
【CODE BLUE 2024】ステファン・フリードリ / Stefan Friedli - 講演関連資料 / Presentation resources -

●講演概要 / Abstract

[ja] Googleをハッキングする - 社内レッドチームの運営と成長の教訓



[en] Hacking Google - Lessons learned running and growing an internal red team

Red Teams are the sparring partner of a mature security organization. Used correctly, they can prevent incidents, increase response times for defenders, and help to improve the overall security posture of products, systems, and entire organizations. By simulating real adversaries based on real-world threat intelligence, they provide a unique opportunity to see the world through an enemy's eyes. To practice in a calm and safe environment what needs to be done quickly and decisive when a real incident occurs.
Building, maintaining, and growing a red team presents a lot of interesting challenges. From more obvious ones, such as picking the most relevant threat actors to simulate, to more subtle ones, such as maintaining implants and other delicate tooling safely, or how to communicate highly technical findings with high level executives and stakeholders effectively.
In this presentation, we will take a closer look at these challenges, what makes them hard, and how to approach solving them based on case studies from my own team at Google, and from conversations with many teams across the globe we had the privilege of supporting in building their internal red teams.


●略歴 / Bio

[ja] ステファン・フリードリ



[en] Stefan Friedli

Stefan Friedli has worked in the field of information security for 20 years, with a strong focus on red teaming and penetration testing. He has been an advisor and consultant for Swiss financial institutes and large industrial and government entities before joining Google in 2019, where he is leading the red team today.


●事前インタビュー / Pre-Event Interview

[ja] インタビュー

Q1 あなたがこのトピックに取り組むようになったきっかけは何ですか?
子供の頃からテクノロジーに魅了されていました。祖父が電子技師であり、模型の鉄道が趣味だったので、物を分解して( 理想的には )再び組み立てることが普通だと思って育ちました。
この考え方は年を重ねるにつれて変わらず、興味はコンピューターへと移りました。56kモデムを手に入れてインターネットにアクセスできるようになると、私の前には全く新しい世界が広がり、私は何時間もPhrack Magazineやニュースグループを読んで過ごしました。私は、テクノロジーが何をするのかを理解するだけでなく、もともとその目的ではなかったことをさせることができるというアイデアに非常に惹かれました。

Q2 研究の過程でどのような点で苦労しましたか?

Q3 CODEBLUEの参加者、参加を検討している人に向けてメッセージをお願いします
長期間にわたって社内のレッドチームを成功裏に運営することには、一見わかりにくい多くの課題があります。技術的に優れた演習を実施できるチームを作ることと、そこで仕事が終わるわけではありません。チームのモチベーションと健康を維持し、結果が適切な是正措置につながり、実際のセキュリティ改善やリスク意識の向上をもたらすには、関係者やパートナーとの調整と協力が不可欠です。 私は、レッドチームをより包括的な視点で運営することについてお話しします。これからこの道を歩もうとしている方や、すでに取り組んでいる方々が、私たちが学んだことを自身の活動に役立てていただけるようにしたいと考えています。

[en] Interview

Q1 What led you to making this presentation?
Technology has always fascinated me since I was a kid. My grandfather was an electronics engineer and model train enthusiast, so I grew up with the mindset that it was normal to take things apart and
( ideally )put them back together.
This mindset stuck with me as I got older and my fascination shifted to computers. Once I got my hands on a 56k modem and was able to access the internet, an entire world opened up to me and I would spend hours reading Phrack Magazine and newsgroups. I was intrigued by the idea to not only understand what technology does, but to be able to make it do things that it wasn't originally intended to do.
A few years later, as E-Commerce and other digitalisation efforts became more prominent, I was approached by some peers I had been talking to online a lot and who had just started Switzerland's first penetration testing company, offering me the opportunity to do something I already really liked doing full-time. That's how my professional journey into Offensive Security got started almost 20 years ago.

Q2 What were some challenges you faced during this research?
The world has changed a lot in these two decades and as it keeps changing, information security has become a lot more critical to the way our societies work. Adapting to these changes is both the most interesting and the most challenging part of being in this industry.
When I joined Google five years ago, I shifted my attention from being an external consultant to running an internal team. This opened up a lot of opportunities to drive security improvements for a massive number of users across the world, but it also comes with a lot more responsibility. I believe that the work my team is doing is contributing to making the internet a safer place for everyone and I want to make sure we make the most of this opportunity.

Q3 What message would you like to convey to those considering attending this talk?
Running an internal red team successfully over an extended period of time comes with a number of challenges that are not obvious. It is one thing to build a team that has the technical ability to perform successful exercises, yet the work does not end there. Making sure the team stays motivated and healthy and that results tie into remediation efforts and lead to actual security improvements and better risk awareness requires coordination and collaboration across stakeholders and partners is crucial.
I've set out to talk about running a red team in a more holistic way to help others who embark on this journey – or are already underway – can take some of the things we have learned and apply them to their own efforts.

●講演動画 / Presentation video

●講演スライド / Presentation slide

(Click the image to open the PDF via an external link)

●写真 / Photo

ステファン・フリードリ氏(Stefan Friedli)

●レポート記事 / Reports

[ja] [レポート]Googleをハッキングする - 社内レッドチームの運営と成長の教訓 - CODE BLUE 2024(Developers IO / クラスメソッド)

[Ja] 「やるなら徹底的に攻撃せよ」 Googleレッドチームのリーダーが語った演習の価値(ITメディア 記事全文を読むには会員登録が必要)