見えない線 / An Invisible Line
日本人でないと打ち明けると、たいていの中国人は、わたしの中国語があまりにも稚拙なことを不思議がる。台湾出身なら君も中国人にちがいないのに、その程度の中国語しか話せないの? と言う。
小説家。1980年台北生まれ。3歳のときから東京で暮らす。2016年、『台湾生まれ 日本語育ち』(白水社、のち白水Uブックス)で第64回日本エッセイスト・クラブ賞受賞。著書に、『真ん中の子どもたち』(集英社)、『空港時光』(河出書房新社)、『「国語」から旅立って』(新曜社)、『魯肉飯のさえずり』(中央公論新社)など。
An Invisible Line
By Wen Yuju
Translated by Yumiko Koizumi
I’m not Japanese. I am Taiwanese. I was born in Taiwan to Taiwanese parents. I am a Taiwanese person who has lived only in Japan since I was a child.
When I was a child and flew with my parents to return to Taiwan, I never failed to look outside, pressing my forehead against the window. A sea of clouds. I would like to walk upon the carpet of clouds. I have dreamed such a dream.
When there were no clouds, there was the sea.
Staring at the surface of the sea reflecting rays of sunlight, I was always seeking. Well, I believed in earnest it would be visible.
It was a borderline that I sought, pressing my forehead against the plane’s window.
A line distinguishing between Japan and Taiwan.
It was always strange. Getting on a plane, spending a few hours, and then landing, I found “the world” absolutely changed.
Smell, color, taste, and language.
The language I used in Japan turned out to be unavailable in Taiwan. And vice versa.
Perhaps I crossed the line during the flight, so when I got off the plane, an unfamiliar world began.
Unfolding a map, the line is drawn upon the sea. Because of that, I often thought I would like to see “the line” with my eyes that distinguished these two nations. Of course, I never did.
At some point, I came to think as follows:
“The national border” that our eyes cannot see seems to lie not only on the outside of me, but also on the inside.
Japan and Taiwan. Taiwan and Japan.
Even though I was born Taiwanese, I have lived where everyone except me is Japanese, so I have come to feel as if I am Japanese, too.
apanese people tend to think that most people who live in Japan are Japanese, like them. They also think I’m a kind of Japanese, unless I dare say I am not.
There isn’t any trouble. Rather, I tend to forget, in my dairy life, that I’m not Japanese.
Probably because of that, I sometimes become unsure about the boundary.
I once presented myself as a Taiwanese person who was almost Japanese, or a paper foreigner, by naming myself after a paper driver.
Coming of age, I met people who want to say I’m Chinese, not Taiwanese or Japanese, for the first time.
They were all Chinese.
I was a student who attended a Japanese university, and stayed in Shanghai, China, to study the language.
Even though I’m almost Japanese, I’m still Taiwanese.
In junior high school, I secretly thought I would like to speak Chinese better, as my parents did. This language would have been my “mother tongue” if I had grown up in Taiwan, where I was born. But I was not good at Chinese. At least, I couldn’t use it as naturally as Japanese.
When I was twenty years old, I wandered the complicated roads of Shanghai, thinking there was no one who understood Japanese.
As I secretly looked at them, they sometimes looked at me with faces that said they were thinking this girl must be Japanese.
— No, I’m not. I’m from Taiwan.
When I confessed that I was not Japanese, most Chinese people wondered why my Chinese was so poor; I should have been Chinese if I came from Taiwan; why couldn’t I use Chinese to such an extent?
Smell, color, taste, and language.
Shanghai resembles Taiwan in my memories. At least, it resembles Taiwan more than Tokyo, where I grew up.
I didn’t know.
Chinese people consider Taiwan to be part of their nation; there is no line.
For them, I’m Chinese, too.
I have always thought that I’m a kind of Japanese, but at the bottom of my heart, I have felt I am Taiwanese as well.
In addition, I’m Chinese.
When on earth did I cross the line again?
Later, I visited a fashionable salon in Shanghai. It was one of the foreign concessions, where there were many Western buildings that Europeans built in rush a hundred years ago.
There, I was waiting for a man with clearer skin than me to change my hair color as I wanted. It didn’t matter whether artificial gold hair would fit me or not. I was just bored with my black hair.
After having my hair dyed gold on an impulse, I felt cool. Most Chinese, Taiwanese, and Japanese people don’t have such a hair color. For this reason, I was able to misunderstand that I could be free from myself.
※Yumiko Koizumi: A post-doctoral scholar (American poetry).