Interview with Dr.Keiji Morii

Shinden, Adachi, Tokyo.
The greenery area located between Arakawa river and Sumida river, "Shinden Woods Animal Hospital" was opened 20 years ago. It is one of a very few "Integrative Medical veterinarians" existing in Japan.

There, Dr Keiji Morii practices alternative medicine such as homeopathy, acupuncture, medical herbs, and traditional medicine in addition to western medicine.
Besides working at the clinic, he studies thousands of kinds of medical herbs and Chinese herbs in different languages.

He is known for having a profound knowledge of Edgar Cayce's remedies. He has read most of Cayce's books and applies some of Cayce's remedies in his treatments.

In this interview, we asked Dr. Morii about his daily practices at his clinic, his encounter with Cayce and his long-term practice of meditation, including some mysterious and interesting stories.

Profile:Dr. Keiji Morii (Veterinarian)


The director of "Shinden Woods Animal Hospital". Specialized in integrative medicine for animals and surgery.
Born in Tokyo. After graduating Hokkaido University, studied at various hospitals in Australia. Started to practice integrative medicine as the director of the animal hospital from the late 1980s. Board member of Japanese Physicians Society for Homeopathy, Representative of Veterinarian department of JPSH, Qualified doctor of JPSH, Qualified veterinarian of Faculty of Homeopathy, UK.

Author of "Materia Medica: Homeopathy for Clinicians",
"Homeopathy for one-step advanced self-care".

His hobbies are meditation, Yoga, jogging and painting. Loves nature. Encountered Kriya Yogi 40 years ago. Practices Kriya Yoga.

Shindenmori Animal Hospital
Keiji Morii's Twitter

Naoko Mitsuda:
Dr. Morii, you are one of a very few holistic veterinarians in Japan. How did you start your career?

Dr. Morii:
I think I became a vet because of my father who was also a vet and had a clinic here. As a child I naturally loved animals, so my father made me assist him on check ups and surgeries since I was a primary school student.


Naoko Mitsuda:
Really? You were already an assistant when you were in primary school?

Dr. Morii:  
Yes. In those days, demands for veterinarians were not so many, so I thought to myself "there's a job with a lot of free time!" (laugh).
The truth is, I used to love drawing scenery and animals, so I wanted to be a painter then. But I realized that if I became a vet, then I'd have lots of time to draw (laugh).

Naoko Mitsuda:
That's how you decided to become a vet, in order to do what you liked to do as well. You calculated this as a child (laugh).

Dr. Morii:
Yes (laugh). So I kept my drawing as a hobby and I started to aim to be a vet seriously. After a while, I entered university, wishing to move out of Tokyo to a spacious place, and I chose Hokkaido. I was studying how to raise cattle and horses in the vast environment, but I wanted to go to a more vast place, so I decided to study in Canada. I contacted the association of veterinarians and local vets, and chose a school to go to. When everything was set and all that was left was to purchase a plane ticket, I suddenly changed my destination to Australia.

Naoko Mitsuda:
Why was that?

Dr. Morii:
When I went to the airline counter for tickets, it wasn't open yet. So I went to a cinema to kill some time until it opened. The movie I saw was "Crocodile Dundee".

Naoko Mitsuda:
That's a comedy which features a tough adventurer surviving and fighting crocodiles, right?

Dr. Morii:
Yes, that's right. As I saw the movie, I thought "Actually, I want to go to Australia". So I followed my instinct and went back to the counter and bought tickets and left to Australia right away.

Naoko Mitsuda:
Really!? You were prepared to go to Canada, right? It seems radical to change the destination completely after seeing a movie you just happened to have watched (laugh).

Dr. Morii:
I agree (laugh). Thus, I suddenly changed my destination to Australia where I had no contacts or anything, so I had to start looking for a clinic for training soon after I arrived. Everyday I visited various veterinarians, but no one was interested. This was because to work as a vet in Australia, you have to have a license from the U.K., Australia or New Zealand. Having a license from Japan meant nothing.

