キザイア・プラットナー & カディア・マシャール【CODE BLUE SPEAKER インタビュー】
[Speaker interview, English follows]
これまで続けてきたCODE BLUE 2022 スピーカーのインタビューも今回が最後になります。
トリを飾るのは「SisyphusとCVEフィード:大規模な脆弱性管理について」の講演を予定されているキザイア・プラットナー(Keziah Plattner 写真左)氏とカディア・マシャール(Kadia Mashal 写真右)のお二人です。
―― 発表されるテーマを始めたきっかけは何ですか?
―― 研究の過程でどのような点で苦労しましたか?
―― この講演に参加しようと思っている人たちに一言お願いします。
“Sisyphus and the CVE Feed: Vulnerability Management at Scale”
―― How did you get started in the topic that you are presenting?
Kadia Mashal:As a defensive security engineer, I encountered a lot of challenges around centralizing and tracking vulnerabilities. Default CVE ratings didn’t have enough internal context to help prioritize risk, and having vulnerability data staggered in multiple vendor DBs made it difficult to do my job of evaluating risk holistically. I decided to be in charge of our vulnerability data and not let vendor limitations affect our holistic risk assessment and defense methods. The vision was to build a platform that allowed us to centralize this data and automate the vulnerability lifecycle.
Keziah Plattner:My background and educational experience is in traditional software engineering, but I have always worked under Security organizations since joining the industry full time. I love the challenge that comes in the intersection of both fields and the problem of scaling vulnerability management is a great opportunity within that space.
―― What were some of the obstacles in doing this research?
A lot of "best practice" advice feels generic, and can be difficult to implement in practice in a large scale organization with existing legacy code or unique internal context. For example, advice about "automation" can just suggest default auto-ticket creation features from scanning tools, which are often not flexible enough for our needs. Or the assumption is that the default scores provided should be sufficient, when in fact sorting through all the noisy alerts is a nontrivial amount of work.
In addition, much of the traditional vulnerability management approach relies a lot on human intervention, which was something we specifically wanted to avoid. Searching for more practical examples on how an established company with a large infrastructure handled our problems was not easy!
―― What would you say to the people thinking of attending this talk?
I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in the perspective of builders and blue teamers on the day-to-day challenges and pragmatic approaches of managing security tradeoffs and scaling problems.
世界トップクラスの専門家による情報セキュリティ国際会議「CODE BLUE(コードブルー)」