「RV アップデート」ウルヴァリン著、6 月 14 日
ウルヴァリンから転送されました 。
量子金融システムがもうすぐ稼働します、友達。何が起こっているのかまだ分からない人は、この XRPLion ポッドキャストの最新情報を聞いてみてはいかがでしょうか。
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Quantum Financial system is about to go up my friends. For those of you who still don’t know what’s going on, you might want to listen to this XRPLion podcast update.
So much information coming out right now. NESARA/GESARA, Quantum Financial System, Gold Backed Rainbow Coin, Emergency Broadcast System, MedBeds, the fall of the Deep State elite cabal families and their bogus fiat money system. The true game of monopoly is finally over and we the people the light bearers have just won the battle against evil. It’s all about to be revealed this summer. The world is about to shift to the New 5D Earth. GET READY EVERYONE!!!
mel carmine