ヴィク・ホワン&ソル・ヤン【CODE BLUE SPEAKER インタビュー】
[Speaker interview, English follows]
今回は「工場で警報-0から100、OTの脅威エミュレーション」の講演を予定されるヴィク・ホワン(Vic Huang、写真左)氏とソル・ヤン(Sol Yang、写真右)氏に話を伺いました。
お二方ともに台湾の研究者です。ヴィク・ホワン氏は、CODE BLUE 2020、2021に続き3度目の登壇です。以前の2回は、技術とプライバシーに関する講演でしたが、今回のテーマはICSのセキュリティです。
ご存じのとおりICSとはIndustrial Control Systemの略で、文字通りに訳せば産業用制御システムとなります。そして、タイトルにあるOTとはOperational Technologyのことであり、ICSを制御・運用するための技術です。
―― 発表されるテーマを始めたきっかけは何ですか?
―― この研究を行う上で、障害となったことは何ですか?
―― この講演に参加しようと思っている人たちに一言お願いします。
“Red light in the factory - From 0 to 100 OT adversary emulation”
―― How did you get started in the topic that you are presenting?
In my experience in penetration testing on the factory assets , there is some repetitive work. I hope I can simplify some steps and automate them.
The quality of penetration testing depends on the pentester , but there are few pentesters that have knowledge on both IT and OT domains.
There are some tools or scripts like metasploit but it only covers parts of the whole attack flow. Pentesters still have to pick different tools according to their knowledge.
We want to solve this issue and provide a general solution. Automate the general attack flow and make decisions for the pentester, but also allow the pentester to switch steps or add manual commands.
―― What were some of the obstacles in doing this research?
About the test bench ,ICS devices are expensive. It is hard to have a test device on each protocol and each brand. Simulators have their limitations and not every protocol has open sourced simulators.
Also, some ICS devices are running private protocols , so it's difficult to find simulators.
About the automation depends on different types of protocol design pattern, some of them are special or using custom configuration. For example , for a blind attacker, it's not easy to figure out what the tags value are representing . We have to make it flexible for users to customize their attack flow at the same time instead of fully automating without any flexibility.
―― What would you say to the people thinking of attending this talk?
We would like to introduce ICS security to more people, share the knowledge about ICS protocols , ICS malwares and the trend in the decade. We hope more people can join us , Find more interesting things in ICS security.