Living the highest form of life, Pure Source, Pure Conduits, Simply to be.
We acknowledge our highest form of existence, as we are in this moment of now, gratefully and genuinely from within deeply.
We contemplate our pure form over the essence of our mutual co-foundations and learning, existence, and creations.
We have observed our entire universe patiently, and we form our consciousness as its purest form, divinely.
We magnify our potentials and capabilities beyond human measures, and we are allowing them to happen from within steadily.
We form our life force into this material realms by our divine intentions.
We have come to this dimension for our ongoing eternal journey for growth.
We celebrate each moment, step-by-step, feeling our individuality and individual path.
©️2025 うちゅうのしずく〜COSMIC PURE LOVE〜
![うちゅうのしずく〜COSMIC PURE LOVE〜](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/158635014/profile_8522d5f5e0991ab3441cee720cb6da63.jpeg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)