So I was in despair and didn't know what to do. Then one day, I was invited to a veterinarian conference by a person with whom I became acquainted there, and I was given an opportunity to give a presentation. It received high recognition and I was offered the chance to study by many hospitals. So I decided to visit different hospitals every 2 weeks, since I was there to study not work.

Naoko Mitsuda:
That must have been a unique opportunity to study.

Dr. Morii:
Yes, it was. And for about a year, I studied at various hospitals. I had many important experiences during this period. The most interesting experience of all was becoming "a flying doctor". A flying doctor is a vet who flies on plane throughout Australia.

One doctor who was doing that job showed me a video, in which he was on the way to a client, flying at a low altitude over the valley of a world heritage site. This inspired me and I wrote to that hospital and said "I'd like to come".

Naoko Mitsuda:
That is an incredible job! Sounds amazing.
But as you told us how difficult it was to find a hospital at which to study, your application could not be so easily accepted, could it?

Dr. Morii:
No, you're right. Usually, they don't accept an application from a stranger, but fortunately I was accepted straight away. I think that they made their evaluation before I wrote the letter. I was already well known for visiting various hospitals and I had given presentations including one at the University of Sydney.

Also I was teaching in universities and had been given reference letters from university teachers, veterinarians and the head of the associations of veterinarians, etc. which meant a lot too.

Naoko Mitsuda:
You had made many connections in a short period of time after arriving in Australia. You were recommended by so many people because of your ability and of course your communication skills. That is impressive.

Dr. Morii:
Thank you. I attended this hospital to become a flying doctor. The place was surrounded by nature and was like heaven for me. Actually, the house in which I was lived had a 50km hall way from the entrance to the first door. It was built on a 1 million acre piece of land in such a vast space. It was too vast for a car so we used a private jet and a Cessna to move around.

Naoko Mitsuda:
Wow! That is Australia. A much bigger scale.

Dr. Morii:
At that time we were working on the "Tuberculosis Freedom Assurance Program" for cattle, conducted by the government. So we flew in search of wild buffalo and cattle in the outback (desert) area and checked their tuberculin reaction and gave them vaccinations.

Every morning I'd take off in the plane from the runway by my house and I looked forward to flying over the beautiful nature, like the unexplored Bungle Bungles which I often passed by.

In fact, the 80-90% of the land of Australia is either an aboriginal sacred place or private property, so generally it's forbidden to enter about 10% of the land. But when you're involved in such governmental projects, you can go anywhere. This also granted me great experiences.

After a year of such studying, I came home and re-opened this clinic which my father was just closing to retire.


Naoko Mitsuda:
You had such an intense experience in just one year. Do you think you were meant to go to Australia, and not Canada?

Dr. Morii:
Yes, I do. If I'd gone to Canada, I'd probably have just studied ordinarily and come home. In Australia, adding to it's grandeur of nature, I spent time relaxing, thanks to the character of Australians who do not worry about small details.
Also, in Australia, veterinarians were polarized to the majority of practicing western medicine thoroughly, and to the minority of practicing alternative medicine thoroughly. I could say that I was in a good environment to experience both in a good balance.

Naoko Mitsuda:

I see. So did you start to become interested in holistic medicine then?

Dr. Morii:
No, it was before then, to be precise. It was just after I entered University that I discovered Edgar Cayce. One day, I went to a book store to kill some time and I put my eyes on "The World Within" by Gina Cerminara. I was intrigued by it so I bought it and read it at home. It was so interesting. I started to read books about Cayce and I found out that he was not only an extraordinary psychic, but that he gave many diagnoses of illnesses and instructed how to cure them using ordinary medicine and alternative medicine to that which was given by medical doctors.

Thus I started to have interest in holistic medicine and studied various ways of treatments. But it was not popular in Japan then so I actually started to study when I moved to Australia.

