
roughly writing

Today, I got the same shift as my friend whom I had met at my workplace so today I worked there with her and of course Kavi. Actually, I saw her for the first time in a while so we talked what's happened recently each other while doing the dishes and serving dishes.

she is really adorable person but very experienced person at the same time. By the way, she is younger than me, haha. So I heard from her about what the club is like and what kind of persons are there and so on. It's really interesting for me because I've never been there but I want to go to some clubs in the UK when I go there.

Speaking of the club in the UK, I was told about what it was like from the person who live in Scotland and maybe has the same age as me. And I remember that he was really suprised when he heard from me that I've never been there at my age. But as for me, I was also suprised at his reaction,haha.

Anyway, today was great as usual and tomorrow I'm going to eat a shaved ice dessert with my friend. I'm looking forward it because actually I've eaten it last year and I remember it was really delicious!
