【陰謀系MV】Paper Nation ~世界は腐敗し、崩されていく


・5/15 スロバキア首相襲撃
・5/19 コンゴ、クーデタ未遂に、米国人関与
・5/20 イラン大統領のヘリコプター墜落事故:アゼルバイジャンのバクーに米軍機がいたことが確認されています。3機中、要人をのせたヘリだけが墜落したことから、濃霧を発生させる装置が使用されたことや、無人ドローンで指向性エネルギー兵器が使われたのではと陰謀論者の間で噂が飛び交っています。


We have pure imagination.
They have books for masturbation.
We have resolution.
They have bombs to sink a nation.
And maybe that's why the nation's falling.
Maybe that's why the earth is calling.
Maybe that's why the nation's falling down just a little bit more.
The bridge is burning.
Separate the people.
We wouldn't need a revolution if we had a chance to heal.
So ding dong, the nation's falling.
Ding dong, the earth is calling.
Ding Dong, your nation is falling down.
We are the people,
the nation is paper,
and if the nation's burning then the people brought it down.
Place all the blame on the same set of names,
but the mother fucker's burning and it's us that brought it down.
Consciousness and Fame-God-Money-Power.
We share the view through the window to the soul.
I can see by the light we're about to lose control.
And maybe it's for the best this time around.
