

ELISA(Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay)は、生命科学研究において広く使用される定量的な分析手法です。




  • 基本機能

    • ELISAアッセイの吸光度データを解析

    • 4PLおよび5PLロジスティック回帰によるフィッティング

    • 濃度計算

    • グラフの自動生成(matplotlib使用)

  • 入力データ対応

    • Excelファイル (.xlsx) からのデータ読み込み

    • Replicate自動判定

    • 複数サンプルの一括処理

  • 解析機能

    • 4PL/5PL自動選択機能(AICベース)

    • フィッティング品質の評価(R², Adjusted R², RMSE)

    • 異常値や無効データの自動検出

    • スタンダードの検量線に基づく濃度計算

  • 出力機能

    • 結果のExcelファイル出力

    • サンプルごとのグラフ生成(PNG形式)

    • 詳細なログ出力(verboseモード)をテキストファイルとして保存

    • フィッティング統計値のレポート

  • グラフ機能

    • フィッティングカーブの描画

    • 実測値のプロット

    • カットオフラインの表示

    • サンプル中の濃度の視覚的表示



name: elisa_analysis
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - python=3.12
  - pandas
  - numpy
  - matplotlib
  - scipy
  - scikit-learn
  - openpyxl
  - argparse
# 環境の作成
conda env create -f elisa_conc_calculation.yml

# 環境の有効化
conda activate elisa_analysis



import openpyxl
from openpyxl.drawing.image import Image
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy import stats
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, mean_squared_error
import argparse
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import json
import io

def setup_logging(output_dir, verbose):
    Set up logging configuration
    output_dir : Path
        Directory for log file output
    verbose : bool
        If True, set logging level to DEBUG
    logger : Logger
        Configured logger instance
    timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
    log_file = output_dir / f'analysis_log_{timestamp}.txt'
    logger = logging.getLogger('ELISA_Analysis')
    # Configure file handler
    fh = logging.FileHandler(log_file, encoding='utf-8')
    # Configure console handler
    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
    ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if verbose else logging.INFO)
    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
    return logger

def standardize_sample_names(sample_name):
    Standardize sample names by removing replicate indicators
    sample_name : str or int or float
        Sample name to standardize
        Standardized sample name
    import re
    if isinstance(sample_name, (int, float)):
        return str(int(sample_name))
    sample_name = str(sample_name).strip()
    patterns = [
    for pattern in patterns:
        match = re.match(pattern, sample_name)
        if match:
            return match.group(1)
    return sample_name

def validate_sample_names(sample_data):
    """Check consistency of sample names and return warnings"""
    warnings = []
    name_pairs = [(name, standardize_sample_names(name)) 
                 for name in sample_data['Sample']]
    similar_names = {}
    for orig_name, std_name in name_pairs:
        if std_name not in similar_names:
            similar_names[std_name] = []
    for std_name, orig_names in similar_names.items():
        if len(orig_names) > 1:
                f"Warning: Similar sample names detected: "
                f"{', '.join(orig_names)}"
                f" -> Will use '{std_name}' as unified name"
    return warnings

def four_pl(x, A, B, C, D):
    4-parameter logistic function
    x : array-like
        Input values
    A : float
        Maximum asymptote
    B : float
    C : float
    D : float
        Minimum asymptote
    return D + (A - D) / (1.0 + (x / C) ** B)

def five_pl(x, A, B, C, D, E):
    5-parameter logistic function
    Additional parameter E controls asymmetry
    return D + (A - D) / (1.0 + (x / C) ** B) ** E

def linear_regression(x, y):
    """Perform linear regression and return the function and coefficients"""
    coef = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
    return np.poly1d(coef), coef

def calculate_fit_metrics(y_true, y_pred, n_params):
    Calculate various metrics for evaluating the fit quality
        Contains R2, Adjusted R2, AIC, BIC, and RMSE values
    n = len(y_true)
    residuals = y_true - y_pred
    rss = np.sum(residuals**2)
    tss = np.sum((y_true - np.mean(y_true))**2)

