カナダ人俳優Seth Rogenがカナダの大麻事情を語る
みなさん こんにちは。カナダバンクーバーより『1日1単 English Talks』と『カナダで保育を語る』というポッドキャストチャンネルを運営しています。
さて、『グリーンホーネット』や『This is the end』に出演しているカナダ人俳優Seth Rogenですが、2019年より大麻を扱ったビジネス「Houseplant」を開始しています。
カナダ国営放送のアナウンサーIan Hanomansing氏が彼のキャリアを振り返りつつ、ビジネスのことについて尋ねています。
Ian "Let's talk a little bit about where we are sitting is the head quarter of houseplant. First of all, There is the Cannabis related products a lot of people associate with cannabis. This is an interesting time now because in Canada, it's a legal…."
イーアン「私たちが今、「Houseplant」(Seth Rogenが経営する会社)の本部にいることを少しお話ししましょう。まず、多くの人が大麻から連想する大麻関連製品があります。 今、カナダでは大麻が合法化されている。」
Seth "Sort of."
Ian "What do you mean soft of?"
Seth "I mean as long as it's harder to buy weed than beer. There's massive issues and huge deliberate choice to ignore reality and science and that still prevail in Canada. So, it's like technically legal, but it's still illegal in many ways."
Ian "It's fun because in Vancouver with all the stories it feels like it's as easy to buy as beer.
Seth " But we at the hockey game, can reactant can to a restaurant a bar you all that stuff is why it's still stigmatized, why it's not treated as in the way, it should be treated and it is definitely harder to get than things that are much more dangerous than it.
As long as that happens, things are not as they should be so I think Canada has done a lot of great things to legalize weed but it's still illegal in many ways. It's still really hard to have a weed business and to sell weed and to get weed in comparison to other things that are far more dangerous than it. "
セス「でも、ホッケーの試合や、レストランやバーでこういった反応を見ることができます。そういうことが、大麻がいまだに汚名を着せられている理由であり、大麻が本来あるべき姿で扱われていない理由であり、大麻よりもはるかに危険なものよりも、大麻を手に入れることが難しいのは間違いないです。 カナダは大麻を合法化するために多くの素晴らしいことを行ったと思いますが、まだ多くの点で違法です。大麻よりもはるかに危険な他のものに比べれば、大麻のビジネスをしたり、大麻を売ったり、大麻を手に入れたりするのは、(カナダでは)本当に難しいことだと感じています。」
Ian "I hadn't thought about that the hockey example what you can buy is interesting. There are a lot of stereotypes about people over the years who smoke pot and one of them… You see to be like the opposite of that."
Seth " Yeah, I have never found that stereotype to be true I know far more lazy people who doesn't smoke weed in my life. There's been they like cycle through stereotypes 40s, 50s it was like literally that it made you insane and you would kill people, it would make you psychotic like they tried to criminalize, it would make you they're a psychosis…"
セス「 そうですね、ステレオタイプが真実だと思ったことは一度もありません。僕の人生の中では、マリファナを吸わない怠け者の方がずっと多いです。40年代、50年代の人たちによるとステレオタイプは繰り返されてきていると思います。。ハッパを吸うと気が狂って、人を殺してしまうというものだとか、 精神病になるとか、犯罪者になるとか、精神病になるとか......」。
Ian "What impact do you think it has on you?"
Seth "Weed- I think for me it is like intrinsic to my baseline functionality I've compared it to glasses. I think it's a lot like glasses. If you do need glasses and you wear them everything looks wired but if you need glasses and you wear them everything looks normal. Weed is -it brings me to a normal functional level. It's the fact that it's stigmatized and criminalized just it's crazy.