Working with foreigner is not easy, but why?
Working with people from outside of Japan is sometimes interesting. Though it is tough for me.
First reason is definitely that I have way longer experience than them. It is inevitable and what we can do is teaching/learning.
But then, that is the same to the other Japanese co-workers. I though so but not true.
I've just started reading a book about human development and I found an interesting phrase.
日本の子どもでは、「持続性」「抑制」(いわれたことをきちんとする/しこしこ努力/時間をかけてじっくり取り組む、など)といった特徴を持っている子どもの知能や学力が高いのですが、アメリカの子どもでは持続性や抑制は知能とは無関係で、自分から能動的に取り組む、人と違ったことをする「自発性/能動性」「独創性」が高知能・高学力と結びついているのです。日米の子どもの「知的に発達」は(知能検査結果は等しくとも)質的に随分違うのです。『発達心理学から考える おとなが育つ条件』柏木惠子 p 14
It says that Japanese kids are taught to be persistent or resistant. On the other hand, proactiveness and creativeness have more to do with the intelligence in the United States. The qualities of intellectual development between these two countries are totally different.
So then, I thought that I can explain the gaps I experienced to the people who are interested in working in other countries. It might also help people working with or hiring foreigner in Japan, or even outside of Japan, maybe all the people who are going to enter the culturally totally different world.
Introduction: I have been working at an English school for nearly ten years. First few years I was a teacher but now I mainly work as a school manager. I have worked with people from the USA, England, South America, Africa, the Philippines and Japan.
I had a lot of hard time with them. I was not a good boss for them. However, if my experience could help someone in this world, that would relieve me.