
【CODE BLUE 2024】ダビド・メレンデス / David Melendez - 講演関連資料 / Presentation resources -

●講演概要 / Abstract

[ja] レガシー鉄道信号システムの悪用



[en] Abusing legacy railroad signaling systems

Automatic Train Stop (ATS) systems are extensively deployed worldwide, utilizing various approaches tailored to regional and national technologies and integrating legacy systems established decades ago. In this session, we will explore the vulnerabilities within these systems, focusing on Japanese ATS and European counterparts, particularly the Spanish ASFA system, through a live demonstration. We will examine the potential for exploitation by analyzing the internal mechanisms and demonstrate how decoy devices, constructed with inexpensive components, can manipulate train operations by generating rogue signals.


●略歴 / Bio

[ja] ダビド・メレンデス

また、ダビドはドローンの開発者であり、ドローンを使ったサイバーセキュリティ研究における革新的なアプローチを紹介する書籍「Hacking with Drones」の著者でもある。技術の限界に挑む情熱を持つ彼は、組込みシステムのセキュリティと機能性を向上させる新たな方法を常に模索している。


[en] David Melendez

David Melendez is a security researcher who has over twelve years of experience in cybersecurity and hardware hacking. He has a proven track record of presenting his groundbreaking investigations at prestigious conferences around the world, including DEFCON, BLACKHAT, and ROOTEDCON.
David is also a drone creator and author of the book "Hacking with Drones," which showcases his innovative use of drones in cybersecurity research. With his passion for pushing the boundaries of technology, David is constantly seeking new ways to improve the security and functionality of embedded systems.


●事前インタビュー / Pre-Event Interview

[ja] インタビュー

Q1 あなたがこのトピックに取り組むようになったきっかけは何ですか?
私は鉄道ファンであり、コンピュータエンジニアでもあるため、技術と鉄道の両方に興味があり、自然とこのトピックに関心を持つようになりました。このテーマに取り組む機会は、電子工学のエンジニアや共同研究者であるガブリエラ・ガルシア( 今回の発表も一緒に行います )との議論の中で生まれました。私たちの専門知識を組み合わせることで、古い鉄道システムと現代のサイバーセキュリティの交差点に深く取り組むことができました。

Q2 研究の過程でどのような点で苦労しましたか?

Q3 CODEBLUEの参加者、参加を検討している人に向けてメッセージをお願いします

[en] Interview

Q1 What led you to making this presentation?
As a railroad enthusiast and computer engineer, my interest in both technology and trains naturally led me to this topic. The opportunity arose during discussions with colleagues, including electronic engineers and my research partner, Gabriela García, who is also co-presenting this talk. Our combined expertise allowed us to dive into the intersection of legacy railway systems and modern cybersecurity.

Q2 What were some challenges you faced during this research?
Our research relied heavily on open-source information and public documentation, which posed the challenge of deciphering how legacy railroad signaling systems work internally. We had to infer key technical details from functional specifications available in public records. Additionally, as computer engineers, we had to revisit concepts from electromagnetism and delve into technologies that are quite distant from the everyday focus of cybersecurity professionals.

Q3 What message would you like to convey to those considering attending this talk?
This talk explores a highly unconventional subject—there is no direct computer involved in the exploitation of the system we studied. Attendees will have the chance to see how critical infrastructure, such as railroads, can be disrupted without attacking traditional digital surfaces. This session aims to raise awareness about unconventional attack vectors that go beyond cybersecurity and delve into intelligence-based operations.

●講演動画 / Presentation video

●講演スライド / Presentation slide

(Click the image to open the PDF via an external link)

●写真 / Photo

ダビド・メレンデス氏(David Melendez)

●レポート記事 / Reports

[ja] [レポート]レガシー鉄道信号システムの悪用 - CODE BLUE 2024(Developers IO / クラスメソッド)