    r2 = 1 - (rss/tss)
    adj_r2 = 1 - ((1-r2)*(n-1)/(n-n_params-1))
    aic = n * np.log(rss/n) + 2 * n_params
    bic = n * np.log(rss/n) + n_params * np.log(n)
    rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(residuals**2))
    return {
        'R2': r2,
        'Adjusted_R2': adj_r2,
        'AIC': aic,
        'BIC': bic,
        'RMSE': rmse

def get_initial_params(y_data, x_data):
    """Get initial parameters for 4PL and 5PL curve fitting"""
    A_init = np.max(y_data) * 1.05
    D_init = np.min(y_data) * 0.95
    B_init = 1.0
    mid_response = (A_init + D_init) / 2
    closest_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(y_data - mid_response))
    C_init = x_data[closest_idx]
    E_init = 1.0
    return {
        'A': A_init,
        'B': B_init,
        'C': C_init,
        'D': D_init,
        'E': E_init

def fit_curve(x_data, y_data, method, init_params=None, verbose=False):
    Fit curve using specified method
    method : str
        'linear', '4', or '5' for linear regression, 4PL, or 5PL respectively
        if method == 'linear':
            fit_func, coef = linear_regression(x_data, y_data)
            y_fit = fit_func(x_data)
            n_params = 2
            formula = f"y = {coef[0]:.4f}x + {coef[1]:.4f}"
            return fit_func, coef, y_fit, n_params, formula
        elif method == '4':
            bounds = ([0, 0.5, 0, 0], [np.inf, 10, np.inf, np.inf])
            p0 = [init_params['A'], init_params['B'], init_params['C'], init_params['D']]
            popt, pcov = curve_fit(four_pl, x_data, y_data, p0=p0, bounds=bounds, maxfev=50000)
            y_fit = four_pl(x_data, *popt)
            n_params = 4
            formula = f"y = {popt[3]:.4f} + ({popt[0]:.4f} - {popt[3]:.4f}) / (1 + (x/{popt[2]:.4f})^{popt[1]:.4f})"
            return four_pl, popt, y_fit, n_params, formula
            bounds = ([0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5], [np.inf, 10, np.inf, np.inf, 5])
            p0 = [init_params['A'], init_params['B'], init_params['C'], init_params['D'], init_params['E']]
            popt, pcov = curve_fit(five_pl, x_data, y_data, p0=p0, bounds=bounds, maxfev=50000)
            y_fit = five_pl(x_data, *popt)
            n_params = 5
            formula = f"y = {popt[3]:.4f} + ({popt[0]:.4f} - {popt[3]:.4f}) / (1 + (x/{popt[2]:.4f})^{popt[1]:.4f})^{popt[4]:.4f}"
            return five_pl, popt, y_fit, n_params, formula
    except RuntimeError as e:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Fitting failed: {str(e)}")

def inverse_fit_func(fit_func, absorbance, method, popt):
    """Calculate concentration from absorbance using the fitted function"""
    if method == 'linear':
        a, b = popt
        return (absorbance - b) / a
        def func_to_solve(conc):
            if method == '4':
                return four_pl(conc, *popt) - absorbance
            elif method == '5':
                return five_pl(conc, *popt) - absorbance
                raise ValueError(f"Unsupported method: {method}")

        x0 = 0.1 if absorbance <= 0 else 1.0
            concentration = fsolve(func_to_solve, x0=x0, full_output=True, xtol=1.49012e-8, maxfev=1000)
            if concentration[2] == 1:
                return float(concentration[0][0])
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to converge")
                concentration = fsolve(func_to_solve, x0=100.0, full_output=True)
                if concentration[2] == 1:
                    return float(concentration[0][0])
                    return np.nan
                return np.nan

