
【Metalfoes】 Masterduel

This article is an introduction to 【Metalfoes】deck and its detailed explanation. Some parts contain so detailed information. If you are not interested in the detail, go on to Chapter 2.
All of this article obeys MasterDuel's card pool and regulation.
The original version of this article is written in Japanese ( https://note.com/crazy4_thegirls/n/n60969bfb320d ). Almost all of differences are from lack of my English skills.

0. Notational conventions

XXX means Metalfoes XXX. Fusion means Metalfoes Fusion. FullFusion and ParaFusion mean Fullmetalfoes Fusion and Parametalfoes Fusion respectively. I use simply Metalfoes to express Metalfoes monsuters with their common P effect. I abbriviate names already appered. Especially, Maxx "C" and Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring are abbriviated "C" and Ash respectively.

1. Deck list and Summary

1-1. Deck list

Deck lists

Monster Cards
3x Metalfoes Steelen
3x Metalfoes Silverd
2x Metalfoes Goldriver
2x Metalfoes Volflame
2x Magicians' Souls
3x Maxx "C"
3x Baobaboon
3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3x Raremetalfoes Bismugear
1x Astrograph Sorcerer
3x Parametalfoes Melcaster
1x Metalfoes Vanisher
1x Illusion of Chaos

Spell Cards
1x Harpie's Feather Duster
1x Metalfoes Fusion
1x Triple Tactics Talent
1x Fullmetalfoes Fusion
2x Parametalfoes Fusion

Trap Cards
1x Metalfoes Counter
2x Metalfoes Combination

Extra Deck
1x Fullmetalfoes Alkahest
2x Metalfoes Mithrilium
1x Metalfoes Orichalc
1x Parametalfoes Azortless
1x Number 3: Cicada King
1x The Phantom Knights of Break Sword
1x Linkuriboh
1x Heavymetalfoes Electrumite
1x Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
1x Beyond the Pendulum
1x Knightmare Unicorn
1x Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
1x Accesscode Talker
1x Underworld Goddess of the Closed World

1-2. Summary

The most important sentence is, "Never be greedy. Your 1st goal is Alkahest, if possible using FullFusion".

You should play with the following rules.
(i) If you're going first, your goal is "Mithrilium, FullFusion, Counter or/and Combination",
(ii) If you're going second, your goal is OTK with pendulum/link summon, or preparation to win at the 4th turn (the latter requires a similar goal with (i)),
(iii) At all stages, you must prepare to act at the next turn, especially by making Mithrilium control the numbers of Metalfoes cards in your deck and GY,
(iv) The minimum goal is "Mithrilium and FullFusion (+ normal monsters)" or "Alkahest", even if your Electrumite is negated.

2. Short explanation

2-1. Basic concepts

Your slogan is, "No overactions, the goal is Alkahest by FullFusion. Never forget to stock some type of resources". More clearly, the ideal board consits of the following,
(i) Mithrilium, FullFusion, Counter and Combination on your field,
(ii) Electrumite in your Ex deck, and
(iii) Normal monsters and Metalfoes in your hand.

Typical example for the ideal board is the following.

After you destory Baobaboon, you have 4 Metalfoes
Electrumite brings Astrograph
Summon Mithrilium via ParaFusion (Here Electrumite brings Souls but ignore that or regard as a meaningless card)
After destorying Astrograph (here by Steelen), be sure to keep one normal monster in your hand by using Mithrilium effect (Remark that if you have one more targeted card, you act much more by bouncing Astrograph)

Why do you have to make such board? Even if you make overactions with many cards, you cannot make any winning board only with Metalfoes. You should make a strategy to get the game with mild actions and middle speed. Since Metalfoes are good at reserving advantages at Ex deck constantly, you should use one or two turns to prepare for winning, and after that make a big action to finish the game.
Of course you never survive with no disturbance. Alkahest is your only monsuter to directly disturb your opponent's play. The above goal reflects your strategy, "survive by using Alkahest and Counter (+ Vanisher), and make action at the next turn". (The reason why you should avoid Fusion summoning Alkahest directly is written in 3-1.)

2-2. Baobaboon and Magicians' Souls

Considering the basic concept, I picked two monsters, Baobaboon to avoid worse conditions, and Magicians' Souls to make better conditions. Both can increases Metalfoes in your hand, which stabilize this list only with 17 Metalfoes (to be honest, it's not enough many).

