
鹿沼まちなか編~駅からCenterまでの歩き方 Walking from the station to Center

(※今回は英語も併記します/This article is also in English.)


I thought it was time to write about the city of Kanuma, but first of all, I would like to explain where Center is located. Center's address is 1-1273 Ginza, Kanuma, Tochigi, Japan.
Tochigi Prefecture is bordered by Fukushima to the north, Gunma to the west, Ibaraki to the east, and Saitama to the south. Kanuma City is located between Utsunomiya City, the capital of Tochigi Prefecture, and Nikko City, famous for World Heritage Site. Kanuma City has a population of approximately 90,000.

電車でCenterに行くには To get to Center by train


Center is a 15-minute walk from Shin-Kanuma Station on the Tobu Line and an 18-minute walk from Kanuma Station on the JR Line, almost right in the middle of the old city center of Kanuma City.

From this point forward, the explanation assumes that you are traveling from the Tokyo area.

東武線?JR?どっちがいい? Tobu line or JR line?

東武線だと、浅草や北千住から新鹿沼まで特急で1本。新型車両のスペーシアXをはじめ、快適な電車の旅を楽しめると思います。特急は予約が必要で、観光シーズンは座席が埋まっていることも多いのでご注意ください。With the Tobu Line, you can take a single express train from Asakusa or Kitasenju to Shin-Kanuma. You will enjoy a comfortable train ride, including the new Spacia X. Please note that reservations are required for the limited express trains, and seats are often filled during the tourist season.

By JR, it takes about 15 minutes from Utsunomiya. However, please note that the number of trains between Utsunomiya and Kanuma is about one per hour. You can also take the Shonan Shinjuku Line to Utsunomiya from Shinjuku or Ikebukuro, or the Tohoku Shinkansen (Yamabiko or Nasuno) from Tokyo, Ueno, or Omiya stations.

The Tobu line is recommended because it feels more like a trip and is closer from the station, but it would be better to come via JR if you are international traveler and have Japan Rail Pass.

駅からの徒歩ルート Walking route from the station

東武線・新鹿沼駅から From Shin-Kanuma Station on Tobu Line

Turn left in front of Shin-Kanuma Station and go straight north on Reishi-kaido until you see Machi no Eki. Turn right at the corner of "Shibata Clock Shop" and you will see Ginza Street. After a while, you will see the Center logo.

JR鹿沼駅から From Kanuma Station on JR line


Cabs and buses are available from the station, but Kanuma has few large buildings and many old buildings, so walking the streets from the station is enjoyable!
