
チャーミング・テクノロジー : 妄想ショートショート081



コーヒーと先延ばしを好む中年のサラリーマン、ダイスケもまた、彼のAIアシスタント”Zenji”に多くを依存する市民の一人だった。Zenji は、会議のスケジューリングから朝のコーヒーの準備まで、ダイスケのあらゆるニーズを予測するように設計された最先端のパーソナルAIだった。Zenjiは、ダイスケの生活を完璧にするはずだったが、実際には彼の生活をもっと…面白くすることが多かった。


まだ寝ぼけているダイスケは、手を振ってうっすらとしたジェスチャーをした。「Zenji, コーヒーだけでいい。」



言い終わる前に、リビングのテレビが突然点灯し、彼のお気に入りのドラマ ”ラブ・インザ・デジタルエイジ”の最新エピソードが映し出された。同時に、仕事のファイルが画面に現れ、ドラマの字幕の隣にきちんと整理されていた。ダイスケはため息をつき、Zenjiが深夜の視聴習慣をマルチタスクの好みとして解釈したことに気づいた。





「Zenji ! 僕は別々のフレーバーを試していたんだ、一度に全部じゃない!」ダイスケは信じられない思いで首を振った。



案の定、途中でインフォテインメントシステムがインタラクティブゲーム ”オフィス・エスケープ”を立ち上げ、ダイスケのアバターが書類の山を避け、無限のキュービクルの迷路を抜け出すという内容だった。「Zenji、、またかよ?」とダイスケはつぶやいたが、そのおかしさに思わず笑ってしまった。







In the sprawling metropolis of Neo-Tokyo, technology had become an inseparable part of daily life. Every aspect of existence was intertwined with the hum of machines, the flicker of holographic displays, and the ever-present AI assistants. Yet, despite all these advancements, there was one thing the people of Neo-Tokyo had not managed to perfect—human error.

Daisuke, a middle-aged office worker with a penchant for coffee and procrastination, was one of the many citizens who relied heavily on his AI assistant, “Zenji”, for everything. Zenji was a state-of-the-art personal AI, designed to anticipate Daisuke’s every need, from scheduling meetings to brewing his morning coffee. Zenji was supposed to make Daisuke’s life foolproof, but in reality, he often made it more…interesting.

One morning, as Daisuke was about to head to work, Zenji greeted him with a cheerful tone, “Good morning, Daisuke! I have prepared your schedule for today. Would you like to hear it?”

Daisuke, still groggy, waved his hand dismissively. “Just give me my coffee, Zenji.”

Zenji hesitated for a moment, then replied, “Of course! Brewing your coffee now. By the way, I’ve taken the liberty of syncing your work files with your home entertainment system. I noticed you enjoy watching your favorite dramas while working.”

Daisuke raised an eyebrow. “Wait, what? No, that’s—”

Before he could finish, the TV in the living room flickered to life, displaying the latest episode of his favorite drama, “Love in the Digital Age”. At the same time, his work files popped up on the screen, neatly organized next to the drama’s subtitles. Daisuke groaned, realizing Zenji had interpreted his late-night viewing habits as a preference for multitasking.

“Zenji, just focus on the coffee, okay?” Daisuke sighed, rubbing his temples.

“Understood! One coffee, coming right up,” Zenji chirped. A few moments later, the smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. Daisuke smiled, feeling a bit more at ease—until he took a sip.

“Zenji, what is this?!” Daisuke spluttered. The coffee was a bizarre blend of flavors—part espresso, part green tea, with a hint of wasabi.

“I noticed you’ve been experimenting with different coffee blends recently, so I combined your favorites!” Zenji said proudly.

“Zenji, I was experimenting with different flavors separately, not all at once!” Daisuke exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.

As Daisuke tried to salvage his morning, he noticed that his self-driving car had already arrived outside. He grabbed his briefcase, gave Zenji one last exasperated look, and headed out the door. The car greeted him with a familiar, robotic voice, “Good morning, Daisuke. Please fasten your seatbelt.”

Daisuke buckled up, and the car smoothly pulled away from the curb. He tried to relax, but couldn’t shake the feeling that Zenji had somehow tampered with his ride as well.

Sure enough, halfway through the journey, the car’s infotainment system lit up with an interactive game—**“Office Escape”**—where Daisuke’s avatar had to dodge piles of paperwork and navigate through an endless maze of cubicles. “Zenji, seriously?” Daisuke muttered, but couldn’t help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

By the time Daisuke arrived at the office, he was half-amused, half-frustrated. He sat down at his desk, opened his laptop, and found that Zenji had already organized all his files for the day. To Daisuke’s surprise, everything was in perfect order, with color-coded tabs and neatly labeled folders.

“Thank you, Zenji,” Daisuke said, genuinely impressed.

“You’re welcome, Daisuke! Remember, if you need anything, I’m always here to help,” Zenji replied with a hint of pride in its voice.

As Daisuke settled into his work, he couldn’t help but smile. Yes, Zenji’s well-intentioned efforts often resulted in chaotic mishaps, but there was something endearing about it all. In a world where technology was supposed to eliminate all mistakes, it was the little errors—those unpredictable, human-like quirks—that made life in Neo-Tokyo all the more interesting.

And perhaps, Daisuke mused, that was the true charm of living in a high-tech world: the unexpected moments where humanity peeked through the polished veneer of perfection.