About Baobaboon
Its main roles are the following,
(i) to get Metalfoes S/T back to your deck,
(ii) to be a target of Metalfoes' pendulum effect,
(iii) to be a Xyz/Link materials.
All you have to do is summon and destroy it by Metalfoes' effects. (i),(ii), and (iii) help you to avoid your worse hands and fields. This is consistent with our basic concept. For example, imagine that you have one Baobaboon, only one Metalfoes and other cards (non-Metalfoes) in your hand. Even in that situation, you can change three cards by Baobaboons' effect. If that gives you "C" or Ash, you'd have a good chance to win. 2nd and 3rd trade are to be done after removing three undesirbre cards (two Baobaboon and one Metalfoes S/T) from your deck, which improves the quality of the trading. As for (iii), the best choice is Cicada King / Break Sword in the 1st / 2nd turn. Cicada King can simply restrict the opponent's play. Break Sword can destroy Combination (set when destroying Baobaboon) to add one more Metalfoes.

About Magicians's Souls
Its main role is so simple. It sends Combination or Fusion to draw. Each of Combination and Fusion gives one card in your hand when sent to the GY (Combination has to be sent from the field), which means they are very good partners of Souls. They add Metalfoe(s) in your hand, which arises Electrumite play and later actions. Even if the opponent uses Ash against Souls, you can activate Combination and/or Fusion to add card(s). It's very important that you can use such effect with less dangerous of Ash. If the opponent uses Infinite Impermanence, you should be grad to reduce the possibility of Electrumite's being negated (from my experience, some use Impermanence for Souls to prevent the draw, and some don't use, so as to negate a future Electrumite). The cost is Illusion of Chaos. You should normal summon Souls when you have no costs but Astrograph.

3. Detailed explanation

As mentioned above, your main goal is Alkahest. But you should not summon this monster at the 1st turn. If you do that, the opponent can easily negate the Alkahest by Impermanence or some simple decoys. If possible, you should summon on the opponent's turn via FullFusion using Mithrilium as a Fusion material.

3-1. Why do you have to spend one more card to summon Mithrilium?

That play makes the following advantages.
(i) You can get Electrumite and Metalfoes S/T back to your deck by Mithrilium's effect.
They are very important elements for your next play. This is essential.
(ii) You can activate Mithrilium's effect (to reborn a Metalfoes P monster).
If you already use Bismugear or Melcaster at the first turn, you could add one Metalfoes by reborning one of the two.
(iii) Alkahest will get a resistence against decoys.
Of course Alkahest sleeps in your Ex deck, the opponent cannot use Impermanence to her. If Alkahest lies on the board, the opponent can target by many cards (including Impermanence, Knightmares or any other typical cards). But the opponent has to target Mithrilium when you fusion summon Mithrilium at the 1st turn, and you can chain FullFusion to avoid that.
(iv) You can reduce the damage from Nibiru, the Primal Being.
After you Link summon Electrumite (via minimum play), you should use its and Astrograph's effect. That means you may meet Nibiru after the next summon. Imagine that you Fusion summon Alkahest and the opponent uses Nibiru. You lose Alkahest and Electrumite in your Ex deck. The later means you cannot play Electrumite at the 3rd turn. That condition leads you to your lose. On the other hand, imagine that you Fusion summon Mithrilium (via ParaFusion). Even if the opponent uses Nibiru, you can reborn a Metalfoes monster which can be used as a Fusion summon at the next turn. Moreover, if the opponent doesn't use Nibiru just after Fusion summon, you can get Electrumite back to your Ex deck, which means you can play him at the 3rd turn. And you can Fusion summon Alkahest (via FullFusion) using Primal Being Token (normal monster), it's important. From advantageous site, the opponent doesn't tend to activate Nibiru just after the Fusion summon, because he/she thinks, "It's clearly not the end of play, and it's not just near to Apollousa". So you tend to succeed to get Electrumite back to the Ex deck.

3-2. When you have less than three Metalfoes.

3-3. Plays at middle stages

Anytime you should make Mithrilium control the number of Metalfoes cards in your deck and Ex deck, in order to constantly activate Metalfoes' pendulum effect. To succeed that, sometimes you have to return the 1st Mithrilium (not Electrumite) to the Ex deck by the 2nd Mithrilium's effect.