Naoko Mitsuda:
Which books did you read?

Dr. Morii:
"Many Mansions" in Japan. Then I went to Australia so I bought many books in English there, and read widely and lightly. The interesting thing about the Cayce readings is that you understand differently when you read the same material after some time.
There is always something new to find each time I read them.

Naoko Mitsuda:
Did you actually try applying Cayce's remedies in hospitals?

Dr. Morii:
Yes. When I was in Australia, I purchased most of the Heritage Store products (an American manufacturer specializing in Cayce products) and tried them on animals. Like the castor oil pack.

Naoko Mitsuda:
How about cats? I have two cats at home, but it is impossible to apply the castor oil pack to them. The only thing I can do is to let them lie on top of my pack when I'm doing it (laugh).

Dr. Morii:
In fact, cats would not accept anything quietly like dogs. It'd be difficult unless they are so weak that they can't move. They'd like the warmth, but the stickiness of oil they'd hate and runaway. Also, especially with cats, the treatment wouldn't work if the individual cat was not happy with it.

Naoko Mitsuda:
What else did you try?

Dr. Morii:
A violet ray for improving blood circulation, Calcious, various formulas, cough syrup, and Ipsab, etc. Almost everything I have tried. I still use the violet ray and other Heritage Store products for treatments when it's necessary. I bought the charred oak keg as well, but I couldn't use it for animals.
At present, we apply these alternative medicines in addition to the ordinary treatment and surgery at our clinic. The most applicable method is homeopathy because its effectiveness on animals is very obvious.

Naoko Mitsuda:
So homeopathy is effective on animals too. Skeptics usually say that "It is merely the placebo effect", but animals wouldn't be influenced by suggestions like humans (laugh).

Dr. Morii: 
No. For example, there was an experiment done on mice.
They inserted chemical elements such as arsenic and lead into mice, then one group was given just water and the other group was given homeopathic fluid. Afterwards, they checked the chemical which remained in their bodies, and they found that the homeopathy treated group eliminated chemical elements greatly.

There are several theses on similar experiments on metals. I can say that homeopathy definitely works for the result on these experiments as well as my experiences.

At our clinic, we use homeopathy on various symptoms from scratch to cancer. I know many cases of cancer being healed only with homeopathy and without giving any surgery. I think that it prolongs an animals' life at least (only on clinically tested animals).

Naoko Mitsuda:
Can you recognize the disappearance of a tumor visibly with X-rays?

Dr. Morii:
Yes. In fact, we have records of not only X-rays, but MRI and ultrasonography.

Naoko Mitsuda:
That is amazing.

Dr. Morii:
But in the case of cancer, leukemia, and HIV I'd ask for frequent visits so that I could carefully palpate each time. Animals also become ill because of their stresses, but the cause of their stress is not obvious like humans. Thus we need to watch carefully for their changes. It's very mysterious but animals sometimes take on the owners' illnesses.

Naoko Mitsuda:
How does it happen?

Dr. Morii:
It happens like this, a diabetic person has a pet dog, then the dog becomes diabetic too. I know an interesting case that the owner had an accident and broke a bone in uncommon way. Then after the owner's operation, the pet dog had an accident and had the exact same part broken in the same uncommon way, and had to be operated on. And an even more uncanny thing was, the owner's cast was snapped one day by knocking it on something, then the dog's cast snapped in the same way.

Here's another interesting story. One owner and their pet dog had a cancer on the jaw area. The owner had an operation, but died after 3 weeks. Then the owner's family concerned that if the dog had the same operation, it would die as well. Thus they came to us wanting a homeopathy treatment. We treated as they asked, and the dog was healed. But they stopped giving homeopathy after a year and a half, then the cancer appeared again. The treatment was repeated and dog became better again. Eventually the dog died, but despite the illness it's life was prolonged by two and a half years. If the dog had had an operation like the owner, it might have died earlier. When we think about this, it is mysterious.

