
TOEFL iBT のリスニング問題② -PRACTICE SET 2-

ほい、というわけでTOEFLの演習/解説の実況中継の8回目、The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test Fourth Editionの Listening Practice Sets のPRACTICE SET 2に取り組んでみたいと思う。このPRACTICE SET 2はなかなかに難しいが、TOEFLの問題集をやりまくったことがある人なら、心理学の分野のレクチャーなどでよく似たテーマが頻繁に取り上げられてきたことを知っているかもしれない。

Track 03   0:00 ~ 0:02

Listen to part of a lecture in a philosophy class.


1.What is the main purpose of the lecture?

〇 To illustrate the importance of extrinsic values
〇 To explain Aristotle’s views about the importance of teaching
〇 To explain why people change what they value
〇 To discuss Aristotle’s views about human happiness

Track 3   0:28 ~ 0:45

But to get there, we need to first make a very important distinction. Let me introduce a couple of technical terms: extrinsic value and intrinsic value. To understand Aristotle’s interest in happiness, you need to understand this distinction.

序数の first をしっかり聞けていれば、extrinsic value と intrinsic value の区別がアリストテレスの幸福への関心を理解する鍵となる。ここから

〇 To discuss Aristotle’s views about human happiness


2.The professor gives examples of things that have value for her. Indicate for each example what type of value it has for her. Place a check mark in the correct box. This question is worth 2 points. 

Track 3   1:13 ~ 1:19

There may be some people who value exercise for itself, but I don’t.

TOEFLぐらいの速さでは、but I don’t は バラィドウンのように聞こえるが、ここではハッキリと バット アイ ドウント と聞こえる。but と I の間に微妙な間がある。

Track 3   1:29 ~ 1:37

and I value exercise extrinsically ... not for its own sake, but as a means to something beyond it.

少し間を置いて not for its own sake と言っていることから、exercise それ自体のために = intrinsic、ではないと言っている。

以上のことから Exercise は extrinsic value だと分かる。

Track 3   1:39 ~ 2:00

Health. Why do I value good health? Well, here it gets a little more complicated for me. Um, health is important for me because I can’t ... do other things I wanna do—play music, teach philosophy—if I’m ill. So health is important to me—has value to me—as a means to a productive life.

TOEFL iBTのレクチャーでは、しばしば教授が自問自答する。Why do I ~ ? から Well, ~ のような間投詞につながっていく頻度は非常に高い。つまり、それだけ出題の確率も高い。地味に Um という間投詞も使われていて、ヒントになっていることが分かる。important to me, has value to me も同じ意味が繰り返されており、Health = Intrinsic value だと分かる。

Track 3   2:00 ~ 2:20

But health is also important to me because I just kind of like to be healthy—it feels good. It’s pleasant to be healthy, unpleasant not to be. So to some degree I value health both for itself and as a means to something else: productivity. It’s got extrinsic AND intrinsic value for me.

分かりやすく and が大きく発音されて強調されている。ここから、health = intrinsic & extrinsic であることが分かる。

Track 3   1:39 ~ 1:52

Health. Why do I value good health? Well, here it gets a little more complicated for me. Um, health is important for me because I can’t ... do other things I wanna do—play music, teach philosophy—if I’m ill. 

I can’t の後に明確な間があり、その後に play music と teach philosophy が挙げられているのは大きなヒント。

Track 3   2:31 ~ 2:40

Why do I value playing music? Well, like most amateur musicians, I only play because, well, I just enjoy it. It’s something that’s an end in itself.

ここはサインポストのオンパレード。Why ~ ? Well, ~ の流れに most という最上級に、well という間投詞のオマケまでついてくる。ここが出題されない方がおかしいと感じるくらいである。この箇所から music = intrinsic value だということが分かる。

Track 3   2:41 ~ 2:58

Now, something else I value is teaching. Why? Well, it brings in a modest income, but I could make more money doing other things. I’d do it even if they didn’t pay me. I just enjoy teaching. In that sense it’s an end to itself.

ここでも疑問詞からの間投詞という黄金パターン。教授は教育を金のためではないと言い切っている(羨ましい・・・)。teaching = intrinsic value である。



3.Why is happiness central to Aristotle’s theory?

〇 Because it is so difficult for people to attain
〇 Because it is valued for its own sake by all people
〇 Because it is a means to a productive life
〇 Because most people agree about what happiness is

Track 3   3:14 ~ 3:51

So how does all this relate to human happiness? Well, Aristotle asks: is there something that all human beings value … and value only intrinsically, for its own sake and only for its own sake? If you could find such a thing, that would be the universal final good, or truly the ultimate purpose or goal for all human beings. Aristotle thought the answer was yes. What is it? Happiness. Everyone will agree, he argues, that happiness is the ultimate end to be valued for itself and really only for itself.


〇 Because it is valued for its own sake by all people


4.According to the professor, why does Aristotle think that fame cannot provide true happiness?

〇 Fame cannot be obtained without help from other people.
〇 Fame cannot be obtained by all people.
〇 Fame does not last forever.
〇 People cannot share their fame with other people.

Track 03 4:28 ~ 5:04

True human happiness should be, as he puts it, complete. Complete in that it’s all we require. Well, true human happiness ... if you had that, what else do you need? Nothing. And, second, true happiness should be something that I can obtain on my own. I shouldn’t have to rely on other people for it. Many people value fame and seek fame. Fame for them becomes the goal. But, according to Aristotle, this won’t work either, because fame depends altogether too much on other people. I can’t get it on my own, without help from other people.

間投詞の well から、序数の second が出てくることから、慣れた人なら勝手に耳を澄ませて簡易メモを取っていることだろう。True happiness = obtain on one’s own だと理解できれば、fame = 名声は他人の存在なしには得られない=真の幸せではないと分かる。したがって、

〇 Fame cannot be obtained without help from other people.


5.Listen again to part of the lecture by playing Track 4. Then answer the question. What does the professor mean when she says this?

〇 Teaching is not a highly valued profession in society.
〇 She may change professions in order to earn more money.
〇 The reason she is a teacher has little to do with her salary.
〇 More people would become teachers if the salary were higher.


Now, something else I value is teaching. Why? Well, it brings in a modest income, but I could make more money doing other things.

である。これまた、ご丁寧に間投詞 now と well が使われていて、その後に続く部分が重要であることを示唆してくれている。teaching でもまあまあの収入が得られるが、別のことをしてもっと稼ぐこともできる= teaching はカネのためではない、ということ(ホンマかいな・・・)。なので正解は

〇 The reason she is a teacher has little to do with her salary.


TOEFL iBTの Listening の難易度としては標準的。テーマが哲学なので、そこにとっつきにくさを感じる人は多いが、よくよく耳を澄ませてみれば、そこまで難しいことを言っているわけではないことが分かるはず。ここまで見てきたようにサインポストに注意を払うのは重要であるが、もっと重要なのはリスニング力そのものである。バーランダーやデグロム、大谷翔平や佐々木朗希の投げてくる球種やコースが完璧に分かっていても、普段からこれでもかとバットを振っていないと、球にカスリもしない。TOEFLのリスニングもそれと同じ。基本は普段からどれだけ良質な英語リスニングをしているかである。その土台がしっかりしていれば、TOEFLのリスニングを得点源に出来る。

次は Listening Practice Setsの PRACTICE SET 3を実況予定。乞うご期待。
