
My Birthday(ボクの誕生日)

Today is my birthday. It is very simple. I was born in 23 January. So, it start with one (1) of January and followed by twenty three (23) of the day. In other words, it is just ‘one, two and three’. No one forget it once they have known it. When I am asked what my birthday is, I always say, ‘It is very simple. Just, one, two and three.’ Then, it makes them laugh and say, ‘I see.’ It helps to have a good conversation.
I am not sure whether or not due to that, but I, myself, am very simple. I am not good at thinking things deeply. Since I was a child, I have not been good at doing so. When I was asked to think about something deeply at school, I could not focus on it for a long time. After thinking about it for a while, I used to stop it and begin to think about something else. Or I tend to think about it simply. While I am thinking about it, I tend to get an idea about it on instinct. Once I got it, I rely on the idea on instinct and do not think about it more deeply. I am satisfied with the idea. But I tend to be laughed at. When I show my idea to someone, it is so simple that they tend to be stunned by it. And I get strange looks.
Sometimes, I think that my life might have changed if I had tried to think things more deeply. But I am 65 today. So, it is too late to try to change the way of thinking. I do not know how long I will continue to live. I can only try not to make big mistakes, such as being trapped by a special fraud, with hasty conclusions.