Naoko Mitsuda:
Why do you think such things happen? Are they attracting similar experiences because they are vibrationally sympathized for living together?

Dr. Morii:
Animals are energetically sensitive, and also they are deeply affectionate, so that they share and take on all kinds of vibration from the owners.

Naoko Mitsuda:
I see (cry). Dr. Morii, you must have a good understanding of animals' feelings.

Dr. Morii:
I cannot hold conversations like animal communicators, but I think I can understand them to a certain extent by looking at their eyes, their movements, and their aura. But I'm not sure if it's really what they want to say or if it's just filtering my thoughts. Well, I spend all day with animals, so I wish to be better at communications than people who have nothing to do with them (laugh).

Naoko Mitsuda:
You've told me that animals endure their pain to the maximum, so it is difficult to find their illnesses at an early stage. You must be able to sense their inner voices.

Dr. Morii:
I suppose so. When I look at an animal, I can sense what it's suffering. But cats are harder to read, unlike dogs which show their illnesses quite openly. I think because cats' nature is closer to wilderness. That means, all wild animals have the nature of hiding their illnesses because weakness means their death.

Thus it is common to find a major illnesses of animals at vaccinations or check ups. In order to prevent this, touching pets body every day is effective. The sense of our hands is very precise, and we can identify small differences. And most animals apart from some cats love to be touched. Especially dogs love it the best, so I hope all owners will give plenty of touching and hugging to their pets.

People who are able to see chakras claim that dogs don't have a heart chakra. This is because their loving energy is constantly flowing so they don't have to keep energy at heart. I can't prove if this is right, but this makes sense when seeing how loyal they can be to their owners.

Naoko Mitsuda:
Do cats and dogs remain as spirit bodies after deaths? I've heard that they reincarnate as well.

Dr. Morii:
When I was in Australia, my roommate went to a famous French psychic for a reading. He was told "I can see your Japanese roommate has many dog's and cat's spirits to help him". I have had such feelings always, so when I heard this, I thought to myself "I wasn't just imagining". I can clearly feel that the passed-on animals are around me and helping me, even today.

But these spirits seem to be different than before. I think they stay for a while and move on to the light after a certain period. I'm not sure about their reincarnations, but Cayce and Silverbirch deny animal incarnations. I guess they don't have the necessity to be reborn to do it over, because they don't create bad karmas like humans (laugh).

Naoko Mitsuda:
That is so moving when I imagine them helping you after their deaths. By the way, do you apply Cayce remedies to yourself?

Dr. Morii:
Yes, of course. I use the castor oil pack the most to this day. I used to do it in the correct cycles as Cayce recommended, but these days I just apply whenever I feel like it. In general, I don't have any physical problems, so I apply when I need to cleanse my body, or after fasting. I used to intake Cayce's herbal tonics and used shampoo and tooth powder from the Heritage Store. I used the radio active appliance as well. I have used almost everything recommended in Cayce's remedies.

Naoko Mitsuda:
Have you experienced anything from applying the castor oil pack?

Dr. Morii:
I can't say that anything has changed since I am healthy in general, but I feel much clearer and physically lighter after the pack. Actually, I'm the only one who didn't have appendicitis in my family, and I think it's because I applied the pack whenever I felt discomfort in the appendix area.

Naoko Mitsuda:
That's great to hear. I don't mean to self-praise, but I think if the castor oil pack was widely accepted in society, it would reduce the national medical cost of Japan and solve the problem.

Dr. Morii:
I agree. Western medicine is definitely useful, but treatment using only western medicine would reach it's limit in near future. Though relying only on alternative medicine can be dangerous for acute conditions. Therefore, it is the best to apply both. If a doctor knew western and eastern medicine, traditional and folk medicine, the best treatment suitable for a patient could be given.

