Black tree.

Hello, this is clarky luna.

I haven't written for quite a long time because I was busy. Like, reeeeal busy. Sorry if I made you wait. 

Good thing though, the things I've recently done, they contribute to my well-being. I like the activities I've spent time on lately and I feel that there's a positive effect in my daily life. Though I still laze around my room most of the time. Anyways.

The story I'll share to you this time is about a name. My name, in particular. 

The moniker I've been using on the J-pop side of the internet for a long time now is actually wrong in a sense. At the same time, I've justified its "wrongness" over time. 

So, the name is "kuroki" (クロキ or くろき in Japanese spelling). I also use くろきるな as a display name on some of my social media accounts. In regular letters, it spell "kurokiruna", something close to "clarky luna", my actual name.

The name is wrong, if you see it as a translation of my name (which is based on English for the most part). "Clarky" would be translated as クラーキ, (kura~ki) I think. Also, it's worth noting that there are Japanese idol fans with English names like "Brandon", "Daniel", "Brent", "Martin" etc. so if I settled with my original name as my internet alias it wouldn't really be an issue. Despite this, I settled with "kuroki".

Originally, the name is an alias I used as a wotagei performer which I eventually used as my default internet alias. The name comes from a character from the manga/anime "Tomodachi Game", and he's not even a protagonist but is a recurring character in the series. As it is actually a surname, I've seen other characters from Japanese media with the same name, both male and female. It has its Kanji spelling as well, "黒木", 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" and 木 (ki) meaning "tree" or "wood" (It doesn't matter much since I only use the katakana and hiragana spellings but it's a fun fact nonetheless). 

My main reason for choosing the "kuroki" nickname is convenience. I tend to interact with Japanese idols a lot, so I'd like them to not have any difficulties referring to me so having a name which isn't hard to say in the Japanese context is handy. Also, it's cool that it can be associated with my actual name so it's like plus points for recall. 

Another reason is that the name is just cool in general, what can I say hahaha.

The "black tree" meaning kind of makes sense as well. A reliable support figure who does a number of things and has been associated with shady people according to some and also tends to oversee things. Something along the lines of… black tree.

Life just makes its own memes, I should say.

I hope you're doing good at life. Let's meet again sometime.

P.S. "clarky luna" isn't my real real name either, but you shouldn't think about it too much; this is the internet after all.