def read_input_file(file_path, sheet_name=None):
    Read input file (Excel or CSV)
    file_path : str or Path
        Path to input file
    sheet_name : str, optional
        Sheet name for Excel files
        Data frame containing the input data
        File type ('excel' or 'csv')
    file_path = Path(file_path)
    file_type = 'excel' if file_path.suffix.lower() in ['.xlsx', '.xls'] else 'csv'
        if file_type == 'excel':
            df = pd.read_excel(file_path, sheet_name=sheet_name or 0)
            df = pd.read_csv(file_path)
        return df, file_type
    except Exception as e:
        raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to read input file: {str(e)}")

def process_standard_data(df):
    Process standard data and automatically determine number of replicates
    empty_row_idx = df.index[df.iloc[:, 1:].isna().all(axis=1)].min()
    standard_data = df.iloc[0:empty_row_idx, 1:].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
    n_replicates = len(standard_data)
    concentrations = df.columns[1:].astype(float)
    mean_values = standard_data.mean(axis=0)
    sd_values = standard_data.std(axis=0, ddof=1) if n_replicates > 1 else pd.Series(0, index=mean_values.index)
    se_values = sd_values / np.sqrt(n_replicates) if n_replicates > 1 else pd.Series(0, index=mean_values.index)
    return concentrations, mean_values, sd_values, se_values, n_replicates

def determine_best_fit(concentrations, mean_values, logger, verbose=False):
    Determine the best fitting method based on AIC and RMSE
    methods = ['linear', '4', '5']
    best_method = None
    best_metrics = None
    best_y_fit = None
    best_popt = None
    best_formula = ""
    best_fit_func = None
    for method in methods:
            init_params = get_initial_params(mean_values, concentrations) if method in ['4', '5'] else None
            fit_func, popt, y_fit, n_params, formula = fit_curve(concentrations, mean_values, method, init_params, verbose)
            metrics = calculate_fit_metrics(mean_values, y_fit, n_params)

            if best_metrics is None or metrics['AIC'] < best_metrics['AIC']:
                best_method = method
                best_metrics = metrics
                best_y_fit = y_fit
                best_popt = popt
                best_formula = formula
                best_fit_func = fit_func
            elif metrics['AIC'] == best_metrics['AIC'] and metrics['RMSE'] < best_metrics['RMSE']:
                best_method = method
                best_metrics = metrics
                best_y_fit = y_fit
                best_popt = popt
                best_formula = formula
                best_fit_func = fit_func

        except RuntimeError:
            logger.warning(f"Fitting failed for {method} method")
    return best_method, best_metrics, best_y_fit, best_popt, best_formula, best_fit_func

def process_sample_data(df, empty_row_idx, logger):
    Process sample data and automatically determine replicates
    from scipy import stats as scipy_stats
    sample_data = df.iloc[empty_row_idx+1:, [0, 1]].dropna()
    sample_data.columns = ['Sample', 'Absorbance']
    sample_data['Sample'] = sample_data['Sample'].astype(str)
    name_warnings = validate_sample_names(sample_data)
    for warning in name_warnings:
    sample_data['Original_Sample_Name'] = sample_data['Sample']
    sample_data['Sample'] = sample_data['Sample'].apply(standardize_sample_names)
    replicates_count = sample_data.groupby('Sample').size()
    result_stats = []
    for sample, group in sample_data.groupby('Sample'):
        original_names = group['Original_Sample_Name'].tolist()
        n = len(group)
        mean_abs = group['Absorbance'].mean()
        sd_abs = group['Absorbance'].std(ddof=1) if n > 1 else 0
        se_abs = sd_abs / np.sqrt(n) if n > 1 else 0
        if n > 1:
            t_value = scipy_stats.t.ppf(0.975, n-1)
            ci_95 = t_value * se_abs
            ci_95 = 0
        cv_percent = (sd_abs / mean_abs * 100) if n > 1 else 0
            'Sample': sample,
            'Absorbance_Mean': mean_abs,
            'Absorbance_SD': sd_abs,
            'Absorbance_SE': se_abs,
            'N': n,
            'CI_95': ci_95,
            'CV_Percent': cv_percent,
            'Original_Names': original_names
    return pd.DataFrame(result_stats)

