Recommendation for Your Own Certifications


One of the techniques for people who are struggling with low self-esteem.

People often say, 'Affirm yourself' or 'You are the only one who can really love you', but many struggle because it is difficult. There are many people who, for various reasons, cannot approve of themselves.

What I recommend to those people is your own 'Certification'.
Issue a 'XX (your name)'s Certification' to people you like. If they understand jokes, you can say it to them, but also you can issue it only in your mind.

The text is up to you. This is an example:

'Dear YY

XX certifies YY as a nice fellow. According to XX's criteria, you are a nice person. Therefore, we certify you as a certified XX fellow at this moment. You may get a meh response if you use this when introducing yourself, but why don't you give it a try?


And so on. Issue it to everyone you like. Finally (or even first), issue it to yourself.

You are one of the people you like. Doesn't it make you feel like you can be proud of something?

You can write down detailed criteria, but you may think, "What? Am I eligible for this criteria?" So it might be better not to have a reason. You can certify people according to just your feelings.

Loving yourself is hard, but you may do it with one useless qualification, don't you?

And while you're at it, tell the people you don't like, "I'm not issuing you my certification!" and poison your mind. Even if it's a useless qualification, don't you feel like you're a bit of a superior person when you're on the certifying side?
