
In the first half of 2021, I could spend a rich time. In these 6 months, I could choose my own way.
体重が一気に2キロ減り、BMI16の領域へ下がってしまいました。そして、過敏性腸症候群の再発。 飲食店の稼働していないコロナ禍の中、食べたことのない食材や、広すぎる&多種類すぎるスーパーで食べられるものを探す労力は大きく、食事に対する負担は膨らむばかり。 体重減少を抑えるためのアプリコントロールもあり、毎日3時間以上のコストをかけていた時期もあります。
After arriving in the U.S. at the end of December, I faced the food barrier. I lost two kilos weight in a few weeks. And I got stomach pain from stress again. In the COVID-19 regulations, all restaurants were stopped in-door dining services. It was hard to enjoy eating because I needed to find my favorite foods from a variety of products by searching the food's name in huge grocery stores. So I felt tired to eat. I have spent more than 3 hours managing my diet. It was high stress for me.
幼少期をいくつかのアメリカの州で過ごし、海外生活を苦なくおこなえる旦那とのギャップは、どんなに話しても理解してもらえない孤独感を生みました。 自分の居場所をつくるためにオンライン活動を進めると、旦那が仕事から帰宅し作業を止めないといけないことがプレッシャーになりました。
And also, I faced the challenge of communal living. It was my first time living with a man except for my dad. As a newlywed immigrant to the U.S, I needed to effort not only to live in the US. but also living with my husband. My husband had spent his childhood in several American states and was able to live abroad without difficulty. It made a gap between me and him. It created a sense of loneliness that he didn’t feel some challenges that I had. I started online activities and I found my place there. But I needed to stop them when my husband came back home. I felt the pressure that I didn’t understand when I needed to stop my work. I had to sacrifice my time in Seattle and time with my husband because the time difference threw off my body clock, which caused him to complain repeatedly.
But, I could accept my life in Seattle.
I gained another thing by throwing one thing.
「このままではいけない。海外移住を楽しみたい」 そう強く感じた4月。
春の訪れと同時に、私は行動をはじめました。 Twitterの情報とグーグルマップ、バスを駆使して、行けるだけの自然を訪れ、自分の好みと合うシアトルの魅力を体感しました。
"I need to change to enjoy life in Seattle." I felt that strongly in April and I started to take action with spring coming. Using Twitter, Google Maps, and buses, I visited as much nature as I could. I felt the attractivity to Seattle that matched my tastes. I looked for job postings and found a place that would hire me with no experience and no confidence in my English. With the help of a blog that summarizes ESL information, I contacted each place and joined what I could participate in.
自分の強みと向き合いコミットできていた活動を捨て、「言葉の話せない人」として雑用のために時間を捧げるのは、フラストレーションが溜まりました。 「本当にこれで良かったのか?」という疑問を持てないくらい、長時間のシフトを入れて、毎日へとへとになるまで働きました。
It was a big challenge for me to start a part-time job. I couldn't start a part-time job without stopping the online activities I had worked so hard to build. It was stressful for me to abandon the activities that I was into with my strength, and to dedicate my time to work as "a people who can't speak the language (English)." I worked long shifts every day to avoid feeling nervous that "Was this really the right thing to do?"
「稼いだお金を使って何かをしたい」 サイトとにらめっこしながら検討し、ツアー内容やメニューは逐一検索&翻訳、レビューも真剣によみながら、レジャーの幅を増やすようになりました。 公園散策は場所と交通手段さえわかれば楽しめましたが、飲食やオルカ見学ツアーは一段階レベルがあがります。
But when I started earning money, a new change came over me. "I want to enjoy with my own money." I searched websites to try more variety of activities. I translated tour descriptions and menus and read reviews seriously. Eating outside and participating in tours were tougher to search than hiking because it required English. I was able to overcome these hurdles because I had the motivation to spend my hard-earned money to enjoy Seattle more. I realized that money was one of the mind blocks that had been restricting my actions.
How do you want to spend the second half of 2021?
バイトを始めたことで、「移民として生きる」ことの困難に直面し、考えるきっかけを得られました。 体格差、体力差、価値観の差、話し方の違い、その土地で得られる物得られないもの、東京の過ごしやすさ/シアトルの過ごしやすさ、タブー視するものの違い それらの多様な基準の中で、私は何を選んでいきたいのか? 誰と一緒に、どのような場所で、何に時間と労力を使いたいのか?
Starting a part-time job has given me a chance to think about the difficulties of living as an immigrant. I faced some difficulties of differences in physical frame, physical power, values, taboo, and comfortability of the place. And there are many things that I can get in Tokyo but I lost in Seattle, but opposite too. Among these different values, I asked myself "What is your choice?" "Who do I spent my own time with, where and for what?"
I like my strength of listening best. I would like to organize a relaxing space where the people take the first step positively. It does not require the power or the value of other people.
私はまだ、バイト探しを辞めていません。 まだまだ、求人募集を探し、応募をし続けています。
リモートなどの体力温存ができる仕事、より高単価で働ける仕事、そしてワクワクできる人と働けるか? そしてまた、心と体のスペースを整えて、ふたたび夢や楽しさを追いかけたいと思います。
I haven’t quit looking for my job yet. I’m still searching for classified and keep applying for them. I look for some works fitting my power, at high income, and interesting for me with exciting people. And in the near future, I will follow my dream and joy with my mind and body health.