def validate_data_quality(stats, cv_threshold=15):
    Check data quality and generate warnings
    stats : DataFrame
        Statistics for each sample
    cv_threshold : float
        CV threshold for warnings (percent)
    warnings = []
    high_cv_samples = stats[stats['CV_Percent'] > cv_threshold]
    if not high_cv_samples.empty:
        for _, row in high_cv_samples.iterrows():
                f"Warning: {row['Sample']} has CV of {row['CV_Percent']:.1f}% (threshold: {cv_threshold}%)"
    single_samples = stats[stats['N'] == 1]
    if not single_samples.empty:
        for _, row in single_samples.iterrows():
                f"Note: {row['Sample']} has only single measurement"
    return warnings

def create_and_save_plot(concentrations, mean_values, sd_values, sample_stats, 
                        fit_func, method, popt, formula, output_png_path, return_bytes=False):
    Create and save standard curve plot with sample data
    return_bytes : bool
        If True, returns the plot as bytes for Excel embedding
    bytes or None
        Plot as bytes if return_bytes is True, None otherwise
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
    plt.errorbar(concentrations, mean_values, yerr=sd_values, 
                fmt='o', label="Standards (mean ± SD)", 
                capsize=5, color='blue', markersize=8)
    x_vals = np.logspace(np.log10(min(concentrations)), np.log10(max(concentrations)), 500)
    if method == 'linear':
        plt.plot(x_vals, fit_func(x_vals), '-', label="Fitted Curve (Linear)", 
                color='red', linewidth=2)
        plt.plot(x_vals, fit_func(x_vals, *popt), '-', 
                label=f"Fitted Curve ({method}PL)", 
                color='red', linewidth=2)
    for _, row in sample_stats.iterrows():
        plt.errorbar(row['Concentration'], row['Absorbance_Mean'],
                    yerr=row['Absorbance_SD'] if row['N'] > 1 else None,
                    fmt='s', label=f"{row['Sample']} (n={row['N']})",
                    capsize=5, markersize=8)
    plt.text(0.05, 0.95, formula, transform=plt.gca().transAxes, 
            fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top',
            bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.8))
    plt.xlabel('Concentration', fontsize=12)
    plt.ylabel('Absorbance', fontsize=12)
    plt.title('Standard Curve with Sample Data', fontsize=14)
    plt.grid(True, which="both", ls="-", alpha=0.2)
    plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left', fontsize=10)
    # Save to file
    plt.savefig(output_png_path, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
    # If requested, also return as bytes
    if return_bytes:
        buffer = io.BytesIO()
        plt.savefig(buffer, format='png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
        return buffer.getvalue()
    return None

