
【CODE BLUE 2024】リアン・ホワン+チーユン・ホワン / Li-an Huang+ Chih-yun Huang - 講演関連資料 / Presentation resources

●講演概要 / Abstract

[ja] 進化する中国の戦術:ハック・アンド・リークと影響力工作との組み合わせ

2024年は史上最大の選挙の年を迎えようとしており、すでに中国の影響力工作(IO:Infulence Operations)が影を落としており、民主主義システムを不安定化させようとしている。2023年以降、中国の脅威アクターは複数のIOキャンペーンを選挙を標的として展開しており、その中でも進化した手法として、ハック・アンド・リークとIOキャンペーンを組み合わせた戦術が見られるようになった。


[en] China’s Evolving Playbook: The Combination of Hack-and-Leak and Influence Operations

As we approach the largest election year in history, 2024 is already shadowed by China’s influence operations (IO) aiming to destabilize the democratic systems. Since 2023, Chinese threat actors have launched multiple IO campaigns targeting elections, including an evolving tactic that merges the hack-and-leak with IO campaigns.
In the first part of the presentation, we will introduce Chinese threat actors’ newly developed tactics, specifically the combination of hack-and-leak tactics with IO campaigns. We will elaborate on how China learned and advanced Russia’s playbook to influence the election with asserted leaked documents within our real-world case study from the 2024 Taiwan presidential election.
At the same time, the proliferation of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology has enhanced threat actors’ capability. In the second part of the presentation, we will demonstrate how Chinese threat actors apply AI for such hack-and-leak and IO campaigns. The integration of AI, hack-and-leak, and IO allows the threat actors to create disinformation that targets broader audiences with ease.
As billions of people are heading to vote in the rest of 2024, including the critical U.S. presidential election in November, the stakes have never been higher. Alarmingly, with the enhanced capability, Chinese threat actors have expanded their target scope from presidential candidates to include legislators. The expansion serves as a dire warning as individual legislators often lack the resources to defend against influence operations. We will conclude the presentation by providing mitigation strategies and policy recommendations aiming to counter the threat at an early stage.


●略歴 / Bio

[ja] リアン・ホアン

リアン・ホアンはTeamT5のCTI(Cyber Threat Intelligence)アナリスト。研究分野は、情報操作、持続的標的型攻撃(APT)、国際関係など。TeamT5に加わる前は、台湾の国会で立法補佐官を務めていた。


[ja] チーユン・ホアン

チーユンはTeamT5のCTI(Cyber Threat Intelligence)アナリスト。TeamT5に加わる前は、ワシントンD.C.に拠点を置くNGOで米台関係のプロモーション活動に従事していた。また、2016年の台湾大統領選挙では選挙キャンペーンスタッフとして参加。研究分野は、影響力工作、国際関係、中国研究など。


[en]  Li-an Huang

Li-an is a CTI Analyst at TeamT5. His research interests include:Information Operations, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), and international relations. Before joining TeamT5, he worked as a legislative assistant at Taiwan's Parliament.


[en] Chih-yun Huang

Chih-yun is a CTI Analyst at TeamT5. Previous to TeamT5, she worked at a DC-based NGO promoting US-Taiwan relations. She also participated the 2016 Taiwan presidential election as campaign staff. Her research interests include Influence Operations, intertnational relations, and China studies.


●事前インタビュー / Pre-Event Interview

[ja] インタビュー

Q1 あなたがこのトピックに取り組むようになったきっかけは何ですか?

Q2 研究の過程でどのような点で苦労しましたか?

Q3 CODEBLUEの参加者、参加を検討している人に向けてメッセージをお願いします。

[en] Interview

Q1 What led you to making this presentation?
TeamT5 has been monitoring and analyzing China-nexus cyber threats for over a decade. After witnessing Russia's interference in the 2016 US election, we recognized that China might launch similar operations. Specifically, we anticipated the weaponization of social media to promote narratives aligned with China’s strategic interests, with the aim of shaping public opinion and potentially interfering in elections.
Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential election will determine Taiwan’s approach to its relationship with China, which is crucial for the development of US-China relations. We believe China will take this opportunity to influence Taiwan’s voters by spreading narratives aimed at discrediting candidates unfavorable to China’s interests. We hope that with our threat intelligence, the global security community will gain a deeper understanding of these threats and enhance their ability to defend against them.

Q2 What were some challenges you faced during this research?
One of the major challenges is analyzing and processing the vast amount of data constantly uploaded to social media platforms. Additionally, as threat actors refine their techniques and become more stealthy, attribution to these influence campaigns becomes increasingly difficult.
Fortunately, with over eight years of expertise in this field, we have developed a robust research methodology and database to detect and identify influence operations in their early stages. Our experience allows us to extract valuable intelligence from massive data.

Q3 What message would you like to convey to those considering attending this talk?
Over the years, we have seen China advance their tactics in influence operations. The evolution shows China's proficiency in leveraging hacking techniques and AI technology to create disinformation that fits China's geopolitical interests. Moreover, we have observed China's increasing tendency to create narratives that align with the local context.
With multiple elections falling victim to state-sponsored influence operations, we hope our research can provide valuable insights to our partners and democratic allies on China's evolving influence operations, helping them combat and counter the threats posed by these operations.

●写真 / Photo

リアン・ホワン氏(左)とチーユン・ホワン氏(右)(Left:Li-an Huang, Right:Chih-yun Huang)

●関連記事 / Reports

[ja] リアン・ホアン+チーユン・ホアン インタビュー インタビュー(Hitachi Systems Security Journal Vol.66  / 日立システムズ)