3-4. Combination v.s. Counter

Select Combination when you are faced with at least one of the following situation.

(o) Middle stages (after the 2nd or 3rd turn),
(i) You can quickly send Combinations (by Souls or Break Sword),
(ii) You can do nothing (with 2 or less Metalfores in your hand),
(iii) You can achieve the minumum requirement (Mithrilium and FullFusion) but you have no future Metalfoes.

As for (ii) and (iii), never forget that you have to prepare for play after the 3rd turn. In order to make a winning board after surviving 2nd turn, act for future Metalfoes.
If you are not faced with any of (o)-(iii), select Counter.

3-4' Importance of Counter

Remember that the result of the 2nd turn decides whether you win. In detail, one typical winning condition is, "You survive the opponent's actoin at the 2nd turn and preserve Pendulum scales and/or Combination(s)". If you achieve that, your winning is near to you. If not, your lose is. In order to achieve that, Counter plays really imortant roles. It is a defence card and resourse stock in the next turn. Never forget that Vanisher's ATK 2900 leads you to OTK with Accesscode. So if you already see future Metalfoes without Combination (e.g. you destroyed Bismugear, you have many Metalfoes in your hand after Souls), select Counter.

4. About cards in the list and not in

4-0. The number of Metalfoes Pendulum monsters

8/9 Metalfoes with scale 1/8. They occupy one-fourth of the main deck, so it's expected that you have two of them in your first hand. This number (17) is almost the least limitation since you can do nothing with only one Metalfoes. In fact the effective number is a little more because Baobaboon and Souls could bring them.

4-1. Baobaboon v.s. Rescue Rabbit

Someone like to use Rescue Rabbit in Metalfoes decks. Baobaboon and Rabbit have some common characters. That is, they require Normal summon (basically) and they bring two new monsters. Let's compare them. Considering the basic concept, Baobaboon has two advantages. (i) Rabbit can make a big chance but make a big danger. More comcretely, it's very sensitive to "C" and Ash. In other words, Rabbit is a card of high risk and high return. On the other hand, as mentioned above Baobaboon is a card to reduce the dangerous situation. Baobaboon understands the basic concept so much. (ii) Baobaboon is better at reacting to Ash and "C". As for Ash, it's so clear. If the opponent uses Ash to Rabbit, you get nothing. But for Baobaboon, if to its 1st effect, you lose nothing (but one oppotunity to replace a card). To its 2nd effect, you lose two future Baobaboons but it already works as a target of a Metalfoes' pendulum effect and one replacement of your hand. Of course the damage is smaller than to Rabbit. As for "C", Baobaboon is enough weak to "C". But it's a little better than Rabbit. As you know, you can change three cards even if "C" hits Baobaboon's 2nd effect. Moreover you can use two Baobaboons for both of blockers and targets of a Metalfoes pendulum effects. In my sense, Rabbit uses are "forced to react" to the situation after "C" hits, but Baobaboon users are not. Roughly speaking, Baobaboon uses have right to choose plays after "C" hits.

4-2. About Called by the Grave and Crossout Designator

Their main role is to stronger your plays, which is opposite to the basic concept.

4-3. About Triple Tactics Talent

It's one of my favorite cards. Imagine the situation after the opponent uses "C" against your Baobaboon. (i) When you can set FullFusion, you can use the effect on hand to weaken the opponent's move. (ii) When you can't set FullFusion, you can draw to seek the next cards. In addition, its drawing effect is very powerful if the opponent uses "C" just after your pendulum scale setting, or when you have less Metalfoes in your hands.

4-4. About Mithrilium

One of the most important monster. You have to avoid exhaust all Mithriliums, since she is an essential element to control the number of Metalfoes and control the board. You have to be careful about Called by the Grave against Mithrilium. If the opponent successes to activate Called by the Grave against your 1st Mithrilium, your 2nd one is also negated, which is fatal. To overcome such crisis, you could empire one more Mithtilium. From the site of one shot kill, it has a role to return a FullFusion to your hand to use that at the turn. It's useful when you want to add monsters on the board avoiding Nibiru.

