・フロントエンドデベロッパー: ウェブサイトやウェブアプリケーションのユーザーインターフェースを設計・実装します。
・ウェブデザイナー: 主にデザインとレイアウトに焦点を当て、ビジュアル面を重視しますが、HTMLとCSSの知識も必要です。
・UI/UXデザイナー: ユーザーインターフェース(UI)とユーザー体験(UX)を設計し、使いやすく魅力的なデザインを追求します。
・HTMLのコーディング: ウェブページのコンテンツを構造化し、セマンティックなタグを使用して意味を持たせる。
・CSSのスタイリング: HTMLで構造化されたコンテンツに対してデザインやレイアウトを適用し、視覚的に魅力的なページを作成する。
・レスポンシブデザイン: デバイスや画面サイズに応じてウェブページが適切に表示されるように調整する。
・アクセシビリティ: すべてのユーザーがウェブページを利用できるように、アクセシビリティガイドラインに従ってコーディングを行う。
・HTML: ウェブページの構造を定義するための言語。
・CSS: ウェブページのデザインやレイアウトを設定するためのスタイルシート言語。
・JavaScript(場合によっては): ウェブページに動的な機能を追加するためのプログラミング言語。
・デザインツール: PhotoshopやSketchなどのデザインツールを使ってデザインを元にコーディングすることもあります。
I finished my studies at an online school for web design.
I was thinking about my future development while reviewing in my own way.
I did a little research on what a “markup engineer” is. I did a little research.
<Works that use HTML and CSS are generally referred to as “front-end development.”>
Specifically, it includes the following roles and job titles
Front-end developer: Designs and implements user interfaces for websites and web applications.
Web Designer: Focuses primarily on design and layout, with an emphasis on visual aspects, but also requires knowledge of HTML and CSS.
UI/UX Designers: Design the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to ensure that the design is easy to use and attractive.
These positions often use other front-end technologies such as JavaScript, but HTML and CSS are the foundation.
<The Markup Engineer's Role>
HTML coding: Structuring the content of a web page and using semantic tags to make sense of it.
CSS styling: Apply design and layout to HTML-structured content to create visually appealing pages.
Responsive design: Ensure that web pages display appropriately for different devices and screen sizes.
Accessibility: Coding according to accessibility guidelines to ensure that web pages are accessible to all users.
<Required Skills>
HTML: Language used to define the structure of a web page.
CSS: A stylesheet language used to set the design and layout of a web page.
JavaScript (in some cases): A programming language used to add dynamic functionality to web pages.
Design tools: Design tools such as Photoshop and Sketch are sometimes used to code based on the design.
<Typical job description>
・Writing actual HTML/CSS code based on mockups and wireframes created by the designer. Clean up and optimize the code to improve page loading speed and performance.
∙ Continuing to learn new frameworks and technologies to keep up with the latest web standards.
Markup engineers play a very important role in web development and are essential to creating attractive and functional websites.
I realized again that I want to work as a markup engineer.
So, I've been working on a Portfolio that I've created over the past few months. I thought I would upload the portfolio I have created over the past few months here little by little. I would like to work as a coder first.
I am still very inexperienced at this point. I would be very happy if someone would take notice of my work and give me a job. I would be very happy to work with you. I will code faithfully to the design.
I look forward to working with you in the future.