def save_results(output_path, sample_stats, metrics, formula, concentrations, 
                mean_values, sd_values, se_values, n_std_replicates, warnings, 
                fit_func, method, popt, output_png_path, file_type='excel'):
    Save analysis results to Excel/CSV file
    output_path = Path(output_path)
    if file_type == 'excel':
        workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()
        with pd.ExcelWriter(output_path, engine='openpyxl') as writer:
            # Sample analysis results
            results_df = sample_stats.copy()
            results_df['Original_Sample_Names'] = results_df['Original_Names'].apply(lambda x: ', '.join(x))
            results_df = results_df.drop(columns=['Original_Names'])
            results_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Analysis_Results", index=False)
            # Sample name mapping
            name_mapping_df = pd.DataFrame({
                'Standardized_Name': results_df['Sample'],
                'Original_Names': results_df['Original_Sample_Names']
            name_mapping_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Sample_Name_Mapping", index=False)
            # Standard data
            std_data = pd.DataFrame({
                'Concentration': concentrations,
                'Mean_Absorbance': mean_values,
                'SD': sd_values,
                'SE': se_values,
                'N': n_std_replicates
            std_data.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Standard_Data", index=False)
            # Fitting metrics
            metrics_df = pd.DataFrame({
                'Metric': ['R²', 'Adjusted R²', 'RMSE', 'AIC', 'BIC'],
                'Value': [metrics['R2'], metrics['Adjusted_R2'], 
                         metrics['RMSE'], metrics['AIC'], metrics['BIC']]
            metrics_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Fitting_Metrics", index=False)
            # Formula
            pd.DataFrame({'Formula': [formula]}).to_excel(writer, 
                sheet_name="Formula", index=False)
            # Warnings
            if warnings:
                pd.DataFrame({'Warnings': warnings}).to_excel(writer, 
                    sheet_name="Quality_Checks", index=False)
            # Add plot to a new sheet
            workbook = writer.book
            plot_sheet = workbook.create_sheet("Plot")
            # Generate plot
            plot_bytes = create_and_save_plot(
                concentrations, mean_values, sd_values, sample_stats,
                fit_func, method, popt, formula, output_png_path, return_bytes=True
            # Add image to Excel
            img = openpyxl.drawing.image.Image(io.BytesIO(plot_bytes))
            plot_sheet.add_image(img, 'A1')
            # Adjust column widths
            for ws in workbook.worksheets:
                for column in ws.columns:
                    max_length = 0
                    column = list(column)
                    for cell in column:
                            if len(str(cell.value)) > max_length:
                                max_length = len(str(cell.value))
                    adjusted_width = (max_length + 2)
                    ws.column_dimensions[column[0].column_letter].width = adjusted_width
        # CSV output (same as before)
        output_str = io.StringIO()
        # Write sample analysis results
        output_str.write("=== Analysis Results ===\n")
        results_df = sample_stats.copy()
        results_df['Original_Sample_Names'] = results_df['Original_Names'].apply(lambda x: ', '.join(x))
        results_df = results_df.drop(columns=['Original_Names'])
        results_df.to_csv(output_str, index=False)
        # Write standard data
        output_str.write("\n=== Standard Data ===\n")
        std_data = pd.DataFrame({
            'Concentration': concentrations,
            'Mean_Absorbance': mean_values,
            'SD': sd_values,
            'SE': se_values,
            'N': n_std_replicates
        std_data.to_csv(output_str, index=False)
        # Write fitting metrics
        output_str.write("\n=== Fitting Metrics ===\n")
        metrics_str = (
            f"R²: {metrics['R2']:.6f}\n"
            f"Adjusted R²: {metrics['Adjusted_R2']:.6f}\n"
            f"RMSE: {metrics['RMSE']:.6e}\n"
            f"AIC: {metrics['AIC']:.6f}\n"
            f"BIC: {metrics['BIC']:.6f}\n"
        # Write formula
        output_str.write("\n=== Formula ===\n")
        output_str.write(formula + "\n")
        # Write warnings
        if warnings:
            output_str.write("\n=== Quality Checks ===\n")
        # Save to file
        with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:

def process_data_and_calculate_conc(file_path, sheet_name, output_path, method, logger, verbose=False):
    """Main function to process ELISA data and calculate concentrations"""
        # Prepare text file for storing calculation process
        output_dir = Path(output_path).parent
        timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
        calculation_log_path = output_dir / f'calculation_process_{timestamp}.txt'
        # Function to record calculation process
        def log_to_file(message):
            with open(calculation_log_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        # Record header information
        log_to_file("=" * 80)
        log_to_file(f"ELISA Analysis Calculation Process")
        log_to_file(f"Analysis started at: {timestamp}")
        log_to_file(f"Input file: {file_path}")
        log_to_file(f"Fitting method: {method}")
        log_to_file("=" * 80 + "\n")