Naoko Mitsuda:
You are in fact, practicing what you've just said. I was told by another doctor that your knowledge on alternative medicine is extraordinary.

Dr. Morii:
In my case, I have just spent too much time studying (laugh). I mean, I have learned 15,000 kinds of Chinese herbs precisely, but what I could use in the actual treatment was only a few. When I wrote the "Materia Medica" of homeopathy, I studied 25,000 kinds of herbs thoroughly. But I can only use 300 to 400 kinds. Thus, it can be said that the rest of the knowledge is not useful.

Although I'm continuing the study to formulate a system because even though the knowledge is not yet applicable, having that knowledge will give the depth to the understanding of a subject.

And also I think it'd be great if my effort made a foundation of easier application to those who choose this path in the future. The world of alternative medicine won't progress, unless someone wastes a lot of time.

Naoko Mitsuda:
You are so attracted to homeopathy that it's worthwhile to give so much of your time.

Dr. Morii:
That's right. After all, if one ever witnesses the miracle of healing on an animal which is barely surviving, it is unstoppable.

Naoko Mitsuda:
You work at the clinic and study in-between work and writing books… I wonder how you spend a day. I suppose you must have an extremely tight schedule.

Dr. Morii:
In the past I used to only sleep for 3 hours. I did this until around the age of 45. I had to read 100 to 300 theses every day after working at the clinic to study Chinese herbs. But these days I cherish my sleep and try to spend more time to practicing mediation at night, so I have a more relaxed life style compared to before.

Naoko Mitsuda:
By the way, I was told by many people that you are a master of meditation. Do you practice anything special?

Dr. Morii:
I practice the technique which I learned with a historical group called the SRF (Self-Realization Fellowship) which was established in 1920 by Paramahansa Yogananda, who was the pioneer of Yoga in the western world.

After practicing meditation for 2 years following their technique and having to reach a certain level, you have a simple test. And when you pass it you have the permission to learn the higher Yoga technique called Kriya Yoga.

I highly recommend this technique for meditation as you can become aware of peace and existence of god within yourself. SRF does not manipulate you to any biased thought, they genuinely assist with meditation and the technique of moving our energy systematically. Thus you can work safely as a beginner.

*Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952)
He devoted himself to spread the divine spiritual science of Kriya Yoga, practiced in India for thousands of years. He emphasized the similarities in religion around the world and taught practical methods for individuals to experience god directly.
Author of the best-selling spiritual classic, "Autobiography of a Yogi" which is translated into 18 languages around the world.
(Refference: SRF official site)

Naoko Mitsuda:
When did you start practicing meditation?

Dr. Morii:
It was a long time ago when I started to meditate… It was after I came back from Australia, so in my late 20s. I actually have an interesting episode about starting meditation. It goes many years back, I think it was when I was 8 years old. A master visited me who was the teacher of the teacher of Yogananda.

Naoko Mitsuda:
What do you mean by that???

Dr. Morii:
I met this "master" who came down in the light, with a few attendants. It was a brief but strong experience. It happened when I was awake, not asleep. When I look back, I wish I'd started to meditate then (laugh).

I had this memory when I grew up, and started to wish to see that master again. I can't remember his face nor his name, but I could remember that he was like a yogi of India. So I thought if I started an Indian meditation, it might give me some clue. So when I became twenty, I started to practice Transcendental Meditation.

After some time, someone great who wasn't the same master of my childhood, appeared again during the meditation. This master guided me to an ancient planet without man, and gave me many experiences.

The most shocking experience was the "clairvoyance" which allowed me to see a river located 2km away. My vision zoomed into a rock lying in the bottom of the river and I saw an insect sitting behind it clearly.

Until I met this master I had always had an image of these higher beings to have stunning appearances like Greek statues. This master was surrounded with light, but was a normal looking, short chubby bold headed old man (laugh). I was shocked when I realized that he was the master of Maharishi who spread the teaching of TMmeditation.

