Its a well known fact that everything in the Catholic program; their traditional symbols [even the crucifix] and dress of their clergy are stolen from the Pagan world. The Vatican alone is covered in Pagan images stolen from the world they tried to destroy, steal and cover up. Along with the corruption of the concepts behind them, to create their program. Here we will look into the connection between the holiday and ritual wear of Semana Santa and where its stolen origins are from. [This has to do with the Ku Klux Klan, and the design of their robes, masks and pointed hats]
"Ostara" is a Pagan holiday celebrated between March 21-23 on the Spring Equinox. "Easter" was stolen from Astaroth. Originally known as "Ashtar." This holiday coincides with the Vernal Equinox of spring when day and night are of equal length. Known as "Eastre" to the Anglo-Saxons. As the Goddess of fertility, she was associated with rabbits and eggs.
(※1オスタラはアスタルトと同一視される女神。イースターの語源とも言われる。 ※2エオストレは西ゲルマンの春の女神です。)
The Christians stole this holiday and twisted its meaning. Other names include: Easter, Eastre, Eos, Eostre, Ester, Estrus [Estrus is when an animal goes into heat; mating season], Oestrus, Oistros, and Ostara. Again, the "Lamb of God" was stolen from the Zodiac sign of Aries the Ram, which occurs every spring. The Lamb was also carried by Hermes and Osiris." In addition, Odin, Krishna, Marsyas, Dodonian and Zeus also hung from trees. Set was “crucified” on a “cross” known as a furka.
クリスチャンはこの祝日を盗み、その意味をねじ曲げてしまったのです。他の名前は以下の通りです:イースター、エオストレ、エーオース、エアストレ、エスター、エストラス [動物が発情する時期。交尾期。]、Oestrus, Oistros, オスタラなどがあります。繰り返しになりますが、「神の子羊」は、毎年春に訪れる牡羊座の星座から盗まれました。子羊もへルメスとオシリスによって運ばれました。さらに、オーディン、クリシュナ、マルシュアース、ドドニアン、ゼウスも木からぶら下がっていた。
-From the book "The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects" by Barbara G. Walker, Page 54. The spring lamb, symbolic of when the sun enters the sign of Aries, also has to do with beginning the Magnum Opus. In predominantly Catholic countries it is called Holy Week or "Semana Santa" in Spanish." In some translations it is also called "Easter Week."
-バーバラG.ウォーカー著の本「女性のためのシンボルと聖なるものの事典」54ページより。太陽が牡羊座のサインに入るときを象徴する春の子羊は、マグナム・オーパスの始まりとも関係があります。カトリックが主流の国では、スペイン語で聖週間または「セマナ・センタ(Semana Santa)」と呼ばれています。翻訳によっては、"イースター・ウィーク "とも呼ばれています。
The men in the robes and cone hats are described as: "They are penitents – people who are paying for some kind of sin. According to tradition, they are dressed like that because it makes them look like cypresses, which in turn look like candles, the traditional symbol of a soul ascending to heaven."
ローブとコーンの帽子をかぶった男たちはこう表現されています。 "彼らは懺悔者、つまり何らかの罪を償っている人たちです。伝統によれば、彼らがあのような格好をしているのは、それをヒノキに見立て、ヒノキを天に昇る魂の象徴であるロウソクに見立てているからです。"
This gets into the meaning behind the conical headdress and wear which goes all the way back to very ancient Pagan times: "Sims says that these priests wore rocket-shaped conical hats decorated with rows for sun and moon symbols that are said to outline the metonic cycle of the sun and moon.
