



Weekly question #15 What is your typical approach to making a choice?

Weekly question #15 What is your typical approach to making a choice?

This is my article about weekly question from 英語手帳 2024. The theme in March is "Choices we make in life". I hope you would enjoy reading it.

Weekly question: What is your typical approach to making a

Weekly question #12 Do you always make good choices?

Weekly question #12 Do you always make good choices?

This article will be about the weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: Do you always make good choices?

I don't always make good choices. How do you even judge your decision as a good one?

Weekly question #11 How do you determine which choice to make?

Weekly question #11 How do you determine which choice to make?

This article will be about the weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: How do you determine which choice to make?

Firstly, I would like to share what I learned about the word "determine" th
