木の椅子JUN 藤本順正 Wood chair Junsei Fujimoto | 木工家具 Wood funiture| 鳥取県東伯郡三朝町 Misasa Town, Tottori Prefecture
藤本順正 フジモトジュンセイ
Fujimoto Junsei
Fujimoto was born in Tottori Prefecture, Misasa Town in 1964. He studied art at the Nara University of Education. While a student, he became interested in woodworking. Completely unrelated to his art studies, he put his effort into making things: wooden speakers, a ping pong table, a portable cart, a skateboard, and so on. After working at a chair prototype company, furniture became his life work. In 1998, while living in Nara City, Nara Prefecture (Tawara region), he began working as a carpenter. In 2013, he returned to his hometown of Misasa. There, he opened a workshop and started making wooden furniture again. The return home made him reflect on the idea of furniture as tools for daily living. With that thought, he began making simple, practical chairs and tables with conifer wood. His new line of work debuted at COCOROSTORE, including a series of rustic but rationally constructed chairs that look like they would be found in a barn.
After returning to his hometown in 2013, Fujimoto spent three years building this workshop
Barn Chair (Barn Series)
While living in Nara Prefecture, Fujimoto made furniture with finely carved details from hardwoods such as chestnut, oak, and maple. After returning to Tottori, he started making practical tables and chairs from conifer and cypress for everyday use.
Coniferous trees grow quickly but are soft and have less tenacity and strength than hardwoods. At the chair prototype company where Fujimoto had his first job, he learned how to compensate for the drawbacks of softwood with skill and technique. Chairs are tools needed to support people of various body types sitting in various postures. Rather than using thick materials to create a rugged finish, he based his designs on the materials and delicate lines found in furniture from the Nara Period. He used the lightness of conifer wood to create revolutionary designs. When I first sat in a chair designed by Fujimoto, I was so moved that I got goosebumps.
Many other designs have been created based on the first Barn Chair chair design, including armchairs, benches, and children's chairs. Custom-order tables can also be requested to match the chairs.
The Barn Series is an excellent choice for those looking to buy handmade furniture for the first time. Its functionality, durability, and affordability make it appealing to a wide range of customers, from older adults to families with small children.
The surface of the furniture will become smooth and shiny with use and the texture and color will become more lustrous with time. This is furniture you can grow and age with.
w(幅).2300mm x d(奥行).900mm x h(高さ).750mm
Dining Table (hardwood series) Material: Chestnut
w (width).2300mm x d (depth).900mm x h (height).750mm
特注テーブルが出来上がり間近でしたので組み上げの一部を撮影させていただきました。 藤本さんのテーブルの天板は手鉋で仕上げられているので木目がスカッとシャープに整られているので鏡面のように輝いています。鉋仕上げは水切れがよいので生活していく上で輪染みや色移りがしづらいという利点があります。
鉋でなくサンドペーパーなどで仕上げられたテーブルは見た目にはわかりずらいですが表面が細かく毛羽立っているので手で触るとザラザラとした感触と水気を吸い込みやすい性質があるので輪染みや色移りしやすいです。 4本の丸脚も轆轤で挽いたのちに手鉋で面を取っているので表面に細かな凹凸が生まれ、立体感が現れます。手間をかけて鉋で整えて綺麗に仕上げることはセールストークや見た目ではなく、使用される方の、後の事を考えた合理的な手法なのです。
A living/dining table that responds to your dining, relaxing, and workspace needs.
This custom-made table was almost complete, so I photographed a portion of it being assembled. The surface of Fujimoto's tables are hand planed. The smooth, sharp grain of the wood shines like a mirror. As moisture drains well from this hand-planed wood, it also has the advantage of being difficult to stain.
At first, it may be difficult to tell the difference between a tabletop finished with sandpaper or a hand plane. On closer look, you will notice tabletops finished with sandpaper are finely fluffed and rough. Further, the high moisture absorbency leaves water rings and causes color to transfer easily.
The four table legs are shaped on a potter's wheel. Then, they are hand planed, which leaves delicate undulations on the surface and creates an interesting texture. Taking time to make furniture and finishing it with a hand plane is not a sales gimmick. Fujimoto sincerely considers the future of the user.
The tabletop is 30mm thick, durable enough to last decades, to be passed on to the next generation, and survive big moves. It is strong enough to endure the scratches, dents, and stains that occur over using a table for a long time. The table top is thick enough to be resurfaced and planed in the future. If this table can live longer than the chestnut tree cut down to make it, I believe Fujimoto's aspirations will be met.
I have taken to heart what Fujimoto taught me. Not only the quality of materials but also the structure and design are important.
Work Stool
Work stools are commonly used in a woodshop.
The rounded seat of this design provides comfort as you lean forward to work. The chestnut wood is soft and gentle to sit on. Its curved legs are distinctive. They are bent sharply and held together by ebony joints. Fujimoto's method is very unique and elegant.
When I was talking with Fujimoto on the workshop deck, I noticed the peach trees were blooming, so he gave me some branches. I took them home and put them in a vase—cheerful spring.
〒682-0821 鳥取県倉吉市魚町2516
当店取扱い商材:木の椅子JUN 藤本順正