4-5. About Orichalc

He has mainly two roles. The one is to finish the game. He gives all Metalfoes the Double-Piercing effect, which could easily finish the game. The other is to activate Combination to reborn Mithrilium. This play allows you to avoid using the 2nd (last) Mithrilium. If your opponent' deck is sensitive to destruction, you can summon Orichalc just after 1st Mithrilium (at the 1st turn) in order to use his destroying effect when fusion summoning Alkahest.

4-6. Azortless

It is difficult to summon. You should not aggressively use this monster. But I have to tell you that Azortless has two very important roles.
(i) It can activate Combination to reborn Mithrilium. Moreover, if you use Mithrilium as a Fusion material, you can reborn that Mithrilium by the Combination. This makes one of the most biggest impacts, that is, you can destroy one card your opponent controls (Azortless's effect), you can reborn one Metalfoes Pendulum monster (Mithrilium's effect), and reborn the Mithrilium (Combination's effect). This gives you great advantages. You can realize this when you don't use FullFusion for Alkahest after your desired 1st turn, or when you have ParaFusion in your hand and Mithrilium on your field at the 3rd turn.
(ii) It acts as a Link material for Electrumite. Especially, you can summon Electrumite just after you fusion summon Azortless using Mithrilium as a Fusion material. Since you can activate the Mithrilium's effect to reborn one Pendulum monster. This is one way to summon Electrumite before your Pendulum summon. But you should avoid this at the 1st turn because this yield some bad futures. It's useful you you're going second, or if you play to win at the 3rd turn (when you are a 1st player).

4-7. Link monsters

Select useful and strong ones. One important clause is Link Arrow for Pendulum summon. The next is your favor.

(i) Apollousa
For the last turn, especially before Pendulum summon. It points zones for P summon and can negate Nibiru before your P summon. Not for your first turn. That is fragile.

(ii) Accesscode
For the last turn, especially after Pendulum summon. Unicorn and Mithrilium (and a monster regenerated by Mithrilium) are the most appropriate materials.

(iii) Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
Anti-tough monster. Appropriate materials are Electrumite, Astrograph, someone, plus opponent's monster, or Hiita, Ash (by Hiita), someone plus opponent's monster. One alternative is Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax.

(iv) Knightmare Unicorn
Strong and useful. I want to use also Phoenix. In fact, I did before I picked Beyond the Pendulum

(v) Beyond the Pendulum
It improves the quality of Pendulum summon. Use Souls and Bismugear (normal summoned or reborn by Mithrilium's effect) as materials.

(vi) Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
For arrows. Moreover it steals opponent's Ash to increase Link Rating. One alternative is I:P Masquerena.

(vii) Linkuriboh
From Souls or Bismugear. It has one important role. It forces opponent to attack it, which make Counter stronger. In detail, you can ignore to use Linkuriboh's effect to destroy that. You (relatively) safely can activate Vanisher's effect in Damage step.

5. Negative information

5-1. Many weak points

Most Pendulum decks have common weak points. In these days, some such cards are alive, e.g. Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder, Cosmic Cyclone, Solemns. They are often used not only as anti-Pendulum. It unintentionally kills Pendulums, to be sad. This deck is sensitive to such disturbance, because of its basis concept. It is also ruined by effects which vanish cards in your GY. They can destroy the concept of "Metalfoes" by vanishing Metalfoes Spell/Traps.

5-2. Weak hands

It "sometimes" makes vanity games. Imagine that you have only one or two Pendulums without Baobaboon or Souls. All you can do is to set Combination, which takes you to your lose. This is one of essential weak points of Metalfoes, since they force you to use many Metalfoes Spell/Traps.

6. Sample plays

You can watch some replays on my youtube channel ( https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX44RHVtmboeHqw8VrQxn7MR9UDFIkiXi ). Remark that they are Japanese replays. This channel is only for such replays. And I have no idea about when and whether I upload replays (because now I rarely use Metalfoes in Rank match). I often use in Event duels, so I might upload when an event runs (of course they are for the event regulations).

7. Thank you

Thank you for your reading. Metalfoes has a rich scarability. This is one of the best characters I think. This deck list strongly depends on my favor and belief. But of course you can make other lists or concepts far from mine, based on your favor and belief. I see someone study lists which have "high celling" from the view point of swarming. For example Mr. あんだる is one of the best researcher such types, I believe. If you are interested in him, I recommend getting access his articles ( https://note.com/andal_metal ).

Anyway, really thank you. I hope you enjoy your own Metalfoes life!
