ありしん@共同親権反対ですさんのオーストラリアの家族法改正についてのnotePDF魚拓。 2 chako 2023年11月27日 09:12 https://ministers.ag.gov.au/media-centre/passage-landmark-family-law-reforms-19-10-2023 Exposure Draft: Family Law Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2023 - Attorney-General's Department - Citizen Space Find and participate in consultations run by Attorney General consultations.ag.gov.au AUSTRALIA ABANDONS THE EQUAL SHARED RESPONSIBILITY PRESUMPTION Jeremy D. Morley Australia's experiment with a presumption of www.international-divorce.com The presumption of both parents having an equal say over their children in custody battles has been abolished Chelsea lived in "constant fear" of aggravating her father an www.abc.net.au 両院で可決された法案の自動翻訳(23043b01) docs.google.com https://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/search/display/display.w3p;query=Id%3A%22legislation%2Fems%2Fr7011_ems_4e93ba1f-fdac-4ae9-8f64-705cc73925a0%22 In the best interests of the child? The Family Law Amendment Bill - Law Society Journal The Family Law Amendment Bill 2023, currently before Parliame lsj.com.au ギガファイル便でPDF魚拓。 GigaFile(ギガファイル)便 無料大容量 ファイル転送サービス GigaFile(ギガファイル)便!「3日~100日」選べる7種類のファイルの保持期限に xgf.nu ダウンロード copy #離婚後単独親権維持求めます #共同親権に反対します 2