
【CODE BLUE 2024】アーポ・オクスマン / Aapo Oksman - 講演関連資料 / Presentation resources -

●講演概要 / Abstract

[ja] PlayStation 5のネットワーク暗号化を突破する



[en] Defeating PlayStation 5 network encryption

Game consoles are among the most locked-down consumer devices on the market. There is also much interest in trying to defeat these protections. To combat this, console manufacturers invest heavily in security and offer monetary rewards for disclosing vulnerabilities.
In this talk, I will show how I broke the TLS network encryption of the PlayStation consoles and claimed the highest available reward, $50’000, for critical vulnerabilities in the consoles. This also caused Sony to push a forced update on all PlayStation consoles globally.
This vulnerability allows an attacker to silently decrypt the PlayStation network traffic to steal sensitive user information or access game data such as enemy locations. The traffic can also be modified to give an unfair advantage in online games or target the console with further attacks.
Vulnerabilities in TLS implementations are especially dangerous as it is usually the only layer of protection for network communication and is relied on everywhere. Proper security testing has also been hard without suitable tools. Last year, I released a tool called “certmitm” that I used to find this and hundreds of other vulnerabilities. With certmitm, security testing TLS implementations against common vulnerabilities is effortless, and it is a must-have tool for network penetration testing. Game consoles are among the most locked-down consumer devices on the market. There is also much interest in trying to defeat these protections. To combat this, console manufacturers invest heavily in security and offer monetary rewards for disclosing vulnerabilities.


●略歴 / Bio

[ja] アーポ・オクスマン

アーポ・オクスマンは、技術的なIoTサイバーセキュリティに特化した専門企業であるJuurin Oyの創業者であり起業家である。彼は電気工学、組込みデバイス、およびテスト自動化のバックグラウンドを持ち、その知識とハッキングの趣味を組み合わせたことで、産業用IoTに特化したサイバーセキュリティのキャリアを築いた。過去5年間、彼はIoTデバイスやシステムのコンサルティングおよびペネトレーションテストに従事してきた。
バグバウンティやセキュリティリサーチは、彼を常にやる気にさせ、学び続ける原動力となっている。彼のPKIやTLSに関する業務では、Microsoft、Google、Apple、Samsungなどのベンダーから複数のCVEを取得している。DEF CON 31では、TLSの脆弱性を見つけるためのツール「certmitm」をリリースし、不十分なTLS実装を発見する上でその価値を証明している。
仕事や研究以外では、彼はコミュニティへの貢献に情熱を持っている。彼は地元のセキュリティミートアップを主催し、毎年開催されるEuropean Cybersecurity Challenge大会で、フィンランドの全国ユースCTFチームのコーチを務めている。


[en] Aapo Oksman

Aapo Oksman is an entrepreneur and the Founder of Juurin Oy, a boutique company focusing on technical IoT cybersecurity. His background is in electrical engineering, embedded devices, and test automation. Combining his background with a hacking hobby led to a cybersecurity career focusing on industrial IoT. He has spent the past five years consulting on and penetration testing IoT devices and systems.
Bug Bounties and security research keep Aapo motivated and learning. His work in PKI and TLS has resulted in multiple CVEs from vendors like Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Samsung. At DEF CON 31, Aapo released a TLS hacking tool, certmitm, that has proven its worth in finding insecure TLS implementations with new vulnerabilities found constantly.
Outside work and research, Aapo's passion is in the community. He organizes local security meetups and coaches the Finnish national youth CTF team in the yearly European Cybersecurity Challenge competition.


●講演動画 / Presentation video

●講演スライド / Presentation slide

(Click the image to open the PDF via an external link)

●写真 / Photo

アーポ・オクスマン氏(Aapo Oksman)

●レポート記事 / Reports

[ja] [レポート]PlayStation 5のネットワーク暗号化を突破する - CODE BLUE 2024(Developers IO / クラスメソッド)