are beautiful but it's a disaster if it snows so heavy. I hope all drivers will drive safely and reduce the accidents as much as possible.

Past pictures from last winter, January 2023

These are the pictures from the next day after the day I have mentioned here. It snowed a lot in only one night. It was actually my first time to experience this much snow at that time.

My car fully covered with snow, January 2023

Snow from the window, January 2023
