
4/20 杉並区下高井戸あおぞら公園でモーニングヨガ開催!(雨天時は室内)

Eifuku ZEROハウス企画のイベントです。

⚪︎日時 4/20(土) 10:00〜11;30

⚪︎場所 杉並区立下高井戸あおぞら公園
(雨天 / Eifuku0 シェアハウス内)

⚪︎定員 10名

⚪︎内容 呼吸を深めるヨガ / 太陽礼拝 基礎編

⚪︎料金 2500円

⚪︎問い合わせ ハウスのコミュマネにお声掛けください!

Lina / ヨガインストラクター
クラスでは、いつも外へ向く意識を自分へ向けてあげる時間と空間をお届け 心が軽くなる ホッとする 

Aoi / mallow

⚪︎ Date & Time 4/20 (Sat) 10:00-11:30

⚪︎ Place Suginami Ward Shimotakaido Aozora Park
(Rain or shine / in Eifuku0 share house)

⚪︎ Capacity 10 people

⚪︎Content: Breath Deepening Yoga / Sun Worship Basic

⚪︎ Fee 2500 yen
+1000 yen for freshly squeezed juice and plant-based (vegan) snacks 🌱

⚪︎ contact Please contact the house commmunity manager!

⚪︎ Instructor
Lina / Yoga Instructor

1 month practice in Rishikesh, India, the holy land of yoga.

In the class, we will give you the time and space to turn your outward consciousness to yourself.
Lighten your heart, feel relieved.

Lina is a certified kindergarten teacher and childcare worker who also teaches parent-child yoga and kids yoga.

Living a life that is kind to people, animals, and the earth

Aoi / mallow

After a shocking experience of being hospitalized for a month with hemorrhagic gastritis that left her unable to eat anything, she became aware of the importance of food.
While working as a filmmaker and gaining experience in restaurants, she has been researching plant-based sweets for 10 years. She just loves to make sweets.
