
My first introduction

Hi my name is Christian, I have a younger sister that I'm extremely proud of. I enjoy hiking, camping, cooking, and exercising. I am a Chinese American whose parents have immigrated from China to Hawaii so that me and my sister would have a better life. I can speak Cantonese, very basic Japanese, and Korean, the languages I have learned from school (I have already forgotten what I learned lol). My father owns a Japanese ramen restaurant and I have been his assistant chef since I was 10 years old. I have been cooking for 14 years and that is where my love for cooking comes from. I love cooking most Asian foods, especially Japanese foods. (I will show my dishes on future posts!) I am 24 years old who likes to plays everything "safe". (I will get back to the quoted word later.) I graduated in May 2022 with a Bachelor's degree of Electrical Engineering. Ever since I was a child, I always told myself that I would never do anything related to math because I was horrible at it. Fast forwarding 15 years, I now have a degree with one of the hardest math related curriculums in a degree. I should be proud of myself after achieving this degree, right? Unfortunately, the degree that I have received was not a choice that I made but by following the society standards in having a secured job. I did not know what I wanted to do in life and I distinctively followed what my other friends were majoring in.

Why am I using a Japanese website to tell my life/stories/experiences?
I have several objectives as to why, in hopes of my stories, I would like the opportunity to talk with Raku Goto (後藤楽々) and I will be explaining why in my next story. I have also gained new hobbies, and writing what I'm thinking about calms my heart after a heartbreaking experience on a dating site (will be explained later).

I don't know if anyone will read this at all because I'm writing in English on a Japanese website LOL but anything I write will be for myself as a memento I can look back many years from now from the mistakes, experiences, lessons, and goals I can read to my future self. I will also try to at least make an update once every two weeks.

Also, I am so horrible at editing my photos! My cover photo is horrible LOL, if anyone has any tips, let me know!
