Murder hornets' land in the US for the first time 04 May 2020 US & Canada≒ 米国で初めてスズメバチの土地 2020年5月4日米国およびカナダ
Murder hornets' land in the US for the first time
04 May 2020 US & Canada
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Image copyrightSTATES OF JERSEYAsian hornet
Image captionAsian hornets were first spotted in the US last fall
Even as the US remains under attack from the coronavirus outbreak, a new terror has arrived: "murder hornets".
The 2-inch long Asian giant hornets have landed in the US for the first time, spotted on the west coast.
Multiple stings are deadly to humans and in their "slaughter phase" the hornets destroy honeybees, whose bodies they feed to their young.
Scientists are now on a hunt for the hornets, hoping to eradicate the species before they wipe out US bees.
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Asian hornet queen is UK's first of 2019
'One nest' could spread Asian hornets
Though they typically avoid people, in Asia, "murder hornet" stings are thought to cause as many as 50 human fatalities a year, according to the New York Times.
The hornets made their first North American appearance in August 2019, in British Columbia, Canada. Months later, in December 2019, the flying insects were reported south of the border, in Washington State.
Washington State University (WSU) are unsure how or when the hornet first arrived in North America, but beekeepers in the region have reported gruesome hive deaths in recent months. Scientists are bracing for further emergence of the species, which begins its life cycle in spring.
The Asian Hornets prey upon bumblebees
Image captionThe murder hornets can destroy a beehive in hours
The hornets are "shockingly large", said Todd Murray, a WSU scientist and invasive species specialist. "It's a health hazard, and more importantly, a significant predator of honeybees."
The insects, roughly the size of a matchbox, have large yellow-orange heads, prominent black eyes, and a black and yellow striped abdomen.
"They're like something out of a monster cartoon with this huge yellow-orange face," said Susan Cobey, a bee breeder with WSU entomology department in a press release.
The Asian giant hornet's life cycle begins in April, when queens come out of hibernation, and begin to feed and seek out subterranean dens to build their nests. Once their habitats are built in the summer and autumn months, worker hornets are sent to find food.
With their sharp, spiked mandibles, the hornets decapitate honeybees, using the bodies to feed their young. The hornets can destroy a honeybee hive in a matter of hours.
large Asian Hornet
Image captionScientists are hoping to eradicate the species in the US
Though beehives are their primary target, when threatened the hornets can attack people. Multiple stings can kill humans, even those who are not allergic.
In Japan, where they're most common, murder hornets kill roughly 30 to 40 people each year.
"It was like having red-hot thumbtacks being driven into my flesh," Vancouver Island beekeeper Conrad Bérubé told the New York Times. He was stung through a bee suit and sweatpants underneath.
large Asian Hornet
Image captionThe hornets can kill humans after multiple stings
The WSU scientists will begin trapping queen murder hornets this spring, aiming to detect and eradicate the species.
Populations of honeybees and other pollinators in the US were already under pressure. Between 1947 and 2017, number of honeybee colonies in the US plummeted from 6 million to 2.5 million. And last year, researchers from the University of Maryland reported that 40% of the country's honeybee colonies died in a single winter, between October 2018 and April 2019 - the largest loss of its kind.
Pollinators, most often honeybees, are responsible for one of every three bites of food taken in the US, and increase the country's nation crop values every year by more than $15bn (£12bn), according to the US Department of Agriculture.
スズメバチは、2019年8月にカナダのブリティッシュコロンビアで初めて北米に登場しました。 数か月後の2019年12月、国境の南、ワシントン州で飛んでいる昆虫が報告されました。
ワシントン州立大学(WSU)は、スズメバチが最初にどのようにまたはいつ北アメリカに到着したかはわかりませんが、この地域の養蜂家はここ数ヶ月で恐ろしい巣箱の死を報告しています。 科学者たちは、春にライフサイクルを開始する種のさらなる出現に備えています。
スズメバチは「驚くほど大きい」とWSUの科学者で侵略的な種のスペシャリストであるトッド・マレーは言った。 「それは健康被害であり、さらに重要なことに、ミツバチの重要な捕食者です。」
アジアのジャイアントホーネットのライフサイクルは、女王が冬眠から抜け出した4月に始まり、巣を作るために地下の巣穴に餌をやり始めます。 夏と秋に生息地が構築されると、スズメバチは餌を探すために派遣されます。
鋭いスパイクの下顎で、スズメバチはミツバチを斬首し、体を使って子供を養います。 スズメバチは数時間でミツバチの巣箱を破壊できます。
ハチの巣が彼らの主な標的ですが、脅かされるとスズメバチは人々を攻撃する可能性があります。 アレルギーを起こしていない人でも、複数の刺傷が人間を殺す可能性があります。
バンクーバー島の養蜂家、コンラッドベルベはニューヨークタイムズ紙に、「それは真っ赤な画鋲が私の肉に打ち込まれるようなものでした」と語った。 彼は下の蜂のスーツとスウェットパンツに刺された。
米国のミツバチやその他の花粉媒介者の集団はすでに圧力にさらされています。 1947年から2017年の間に、米国のミツバチのコロニーの数は600万から250万に急減しました。 そして昨年、メリーランド大学の研究者たちは、国のミツバチのコロニーの40%が2018年10月から2019年4月までの1つの冬に死亡したと報告しました-この種の最大の損失。