July 22: My Wife, Interfering, My Gait (ボクの妻、お節介、歩き方)
Some days ago, I ran across her at the railway station near my home, and we came home together. As soon as we arrived home, she began to tell me that my stride was shorter than before. Further, she described that a few days ago, she saw a woman walking with poles but with a longer stride than me. I knew she was so concerned about my hip joint that she wanted to say something out of her kindness. But I shouted in my mind, ‘It is none of your business. Never talk about my gait. I know it without being told!’ I have struggled to explore how to improve my gait all day or night. I want to find, assess and do anything good for my gait without help from others.
I know I must never tell her what I shouted in my mind since it would cause me to have a big fight with her. About my gait, I want her to watch what I do without interfering. The more she talks about my gait, the more I am demotivated.