









例文に当てはめるスタイルにしてから→①…当てはめて書いた文章 ②…自分でプラスα書きたくて書いた例文で間違っていた箇所の訂正文)


① I'll meet a friend after noon. We make schedule of Hokkaido travel when we are going to go this summer. It's so exciting!

②I'm going to meet my friend in the evening. We'll make plans for our trip to Hokkaido this summer.

(willとbe going to ってどう使い分けるんだっけ→次の記事で調べる。/旅行ってtravelじゃなくてtripなのね、どう使い分けるんだろう/計画だからscheduleじゃなくてplanか!)


① I am so tired when I got up this morning. my sister stay home too. we  went to super market near the our house. I am so happy for talked anything with my sister. I meet my boyfriend tomorrow. I'll think for beautiful tomorrow. 

②I've been tired since I woke up. My sister is at home ,too. We went to the super market near our house. I'm happy to be able to talk to my sister about many things. I'll see my boyfriend tomorrow. I think tomorrow will be a beautiful day.

(起きた、はwoke upか/〜からずっとはsinceなのね。whenは〜している、していた時っていう明確な時刻の時に使うんだったっけ/やっぱりtheをつける箇所とそうでない箇所の違いが難しい〜!/)


①I am down for motion. I want to be happy for anytime. but,It's difficult. I wish I became always happy.    I cooked Oinarisan for today's lunch. I practiced Oinarisan for this weekend. 

②I was feeling down. I want to be happy all times. but that's hard. I want to be person who can always be happy. I made Oinarisan for today's lunch. I'm practicing my nice for this weekend.


①It was sunny today. I'm sleepy but I must to do work. I went to cafe with my sister. we talked a little there. In the noon, I cooked fried chickens for lunch. she loved my fried chickens. I felt happy . I'm going to do paint tomorrow.


①It was sunny today. I'm happy. I met my boyfriend. We ate Yakiniku for today's dinner. It's very delicious. After that, We have Katsuo. It's from Toyama. It's so delicious too.

②It comes from Toyama.


①It was sunny today. I drank too much yesterday. So I felt to be tired all day. I read a book that I recorded for a friend all day. That book is so interesting . I think I am happy woman. Thanks for anything. I want to I give happy for anyone. Thanks for love me.

②I was feeling tired all day. I've been reading books recommended by my friends all day. thanks for everything. I want to be able to give happiness to someone. Thank you for loving me.



①It was cloudy today. I finished to  read a book. That book is so exciting!! I am become a fun of the book. I think I want to read some interesting book. I was do my best today. So I am so sleepy and happy. I think I can good dream today. Good night.

②I have finished reading . I did my best today. I think I have a good dream today.








