甘ったれの自己顕示と政治化する医療の間で ―『トランスジェンダーになりたい少女たち』感想シバエリシバエリ2024年6月10日 02:44. 出版中止は知る権利の侵害 〜恫喝的なトランスジェンダーとアライの問題〜シバエリシバエリ2023年12月11日 03:02. スウェーデン/フィンランドからの手紙(米国最悪の文化戦争終結を願って)OranssiOranssi2022年7月23日 23:47PDF魚拓 chako 2024年6月17日 11:56 What Happened in Finland and Sweden? Can they help us solve America's most vicious culture war? www.broadview.news Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria Purpose In on-line forums, parents have reported that their c journals.plos.org WPATH responds to Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WP www.transadvocate.com Target Removed a Transphobic Book From Shelves — Then Replaced It a Day Later As always, it bears repeating that The Brands Are Not Your Fr www.them.us Largest study to date confirms overlap between autism and gender diversity People who do not identify with the sex they were assigned at www.thetransmitter.org https://genderreport.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Summary_minors_en.pdfhttps://segm.org/sites/default/files/Finnish_Guidelines_2020_Minors_Unofficial%20Translation.pdf Doctors Agree: Gender-Affirming Care is Life-Saving Care | ACLU Arkansas has become the first state to pass a bill banning he www.aclu.org https://banks.house.gov/uploadedfiles/the_protecting_minors_from_medical_malpractice_act.pdf Opinion | Republicans are weaponizing government child services against LGBTQ youth Republicans are reigniting the historical practice of weapon www.msnbc.com Why 2015 Was the Year of Trans Visibility The transgender people and stories that moved—make that shove www.vogue.com The Transgender Tipping Point Nearly a year after the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marr time.com https://archive.md/5G3wj Media’s 'detransition' narrative is fueling misconceptions, trans advocates say They say the current narrative makes "transition regret" seem www.nbcnews.com Medical treatments cut risks for depression, suicide among transgender youth - UPI.com Although Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has deemed it "child abuse," www.upi.com Yes, Kids Are Getting Gender Surgeries Marketing the "miracle cure" of double mastectomy to kids on www.broadview.news ダウンロード copy #トランスジェンダーになりたい少女たち #ROGD