        logger.info(f"Starting analysis: {file_path}")
        log_to_file("1. Reading input data...")
        # Read data
        df, file_type = read_input_file(file_path, sheet_name)
        # Process standard data
        log_to_file("\n2. Processing standard data:")
        concentrations, mean_values, sd_values, se_values, n_std_replicates = process_standard_data(df)
        # Record standard data details
        log_to_file("\nStandard data summary:")
        for conc, mean, sd, se in zip(concentrations, mean_values, sd_values, se_values):
            log_to_file(f"Concentration {conc:8.3f}: Mean = {mean:.4f}, SD = {sd:.4f}, SE = {se:.4f}")
        # Fitting process
        log_to_file("\n3. Curve fitting:")
        if method == 'auto':
            log_to_file("\nPerforming automatic method selection...")
            method, metrics, y_fit, popt, formula, fit_func = determine_best_fit(
                concentrations, mean_values, logger, verbose)
            log_to_file(f"Selected method: {method}")
            log_to_file(f"\nUsing specified method: {method}")
            init_params = get_initial_params(mean_values, concentrations) if method in ['4', '5'] else None
            if init_params:
                log_to_file("\nInitial parameters:")
                for param, value in init_params.items():
                    log_to_file(f"  {param}: {value:.6f}")
            fit_func, popt, y_fit, n_params, formula = fit_curve(
                concentrations, mean_values, method, init_params, verbose)
            metrics = calculate_fit_metrics(mean_values, y_fit, n_params)
        # Record fitting results
        log_to_file("\n4. Fitting results:")
        log_to_file(f"Method: {method}")
        log_to_file(f"Formula: {formula}")
        log_to_file(f"  R² = {metrics['R2']:.6f}")
        log_to_file(f"  Adjusted R² = {metrics['Adjusted_R2']:.6f}")
        log_to_file(f"  RMSE = {metrics['RMSE']:.6e}")
        log_to_file(f"  AIC = {metrics['AIC']:.6f}")
        log_to_file(f"  BIC = {metrics['BIC']:.6f}")

        # Process sample data
        empty_row_idx = df.index[df.iloc[:, 1:].isna().all(axis=1)].min()
        log_to_file("\n5. Processing sample data:")
        sample_stats = process_sample_data(df, empty_row_idx, logger)
        # Calculate concentrations
        log_to_file("\n6. Calculating concentrations:")
        sample_stats['Concentration'] = sample_stats['Absorbance_Mean'].apply(
            lambda x: inverse_fit_func(fit_func, x, method, popt)
        # Calculate concentration statistics
        for stat in ['SD', 'SE']:
            stat_col = f'Absorbance_{stat}'
            if stat_col in sample_stats.columns:
                sample_stats[f'Concentration_{stat}'] = sample_stats.apply(
                    lambda row: (
                        inverse_fit_func(fit_func, row['Absorbance_Mean'] + row[stat_col], method, popt) -
                        inverse_fit_func(fit_func, row['Absorbance_Mean'] - row[stat_col], method, popt)
                    ) / 2,
        if 'Absorbance_SE' in sample_stats.columns:
            sample_stats['Concentration_CI_95'] = sample_stats.apply(
                lambda row: (
                    inverse_fit_func(fit_func, row['Absorbance_Mean'] + row['CI_95'], method, popt) -
                    inverse_fit_func(fit_func, row['Absorbance_Mean'] - row['CI_95'], method, popt)
                ) / 2 if row['N'] > 1 else np.nan,
        # Record sample results
        log_to_file("\nSample results:")
        for _, row in sample_stats.iterrows():
            log_to_file(f"\nSample: {row['Sample']}")
            log_to_file(f"  Absorbance: {row['Absorbance_Mean']:.4f} ± {row['Absorbance_SD']:.4f}")
            log_to_file(f"  Calculated concentration: {row['Concentration']:.4f}")
        # Data quality check
        warnings = validate_data_quality(sample_stats)
        if warnings:
            log_to_file("\n7. Quality warnings:")
            for warning in warnings:
                log_to_file(f"  {warning}")
        # Create plot
        plot_png_path = Path(output_path).with_suffix('.png')
        log_to_file("\n8. Creating plots and saving results...")
            concentrations, mean_values, sd_values, sample_stats,
            fit_func, method, popt, formula, plot_png_path
        # Save results
            output_path, sample_stats, metrics, formula,
            concentrations, mean_values, sd_values, se_values,
            n_std_replicates, warnings, fit_func, method, popt,
            plot_png_path, file_type=file_type
        # Completion message
        log_to_file("\n" + "=" * 80)
        log_to_file("Analysis completed successfully")
        log_to_file(f"Results saved to: {output_path}")
        log_to_file(f"Plot saved to: {plot_png_path}")
        log_to_file(f"Calculation process log saved to: {calculation_log_path}")
        log_to_file("=" * 80)
        logger.info("\nAnalysis completed")
        logger.info(f"Results file: {output_path}")
        logger.info(f"Plot image: {plot_png_path}")
        logger.info(f"Calculation log: {calculation_log_path}")
        return len(sample_stats)
    except Exception as e:
        error_msg = f"Error occurred during processing: {str(e)}"
        log_to_file(f"\nERROR: {error_msg}")