このことは、円錐形のヘッドドレスやウェアに込められた意味にもつながり、それは非常に古い異教徒の時代にまで遡ります。 「シムズによると、これらの神官は、太陽と月のメトン周期※の輪郭を描くと言われる、太陽と月のシンボルの列で飾られたロケット型の円錐形の帽子をかぶっていた。 (※メトン周期:同じ月日に同じ月の位相が見られる周期として、紀元前433年にギリシャの数学者メトン(Meton)が発見した19年の周期。)
Several of these tall golden hats one with a chinstrap- have been discovered in Ireland and central Europe, which suggests they may be of Celtic origin. Said to date from 1500 BC, they are possibly a precursor of the traditional conical wizard's hat. A similarly shaped hat was placed on the head of a person consider to be a "dunce', a word that derives from 'dunn' or 'dune' meaning 'hill' or an 'upwelling of energy'. By thus focusing attention (i.e. energy) on the chakra vortex above the head, it was believed that the wearer would be granted more 'brain power' or intelligence." From "The Serpent Grail: The Truth Behind the Holy Grail, the Philosopher's Stone and the Elixir of Life" by Philip Gardiner and Gary Osborn © 2006
この背の高い金色の帽子は、あごひも付きのものがアイルランドや中央ヨーロッパでいくつか発見されており、ケルト人のものである可能性が示唆されています。これらは紀元前1500年頃のものと言われており、伝統的な円錐形の魔法使いの帽子の前身である可能性があります。同じような形の帽子を「Dunce(劣等生)」と呼ばれる人の頭にかぶせていましたが、これは「丘」や「エネルギーの湧き上がり」を意味する「dunn」や「dune」に由来しています。このように頭上のチャクラの渦に注意(=エネルギー)を向けることによって、着用者は「脳力」または「知性」が高まると信じられていました。」 フィリップ・ガーディナーとゲイリー・オズボーン著「蛇の杯:聖杯の背後にある真実、賢者の石と生命の秘薬」より©2006
The sun and moon depicted on the helms relate also to the union of the sun and moon or male and female aspects of the soul at the ajna or pineal gland center where the trine aspect of the serpent power meet and join. [The serpent power is of Satan]. The book also states that in China these hats where also worn by the mag [this name is important] or their court magicians the Chinese character for mag is a cross with slightly splayed ends, which was also used by the Knights Templar. Mag is another title for the mystic pillar [mount meru axis or spinal column], the same as the magicians who wore these conical hats. It is also found in Sumerian meaning "to move" referrring to moving the serpent power upwards.
Helms(兜?)に描かれている太陽と月は、蛇の力の三位一体の側面が出会って結合するアジュナ(松果体)センターでの、太陽と月の結合、つまり魂の男性と女性の側面の合体にも関連しています。[蛇の力はサタンのものです]。またこの本よると、中国ではこの帽子を「マグ」(この名前は重要です)と呼ばれる宮廷魔術師が被っていたそうです。「マグ」という漢字は、テンプル騎士団でも使われていた、両端が少し開いた十字架の形をしています。マグは、神秘の柱(須弥山の軸や脊柱)の別名で、この円錐形の帽子をかぶっていた魔術師と同じです。また、シュメール語では「移動する」という意味があり、蛇の力を上に移動させることを意味しています。 (※須弥山は、スメル、シネル、マハーメルとも呼ばれ、ヒンドゥー、ジャイン、仏教の宇宙学の神聖な五峰の山で あり、すべての物理的、形而上学的、精神的な宇宙の中心と見なされています。Wikiより。)
This dress also appears in the image of the Priests of EA or Oannes in the ME [where the mitre comes from].
"Which is depicted nondescript kind of fish formed like a column or tower, passing Maypole-like, through the ring or O of IO." Note these images where also found in Europe as they were also used by the Pagans. "IO" is another variation of "EA." The I being symbolic of the erect male phallus [penis]; being masculine and the O being symbolic of the vagina; being feminine. The fish symbol is also symbolic of the vagina. The Christians have corrupted this and turned it on its side. The message of these symbols concerns the male and female aspects of the soul and the I and O can be seen in many Goetic Demon Sigils.
The Benben tower of Osiris with the conical or pyramidal top represents the spinal column, with the power ascended to the top of the spine in the crown. The obelisk is a version of this, and was originally related to the basilisk: "Osiris was also known as Ob-El ['Shining Serpent'], or Pytho Sol ['Serpent Sun']. Great pillars of stone were dedicated to this worship and in Grecian times these were called Obelos or Obeliscus. They are now known as Obelisk pillars and related to the Basiliks [my note the Royal Serpent]. These pillars were obvious allusions to the axis mundi or World Axis and symbolized both the Earth's polar axis and the human spinal column, as also evidenced in the Djed column, the Egyptian symbol for stability, which was also associated with Osiris and referred to as his 'spine' or 'backbone'.
The fish headdress and ritual robe and divine phallus hold the identical meaning. Many phallus images like the serpent images have a head of a human on the top for the same meaning; the ascended power. The Benben tower is connected to the Phoenix. The Benben stone is shown as conical stone that rests upon the pillar symbol of the spinal column.
Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Dionysus and the divine phallus was also shown in the shape of fish. The phallus is the spinal column with the kundalini full risen. EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The fish is symbolic of the feminine serpentine energy; the female/subconscious side of the brain; the shakti power.
