

*English Follows

こんにちは。2023年8月からCorpyにてAI Fairness leadを担当している斎藤です。まだ入って1ヶ月なのですが、このポストではAI Fairnessというキャリア選択およびCorpyのダイバーシティ&インクルージョンの状況について紹介していきたいと思います。

What led me to AI Fairness career


A place where people from diverse backgrounds can come together


入社後データを聞いたところ、日本以外の国籍の方が70%、男性以外のジェンダーの方は33%いるとのことでした(2023年8月現在)。そしてslackの会話は全て英語で行われています。日本人が創業したスタートアップで、ここまで多様な背景の人を創業初期からもつ会社も東京では珍しいのではないかと思います。Women in techを他国で率いていたような人もいて、私の前職に関する会話もいい意味で当たり前にように受け入れてもらえたのも心地よかったです。



Normalizing diverse team in Tokyo

たとえ業務委託であっても、スタートアップで働くというのはある程度の価値観へのアライメントが必要です。私がここでCorpyの事業を強くしていきたいと思う気持ちは、”normalizing diverse team in Tokyo”にあります。多様性の高いチームって正直経営は簡単ではありません。それでもこのチームだから出せる創出できる価値がありますし、結果を出してこそ社会の考え方も変わってくると思います。

Why I started AI Fairness career at Corpy

Hello, my name is Asumi Saito and I am the AI Fairness lead at Corpy since August 2023. I've only been with the company for two months, however, I would like to introduce my career choice of AI Fairness and the state of diversity and inclusion at Corpy as much as possible in this post.

What led me to AI Fairness career

I was previously running nonprofit as a co-founder. The organization is called Waffle and the mission is to close the gender gap in the IT field by providing programming education and empowerment to girls and gender-minority in middle, high school, and college students.
It's a long story, so here is an article about those days.
https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/01/business/japan-tech-workers-women.html (you can read free here: https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nation-world/ct-aud-nw-nyt-japan-workers-20210909-wnm75hwha5exdl5hlqee6djqdm-story.html)
When I was working as a data science, I found the news saying Google translations is reproducing gender bias (article showing the improvement), which led me a sense of urgency to work on education on young women and gender minorities. Since then, I came to strongly believe that a diverse workforce in IT would lead to the development of a better society.
From there, I worked hard to launch an educational business and run an organization, but once we had grown to a certain degree, I began to ask myself again: what is ethics in technology? how can we deliver technology for better future? The fact that there is a disparity in the tech benefits is a problem. Gender disparities are currently being actively studied as "gendered innovation.
Just as I was thinking that if we could raise the resolution of such issues, we could make an impact beyond "just educating girls and starting a new business", I was offered a job.
That was the time I got to know about Corpy’s fairness project. I though we could make a bigger impact than “educating girls” if we understand how to deliver the technology in the fair and ethical manner.

A place where people from diverse backgrounds can come together

Just as the organization was moving on to the next stage, I decided to leave Waffle (this was not easy, but since it is not relevant to the main discussion, please click here for those interested) and started working at Corpy.
One of the deciding factors was, of course, the diversity of the team. After doing a lot of research, I decided to work there because my gut feeling about diversity and inclusion said OK. And although it's only been a month since I joined the company, I feel that my instincts were right.
First of all, the company introduction page actually shows a variety of nationalities and genders. At this point, I had a favorable impression of the company compared to the typical male-only photo with arms folded.

After joining the company, I found the data that 70% non-Japanese nationalities and 33% non-male genders (as of August 2023) at Corpy. Also, all slack conversations are conducted in English. I think it is rare for a Japanese startup in Tokyo to have so many people with diverse backgrounds from the very beginning, and I was pleasantly surprised that some of them had led Women in Tech in other countries. It was very natural for us to carry a conversation about my previous job.

Also, in the article written by Kohei-san (CEO) in 2020, he wrote that he himself was influenced by the idea of feminism. In addition, he wants to go abroad and build a team that can go abroad. One of the reasons for the delay in diversity and inclusion in Japan is that we have to explain why diversity is necessary, which is already passed in the western society. Their discussion is mostly about the practice (how). In NOTE, I could see that this company has gone beyond the "why" phase.

Normalizing diverse team in Tokyo

Working for a startup, even as a contractor, requires a certain degree of alignment with its values. The reason why I want to contribute on Corpy’s growth lies in "normalizing diverse teams in Tokyo". To be honest, it is not easy to manage a diverse team. However, that is exactly why diverse team is the source of value. I believe the solid output here will be a great advocate for the society to embrace diversity and inclusion.
Personally, I am also very happy to meet more and more female role models in machine learning and deep learning.
The Fairness project has just started, but I am enjoying the discussions with my team members. I hope we can continue to create good discussions and good products from various perspectives.