def main():
    """Main entry point"""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ELISA Analysis Tool')
    parser.add_argument('--input', '-i', required=True, help='Input Excel/CSV file')
    parser.add_argument('--sheet', '-s', help='Sheet name (for Excel files)')
    parser.add_argument('--method', '-m', choices=['4', '5', 'linear', 'auto'], 
                       default='4', help='Fitting method (4: 4PL, 5: 5PL, linear, auto)')
    parser.add_argument('--output', '-o', help='Output file path (default: results_[input_name].[xlsx/csv])')
    parser.add_argument('--output-format', '-f', choices=['excel', 'csv'], 
                       help='Output format (default: same as input)')
    parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help='Display detailed output')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    input_path = Path(args.input)
    # Determine input and output formats
    input_format = 'excel' if input_path.suffix.lower() in ['.xlsx', '.xls'] else 'csv'
    output_format = args.output_format or input_format
    # Set default output path if not specified
    if not args.output:
        output_suffix = '.xlsx' if output_format == 'excel' else '.csv'
        output_path = input_path.parent / f'results_{input_path.stem}{output_suffix}'
        output_path = Path(args.output)
    logger = setup_logging(input_path.parent, args.verbose)

        num_samples = process_data_and_calculate_conc(
            args.input, args.sheet, output_path, args.method, logger, args.verbose
        logger.info(f"Processing completed: analyzed {num_samples} samples")
        return 0
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error occurred: {str(e)}")
        return 1

if __name__ == '__main__':


elisa_conc_calculation.py --help                
usage: elisa_conc_calculation.py [-h] --input INPUT [--method {4,5,linear,auto}] [--verbose]

usage: standard_curve_analysis.py [-h] --input INPUT [--sheet SHEET]
                                [--method {4,5,linear,auto}] [--output OUTPUT]
                                [--output-format {excel,csv}] [--verbose]

Standard Curve Analysis Tool

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT, -i INPUT
                        Input Excel/CSV file
  --sheet SHEET, -s SHEET
                        Sheet name (for Excel files)
  --method {4,5,linear,auto}, -m {4,5,linear,auto}
                        Fitting method (4: 4PL, 5: 5PL, linear, auto)
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file path (default: results_[input_name].[xlsx/csv])
  --output-format {excel,csv}, -f {excel,csv}
                        Output format (default: same as input)
  --verbose, -v         Display detailed output       Display detailed output

# Basic usage with 4PL fitting (default)
python elisa_conc_calculation.py -i "path/to/data.xlsx"

# Use 5PL fitting
python elisa_conc_calculation.py -i "path/to/data.xlsx" -m 5

# Use linear regression
python elisa_conc_calculation.py -i "path/to/data.xlsx" -m linear

# Auto-select best fitting method
python elisa_conc_calculation.py -i "path/to/data.xlsx" -m auto

# Show detailed output
python elisa_conc_calculation.py -i "path/to/data.xlsx" -v





