まずはじめに、『 Clan Aouto Battlers 』(以下CAB)とは何か?
First of all, what is CAB (Clan Auto Battlers)?
It is a gaming community that was created to be known as the top clan in the Auto Battler genre. We want to help spread the excitement that Auto Battlers create as well as to raise motivation for competitive players through hosting events and tournaments (example. Auto Chess Japan League). Our mission is to legitimize esports as a competition and to help grow aspiring competitive players to be world class players that others can look up to.
Contributing to the development of esports
It is said that 2018 was the beginning of esports in Japan and businesses have started to acknowledge esports finally. Auto Battler genre has especially been popular and we see the potential for it to be even more so. We want our community to be the best it can be by challenging and also to be a role model for other growing communities.
Plan for the future
We are planning to publish guides catered toward players of all skill levels as well as current news in the Auto Battler scene to keep everybody updated.
If you're passionate about Auto Battlers and would like to be part of this growing community by joining us as a writer or as part of management, please contact us at our official Twitter account (@ClanAutoBattler) through direct messaging!