


  1. 短期的な損得ばかり考える人は信用できない

  2. 信用は資産。知識や人間関係も含まれる無形の財産。

  3. 自信が無形資産を増やす鍵

  4. 全力で取り組むことが信頼を生む

  5. 会社に依存せず、個人としての信用を築く

  6. 貯金だけでは信用は増えない。お金をどう使うかが大事。

  7. 助ける価値がある人と思わせることが信頼に繋がる。

  8. 態度は一貫させる。人によって変えない。

  9. 「誰が」より「何を」言っているかが重要

  10. 資格よりも行動が信頼を築く

  11. 異分野の掛け合わせで新しい価値を生み出す

  12. 謝罪は素早く、行動で補う

  13. シンプルに考えられる人が賢い

  14. 好き嫌いを明確にする人が人に好かれる

  15. 成功体験を基に自信を築く

  16. 自己投資が信用と成功に繋がる

  17. 本当の信用は目に見えない価値から生まれる

  18. 時間を奪う人は信用を失う

  19. 面白さやチャンスを逃さないことが重要

Basic Rules for Trust and Credibility

  1. Don't trust those who only think short-term.

  2. Trust is an asset, including intangible assets like knowledge and relationships.

  3. Confidence is key to increasing intangible assets.

  4. Putting in full effort builds trust.

  5. Don't rely on a company's reputation; build personal credibility.

  6. Saving money alone doesn’t increase trust; how you use it matters.

  7. Make others see you as worth helping to earn trust.

  8. Keep your behavior consistent; don't change it based on who you're with.

  9. What’s said is more important than who says it.

  10. Action builds more credibility than qualifications.

  11. Create value by combining different fields.

  12. Apologize quickly and make up for mistakes with actions.

  13. True wisdom is found in simplicity.

  14. People like those who are clear about their likes and dislikes.

  15. Build confidence from past successes.

  16. Self-investment leads to trust and success.

  17. Real trust comes from invisible values.

  18. Taking others' time leads to losing trust.

  19. Embrace opportunities and prioritize what’s interesting.
