以下是該研究的詳細內容,如對本試驗有興趣,請到官網註冊 :https://chinesemedicalresearch.com/registration/
Thank you for being interested in clinical trials. We are delighted to invite you to attend a study which will start in Dallas, USA in 2025 APR.
The detail of the study is listed as follows, if you are interested in taking part in this study, please do not hesitate to register at https://chinesemedicalresearch.com/registration/
Our staffs will contact you as soon as possible.
【研究簡介/ Study design 】
【地點】 美國達拉斯的臨床研究中心
【Venue】 A clinical research facility in Dallas, USA
【 研究疾病】 白斑症及相關的自體免疫性疾病
【 Treatment for disease 】Vitiligo (a disease that causes loss of skin color in patches) and related autoimmune diseases
【給藥形式】 靜脈注射或皮下注射
【Form of dosing】 Intravenous or Subcutaneous
【完成實驗津貼】 補償您的時間和不便 $12,736 +交通費
【Completion Allowance】 We will compensate you for your time and inconvenience up to $12,736 +Travel expenses
【入選條件/Inclusion criteria】
(僅顯示部分/Not all are listed )
體重指數(BMI)在18至32 kg/m²之間的人土
Male or female of Chinese ethnicity and 18~65 years old (female must be surgically sterilised/postmenopausal)
Born in Mainland China, Hong Kong or Taiwan, all biological parents and grandparents are of exclusive Chinese descent, living aboard less than 10 years
BMI ranged between 18 to 32 kg/m²
Non-smoker or not more than 10 cigarettes per day
Not have donated any blood within 4 weeks before screening
Not participate in other clinical trial in previous 30 days.
No medical history of clinically significant diseases, no medicine on regular basis.
Having good vein for blood taking
Able to attend all visits for 1 of the cohorts
【研究日程表/Study Schedule】
The above schedule is subjected to change
All study subjects will receive their compensation within 21 days of the completion of their participation in the study. Compensation will be issued in the form of a check, pre-loaded debit card, or direct deposit. The form of compensation will be determined by the study staff.
如果您沒有社會安全號碼或稅務識別號碼,根據美國國稅局 (IRS) 的規定,臨床試驗公司必須從您的補償金中扣除30%。
If you do not have a Social Security number or tax identification number, the IRS requires the clinical research company to deduct 30 percent from your compensation.
聯絡電郵: admin@chinesemedicalresearch.com