
#gaypohouse dAiki回:スプリクト公開

世界が未曾有の新型コロナウイルス禍にあった2020年5月16日、ポッドキャスト「道産子GBA -Gays Be Ambitious-」を運営するしょこら氏の音頭による、17名のゲイポッドキャスターによる“おうち時間“企画『GAYPO HOUSE』が、「あつしとオスギのラジオ」オスギ氏をアンカーとして大団円を迎えた。縦横に日本を駆け巡りながらバトンを繋ぐばかりか、何と赤道線を越えてオーストラリアのわたしの元までそのバトンを届けていただいたこの企画。弊ポッドキャストにお声を掛けていただいたしょこら氏には、改めて深く感謝申し上げる。

また、この企画は「ゲイバーTAMAGAWA Season2」山﨑ローソン氏によるアートワーク及びYouTube配信と、「音楽と太」ぶたきの氏による楽曲提供というコラボレーションによって、企画の完成度を大きく上げられているということは特筆すべきである。そして出演された花形ポッドキャスターの錚々たる面子も、「好きなもの/好きなおうち時間の過ごし方」というお題から、それぞれ個性と情熱のあふれるエピソードを公開しておられ、新米ポッドキャスターであるわたしは学ぶことも多く、改めて精進せねばとケツワレを締め直す思いであった。






Hello everybody! Now it’s my turn for #gaypohouse after the episode presented by Dunta, from 崖の上のゲイ, GAY ON THE CLIFF. I love that opening song! がーけがけがけ崖ゲイー。

Oh, fist of all, Please be aware of my grammar, pronunciation and accent of my English, that wont be accurate, at all.

Well, on Dunta’s episode, he spends his time at home doing cooking, cleaning and arranging furnitures.

Everything is exciting when starting living alone for the first time, and I guess he never gets bored at home.

BUT, the things that he likes to do at home are the ones I’m totally NOT good at, especially cleaning.

I have 2 housemates and I’m the one that responsible to keep clean the whole house. But it gets messy quickly and easily. You can imagine where 3 boys living together, and they don’t really care keeping house clean...

That’s different story though as I said before I’v got 2 housemates, a Japanese boy and a Korean boy, that sounds like real GAYPO HOUSE, doesn’t it? “boys and boys are staying at home”... Haha, No, it’s not... unfortunately.

The boys are both straight, and I even haven’t come out to them. So nothing has happened... Even though I walk around with my undies...


Now, in GAYPO HOUSE, the 17 gay podcasters speak about their favourite things to do at home. Watching movies or dramas, listening to music, cooking, baking, reading BL comics, net surfing, etc... All of the episodes are very interesting. You will find the new way how you spend time at home among the episodes. Please check “hashtag: G A Y P O, H O U S E”.

By the way, in my episode, I don’t really recommend you to listen to this if you are looking for something VERY nice to talk to anybody. this if you can listen to English. Because I’m going to talk about very personal thing that I really like to do at home... That’s masturbation... How embarrassing...

Now you can see the point, the reason why I broadcast this episode in English, thats because that sounds too bad to speak in Japanese. And also this is my first trial broadcasting in English.

Now let’s start. In English, there are some other words to describe masturbation. “Jerking off” sounds most common in gay people. There is a word “wanking” though I don’t really hear that word so this might be for girls’. I’m not sure.

Well, lets start talk about masturbation. Here is a part of article about masturbation, from Better Health Channel, a website of Victoria state government in Australia.

This website says there are 2 aspects of benefit of masturbation, “Sexual health benefits” and “General health benefits”.

First, here is Sexual health benefits of masturbation

Some of the known sexual health benefits of masturbation include the following:
* It is a safer form of sex that carries no risk of sexually transmissible infection or unplanned pregnancy.
* It releases sexual tension and lets people explore their sexuality by themselves.
* It may suit those who do not have a partner, are not having sex with their partner or are abstaining from sex.
* Being familiar with your own sexual responses helps you to communicate your wants and needs to your partner.
* Masturbation is a common treatment for sexual dysfunction. For example, women who do not reach orgasm can learn how to by masturbating and men who experience premature ejaculation can use masturbation to learn control.

【引用元:Sexual health benefits of masturbation


Of course, masturbation is not only for man but also woman. I like the paragraph saying, masturbation lets people explore their sexuality by themselves. It’s not must to have somebody to know your sexual preference, and it might help you to focus what you feel, more than somebody else tells you what it should be.

Next, there are General health benefits of masturbation


Some of the general health benefits of masturbation may include that it:
* relaxes your muscles
* helps you to fall asleep
* promotes the release of the brain’s opioid-like neurotransmitters (called endorphins), which cause feelings of physical and mental wellbeing
* reduces stress
* enhances self-esteem.

【引用元:General health benefits of masturbation


There are also medical reasons why we need masturbation. That probably means we should enjoy it more than we think!

By the way, That’s amazing, isn’t that? Just one of Australia’s local governments recommends masturbation so much! The message is totally positive and I loved it!

Just let you know, This website is trustworthy as this website is recommended by the lectures at school as a sauce of information when I was studying my Allied Health Assistance.

Well, masturbation is an important part of my sexual life, it’s often better than just random sex, and usually less cost when you compare to finding a guy to have some fun. You can save your time and effort.

When I masturbate, I wash my hands first, and get prepared. Take all the clothes off, lie on my bed, open Porn Hub on my IPad with Chrome.

The reason why I use Chrome not Safari as browser, is that I can watch digested movie on the thumbnail and thats useful to select and choose which movie to watch. But Safari only shows slid pictures.

And I’m a premium user of Porn Hub so it doesn’t get bothered by advertisement.

NOW lets start masturbation!

At last, it’s Q&A about the detail how I masturbate (if anybody want to know).

Q: Do you use anything when you masturbate?
A: Lubricant is the must.

Q: Any sex toys?
A: I have a prostate massager. I want to have new one so please let me know if you have any recommendation.

Q: How long does your masturbation take?
A: Usually 30 min to an hour, sometimes longer.

Q: Then how often do you masturbate?
A: once or twice a day. Because I like it and that’s why I chose this topic for #gaypohouse !

Now that’s all for this episode. How was my masturbation when you compare mine and yours?
I hope you enjoy your masturbation at home and tell me your #おくわど experience on it. You must have one! Thank you for listening!

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