
Chibasilz "encounter" liner notes: This is an encounter.

Lyrics & Music: Boal
YouTube Release Date: April 4, 2023

The Chibasilz members lived in a small rural town. They must have crossed paths on the main street many times, but they had never spoken to each other.

When Gyan got stabbed, the three of them happened to be in the same place for the first time. Boal wrote "encounter" based on that moment.
A few months later, the three would meet again.

Chibasilz was formed in a park near the main street. They didn't have a band name yet.

The three wanted music companions, and that wish came true that day.

Chibasilz's encounter began with bloodshed, and without that incident, the three wouldn't have come together.

Gyann's love for boots played a role in their encounter as well.

In the video, the puppets are watching a bloody scene. But rest assured, it's a happy ending in the work.

And that's how Chibasilz met.

The one who got stabbed with a knife
The one who helped
The one who could only watch
That's us
That's the encounter.