イクシス、または魚はディオニュソスの名前の1つであり、神の陰茎も魚の形で示されていました。男根は、クンダリーニが完全に上昇した状態の脊柱です。EA [オアネス]も、同じ理由でMEと「水の主(Lord of Water)」で魚に覆われた神として示されています。魚は女性的な蛇のようなエネルギー、脳の女性/潜在意識側、シャクティの力の象徴です。
This cone symbol is also shown as the top of Mount Meru in Eastern texts, which appears to be identical to Amurru pillar seen in the Sumerian cylinder seals. In Egypt the sacred symbol for bread is cone shaped but it relates to the bread of life or manna which is connected to the energies of the soul and especially it seems the dew of the pineal gland.
"In religious symbolism the candlestick is the symbol of spiritual illumination, of the light, and of seed of life and of salvation." - Cirlot in the Dictionary of symbols.
「宗教的な象徴では、燭台は精神的な照明、光、そして生命と救いの種の象徴です。」 -シンボルの辞書のCirlot
The illuminated tree is also an ancient Pagan concept. The tree is an ancient symbol of the human soul, such as the World Tree. The trunk is the spinal column with the branches representing the 144,000 nadis of the soul, and the "fruits" being the serpentine energy and life-force, along with the individual worlds representing the charka centers along the spine. The "xmas" tree [World Tree]is an ancient Pagan symbol that was put up at Yule to symbolize the reborn soul with the candles being the illuminated nadis and the star at the top the halo of the risen serpent; the perfected and reborn soul.
The esoteric meaning of "Druid" is "Knower of the Tree" and in the ancient Priesthoods, one of the highest-ranking levels one could obtain such as in the Eleusinian mystery, was the title of Yew. The sacred Yew tree, along with the Oak, was honored by the Pagans. The spiritual symbolism across the Pagan world regarding the tree, and its connection to the soul could fill its own book.
Back to Semana Santa: According to tradition, they are dressed like that because it makes them look like cypresses, which in turn look like candles, the traditional symbol of a soul ascending to heaven. What we are originally looking at is a symbol of alchemy where the men are wearing symbols of the ascended power on the time of the resurrection [the ascent of the serpent], which was celebrated by Pagans such as the followers of Dionysus at this time [Semana Santa/Easter].
セマナ・サンタに戻る: 伝統によれば、彼らはヒノキのように見えるので、そのような服を着ています。ヒノキは伝統的な天に昇る魂の象徴であるロウソクにも見えるのです。私たちが見ているのは本来は錬金術の象徴であり、ディオニュソスの信者などの異教徒がこの時期(セマナ・サンタ/イースター)に祝っていた復活の時(蛇の昇天)に、男たちが上昇した力の象徴を身につけているのです。
Hence the tree or candle images; all symbols of the ascended power, the conical hat as seen being the symbol of the Priests who have ascended the serpentine power, who are in turn named after the mystical tree or tower the Mag. The symbol of the conical headdress symbolizes the soul ascending to heaven, as "heaven" is the alchemist term for the crown chakra, this cone represents the serpent power of Satan, and its ascent to the crown chakra, the Benben or conical stone that rests upon the symbolic spine of the Osiris tower.
したがって、木やキャンドルのイメージは、すべて上昇した力の象徴であり、円錐形の帽子は、蛇の力を上昇させた神官の象徴であり、その神官の名前は、神秘的な木や塔「マグ」にちなんで付けられています。円錐形の頭飾りのシンボルは、天に昇る魂を象徴しています。"天 "は錬金術師の用語でクラウン・チャクラを意味し、この円錐形はサタンの蛇の力と、クラウン・チャクラへの昇りを表していますが、これはオシリスの塔の象徴的な背骨の上にあるベンベンまたは円錐形の石です。
To put it bluntly these guys are walking "xmas trees" and the Pagan/Satanic symbolism behind the Yule tree and the illumination of the soul, with the conical hat meaning the same as the halo or star on the tree. On Semana Santa we are looking at Pagan Priests celebrating the resurrection of the Satanic Serpent power rising up the spine to the crown, and the purification of the soul that comes with it, and the reborn state of consciousness, at the time of the resurrected Pagan God, which symbolizes this power. The White robes symbolize the purified soul.
Some "penitents" in these Easter processions holding the staff with the crescent looking metal ends are symbolic of the spinal column with the dual aspects of the power. And in one photo I note the leader carrying a banner. The head of the parade for Dionysus on Easter in the ancient world had the head priest carrying a wooden pole or phallic symbol, or in some cases a cross [Christianity didn't use the cross till the seventh century]. In some cases, a naked youth covered in white clay would do this as the symbol of the purified soul and reborn sun/soul. Some of these festivals still survive in the East today.
翻訳元サイト:「The Pagan/Satanic Origins of Cone-Shaped Hats by High Priest Don Danko [Mageson 666]」