彼らは必死に店の閉鎖や小売店の窃盗であなたの注意をそらそうとしているが、これはシステムが崩壊しているということだ。トランプは何年も前からこれを計画しており、最初の任期中に GESARA の完全実施の基盤となる大統領令に署名した。彼は 2024 年 9 月 15 日の非公開のスピーチで、来たる金融嵐について語り、このことをほのめかした。
トランプは権力を失っていない。彼に対する絶え間ない攻撃は、彼らが彼の象徴するものを恐れていることを証明している。彼らは、GESARA がスイッチを入れれば、人類史上最大の富の移転につながることを知っている。彼らの支配の時代は終わるだろう。
ドルは死につつあり、世界のエリートたちはそれを知っている。銀行は崩壊し、システムは崩壊し、彼らには時間がない。GESARA はここにあり、完全に活性化されるのを待ち構えている。それが起これば、すべてが変わる。ディープステートは崩壊し、トランプが先頭に立つだろう。
Posted by Phil https://t.me/phil_godlewskii/20398
We live in a rigged system. The global elite are pushing us towards total collapse. The theft of our economy, our middle class, our retail stores... it's all part of their plan to take away our freedom, our money, and our future.
The US debt has exploded, reaching $35 trillion. Another trillion is being added every 100 days. This is not a mistake. It's a calculated effort to destabilize America and enslave its people with endless debt. The global elite want America's downfall, and they know who their biggest enemy is: Donald J. Trump.
They have attacked Trump through fake impeachment, media campaigns, and assassination plots because Trump stands in the way of their plans. Trump holds the key to the biggest financial reset in history.
GESARA is the global solution to destroy the corrupt banking system that enslaves us. Trump knows it, and that's why the Deep State is panicking. They don't want the general public to know about this game-changing financial reset. But guess what? It's already happening. Russia, China, and the BRICS countries are moving to a new financial system that will destroy the US dollar and its dominance in global trade.
In September 2024, the BRICS summit revealed plans for a gold-backed monetary system, exactly what GESARA promises. The Federal Reserve and IMF are in deep panic as the global elites desperately try to maintain control. They unleashed cyber attacks on the energy grid and created chaos to push us to accept a global digital currency. But President Trump's GESARA is standing in their way.
The Federal Reserve is losing control of interest rates and the economy. Their last resort to raise interest rates is failing as the dollar crashes. The Deep State knows that once GESARA is activated, their power will end. The assets of the Federal Reserve will be seized and trillions of dollars stolen from the American people will be returned.
They are desperately trying to distract from this with store closures and retail theft, but this is the system that is collapsing. Trump has been planning this for years and signed executive orders during his first term laying the groundwork for the full implementation of GESARA. He alluded to this in a private speech on September 15, 2024, when he spoke of the coming financial storm.
Trump has not lost his power. The constant attacks against him prove that they are afraid of what he represents. They know that once GESARA is switched on, the greatest transfer of wealth in human history will occur. Their days of rule are over.
The dollar is dying and the global elite know it. The banks are failing, the system is collapsing and there is no time left. GESARA is here, waiting in the background. When it does, everything will change. The Deep State will collapse and Trump will take control.
The biggest transfer of wealth in history is about to happen and it cannot be stopped.