■Writing-3■ 大阪府高校入試 英語C問題 ライティング トレーニング問題
Question 1 だけ少し解説を加えて、
Question 2 は 問題例+解答例 を載せます。
◆Question 1
In your opinion, which of the following factor is especially important to make a successful team? Choose one factor and explain why you think so. Your experience or examples can be used to support your opinion.
◆goal ◆good leader ◆rules ◆communication
(注) factor 要因、要素 goal 目標
◆Question 1 [Hints & 解答例]
◆目標 ◆良いリーダー ◆ルール ◆コミュニケーション
(1) "goal"版
In my view, having a shared goal is particularly important. Different people have different opinions, so if team members do not share the same goal, it will be quite difficult for them to work together. For example, suppose some of the members of a soccer team want to win as many games as possible, but others think having fun is more important. This team will not be successful because the members wish different things and cannot practice effectively. In other words, sharing the same goal is the most important to promote cooperation among teammates. (94 words)
(2) "good leader" 版
It seems to me that having a good leader is especially important. When members have different opinions, strong leadership is necessary to make them work together as a team. Also, a good leader can increase everyone’s motivation. For example, when I was a member of a basketball club, I sometimes did not feel like practice hard. However, our leader was quite good at encouraging the teammates, and I always felt more motivation after talking with him. Like this, a team's success depends on its leader. (85 words)
(3) "rules" 版
I believe rules are especially important for a team to work together successfully. This is because everyone thinks differently. For example, in a volleyball team, some players may want to practice until late at night, but others might wish to go home early. Different people have different ideas like this, but if they have a rule that practice time is limited to two hours a day, they can make practice plans together based on this rule. Like this, for various people to work together, some shared rules will be necessary. (90 words)
(4) "communication" 版
In my view, communication is particularly important to make a team successful. For diverse team members to work together, understanding each other is essential. In the basketball club that I belonged to, we held team meetings every week. We discussed various topics, shared what we were thinking and feeling, and gradually built trust. We knew every member’s strong and weak points, and always helped each other. Like this, regular communication is the key to building trust among team members and developing strong teamwork. (83 words)
◆Question 2
Question 2
If you have five days to travel, what kind of place do you want to go to? Choose one of the following options, and explain why you want to go there. (You can write about a specific place that matches one of the options. For example, you can write about New York if you choose a "big city.")
◆historic city ◆tropical beach ◆the countryside ◆big city
(注) option 選択(肢) match 合致する
historic 歴史的な、歴史的上重要な
tropical 熱帯の the countryside 田舎
◆Question 2 [解答例]
(1) "historic city" 版
I would like to visit a historic city. In particular, I want to go to Kyoto. This is because I like history. I learned a lot about the history of the city in school, and I also read many books. However, I think actually visiting this historically important place will be totally different from just reading about it. For example, I wish to visit various temples, such as Kinkaku-ji, Kiyomizu-dera and so on. Although I have some knowledge about these temples, I think I will discover a lot of new things when I visit them in person. (97 words)
(2) "tropical beach" 版
I would like to travel to a tropical beach for the following reasons. First, I want to enjoy some water sports, such as surfing and scuba diving. I live far from the sea, so I have never tried such sports. I may not be good at them, but I am sure I will have a good time. Second, I want to have some time to do nothing and feel relaxed. In my daily life, I am always busy with studying and practicing the piano. Therefore, I would like to sit on a beach chair and enjoy doing nothing. (98 words)
(3) "the countryside" 版
I would like to travel to the countryside. I live in a noisy big city, so I want to stay in a quiet place and have a relaxing time. If possible, I will choose an area with no Internet connection. Then, I will not have to care about social media or messages from my friends. I want to enjoy the beauty of nature, sleep a lot, and read some books in a quiet environment. These are the things that I cannot easily do in my busy daily life. (88 words)
(4) "big city" 版
I will surely choose a big city. I live in the countryside, and there are not so many stores or other facilities. In contrast, in a big city like Tokyo, you can find a lot of attractive stores, interesting events that are held in various places and so on. Also, I think it must be convenient to stay in a big city. For example, large cities generally have better public transportation systems, so I can move around easily and visit a wide variety of places in a day. (88 words)