『 最難関大への英作文ハイパートレーニング 』の66題目
気が付けば一年も半分を過ぎた。会社でも異動があり、仕事も教務からICTへ。職場で英語を話すこともほぼなくなった。それが良いことなのか悪いことなのか。とにかく New Year's Resolutions の一つ、英作文を終わらせねば。
Chapter 3 Lecture 16
Choose one of the news headlines below*. Create an original news story for the headline that you chose. Your news story should be between 100 to 130 words long. Correctly indicate the number of words you have written at the end of your answer.
Man arrested for biting dog
Last night, a man was arrested by local police on suspicion of biting a dog. The suspect, 49-year-old James Toback, a resident of Los Angeles, allegedly took the dog to the ground, climbed onto its back, and bit it on the neck. It took two police officers to separate Toback from the dog. He has remained silent about why he committed such a bizarre act. According to Toback’s father, who called the police, his son appeared to be heavily drunk at the time of the incident. The dog, Max, suffered minor wounds and saw a local vet immediately after. The vet told this reporter that although the wound was light, the dog was quite confused and would need mental care.
120 words
Yesterday afternoon, a shocking incident occurred in the outskirts of Anaheim. A middle-aged man wrestled with a dog and injured it. The 35-year-old man was arrested on the spot by police, who rushed to the scene at the request of several onlookers. The man, Harvey Weinstein, was subsequently arrested for drug charges. What was surprising was that Weinstein fought a mature Newfoundland dog weighing about 160 lbs, or 72.6 kg. The female dog, Christine, had minor injuries around her neck. She also suffered severe injuries to her right ear, which was nearly torn off from the man’s repeated bites. Her neck was mostly protected by her thick fur. Police told the press that Weinstein will stand trial and face the music.
122 words
Yesterday evening, police responded to strange calls from numerous citizens in downtown Osaka. A young man was caught roaming the streets with a small Chihuahua hanging from his mouth. Police officers quickly apprehended the man, who later told his attorney that he was possessed by a tiger and was just trying to carry his prey home. The dog, whose owner remains unknown, suffered numerous bite wounds all over and was treated by a veterinarian. Currently, volunteers are posting photos of the dog on social media to reach out to the Chihuahua's owner. The young male dog is under the vet’s care for medical treatment purposes. He will be cared for by the local animal shelter after being discharged.
118 words
答案1の The suspect, 49-year-old James Toback, a resident of Los Angeles, のような表現は記事ではよくある形。The challenger, 29-year-old James Toback, a resident of Tijuana, Mexico, みたいな表現を Boxing Scene でしょっちゅう目にするし、ジョー小泉の英語記事でもお馴染み。 他には
It takes two to V = Vするのに二人が必要である
suffer wounds = 負傷する、ケガを負う
rush to the scene = 現場に急行する
at the request of ~ = ~のリクエスト/要請で
arrested for ~ charges = ~のかどで逮捕される
face the music = (自分の蒔いた種で)責任を取る、苦労する、批判される
ボクサーは現役でも引退後でも、結構な割合で arrested for battery charges と報じられることが多い気がする。血気盛んなのはリングの中だけにしてほしい。
be possessed by ~ = ~に憑依される
attorney = 代理人
social media = SNS
reach out to ~ = ~に接触する、~に手を差し伸べる
A 20-year-old college student was arrested for biting a dog on Wednesday morning. It happened in a quiet residential area of Setagaya ward, Tokyo at 5 a.m. on Wednesday. Ms. Tanaka, the dog's owner, was just walking her dog, Hanako-chan, as she does every morning, when she saw a young man walking toward her. “The guy was friendly at first, said hello to my dog. But then suddenly he tackled Hanako-chan, and bit her,” said Ms. Tanaka. She called the police on her cellphone, and the suspect, Suzuki Ichiro, a 20-year-old college student, was arrested on the spot. “The suspect says that he just liked the dog so much that he wanted to bite it,” says the police. The dog got just slightly injured and was treated by a vet in the neighborhood.
第一に、20-year-old college student という情報は繰り返す必要なし。最初のセンテンスを A college student was arrested … として、その後に Suzuki Ichiro, 20, とするのが自然。男性であるという情報は、when she saw a young man で十分伝わる。他にも Wednesday も2回書く必要はない。
次に Setagaya ward, Tokyo at 5 a.m. は、正しくは Setagaya ward, Tokyo, at 5 a.m. のように、Tokyo の後にもカンマが必要。というか、at 5 または at 5:00 だけでも通じる(その前に morning だと既出なので)。
Ms. Tanaka, the dog's owner, was just walking her do の just は不要。
“The guy was friendly at first, said hello to my dog. But then suddenly he tackled Hanako-chan, and bit her,” は、話す分には構わないが、受験英語で書くとなれば、“The guy was friendly at first, said hello to my dog, but then suddenly tackled Hanako-chan and bit her,” とするべき。より口語的かつナチュラルにするなら “The guy was friendly at first and said hello to my dog”, said Ms. Tanaka. “But then suddenly, he tackled Hanako-chan and bit her,” の方が新聞記事っぽい。
Suzuki Ichiro は Ichiro Suzuki と表記すべき。まあ、ファーストネームがスズキでファミリーネームがイチローである可能性はゼロではないが・・・
The dog got just slightly injured は The dog just got slightly injured とする方がより自然で、意味も把握しやすい。
誹謗中傷にあたらないように良い面も挙げておくと、Hanako-chan をメスだと明確にしている(bit her という箇所)にもかかわらず、he wanted to bite it としているのは、話者による視点と知識の使い分けができていて、この点は非常に秀逸だと言える。