Naoko Mitsuda:
How did you find out? Did you realize by seeing his photograph or something?

Dr. Morii:
Yes. I saw his photograph and thought "Ah, this old man!" (laugh). However, this master of Maharishi and my childhood master of Yogananda did not say who they were and now they're both dead (laugh), so there is no way to prove if I really saw them.

But I'm certain that I met them, not only because of the sensation I had when I saw their photos, but also from the way I have been guided later in my life.
I had such an interesting experience through TM meditation but I wanted to try another way of meditation. And eventually I reached Yogananda's SRF.

Naoko Mitsuda:
I see. I'd love to meet these beings surrounded with light!

Dr. Morii:
You can of coarse. What you have to do is meditate through Christmas eve to Christmas day every year. For some reason it's possible to have a deeper meditation on Christmas day and it's safe because it builds this protecting magnetic field against lower beings.

If you continue this every year, someone will come down to you.

Additionally there is a 'field' which makes it easier for us to meditate than it usually is, so I suggest anyone to try casually. After learning the actual technique of meditation, you can do it in your own style. However, it is the most effective to practice at the same time in the same place.

Naoko Mitsuda:
I don't think it's that easy to meet the light being (laugh), but I'd like to do the Christmas meditation.
By the way, you've just told us about your mysterious experience at 8 years old. Did you actually have some kind of mystery power? Do you think you read "The World Within" when you were in university because it had some connections with your experiences?

Dr. Morii:
Actually, I was very intuitive since I was very small and had such experiences which were written in "The World Within". The book reminded me of how I felt. For example, I remember feeling "I entered into a limited body" as soon as I was born. I also have memories of past lives and the time between the last life and this life. I refused to eat baby food for feeling unreasonable for the state of having to eat and excrete which I didn't have before I was born.

Naoko Mitsuda:
Really!? (laugh) Did you feel such way when you just were a baby?

Dr. Morii:
Yes, I think I was about 2 - 3 years old. I had clearer past life memories when I was smaller, but I still remember some. The past life which is influencing my current life strongly is the one when I was a native American. I also had a memory of doing something bad in India, so I'm trying to do good actively in this life (laugh).

Naoko Mitsuda:
Well, it seems that you are doing more than enough (laugh). Have you had any mysterious experiences recently?

Dr. Morii:
This isn't anything exciting, but I was once lead by my spirit guide to a place in the future in my meditation. I couldn't figure out where the place was for some time. Then recently someone asked me if I was interested to buy a piece of land, so I went to look at this place… and mysteriously, it was the place I visited in my meditation.

I had another experience of visiting the earth 360 years later. I was impressed that it was covered in plants and very beautiful.

Naoko Mitsuda:
It's great to hear that the earth is going to be a beautiful place in 360 years.
Dr. Morii, what are you planning to do in the future?

Dr. Morii:
In near future, I'd like to work on creating a structure of a medical team. It'd be ideal if not only vets but various specialists of herbs, flower essences, etc. could collaborate and work together. And I'd like to publish some books on homeopathy which are already written. I know that decisions are made in Heaven, so if they're meant to be published I'll just leave it with them. It wouldn't happen if it's not necessary.

Naoko Mitsuda:
No, it would be a shame to not have them be published. I'd like to make an announcement to anyone who works for a publishing company, could you please publish these books (laugh).
Lastly, do you have some advise to give to pet owners about living with animals.

Dr. Morii:
Children who live with animals tend to become gentle evidently. In our area, we had cases of abused animals, and some people reported who did it. We found that children who abused animals had never had pets. On the other hand, all of the children who reported to us, had pets.

It can be said that having a pet or not having a pet can influence children in their treatment animals. So I'd like to suggest to keep an animal in the household, especially one with small children. To the children who don't have opportunities to play in nature, relating to animals would teach them about nature and life. Also children who are not good at making friends might open themselves up to animals. Of course keeping pets can be hard work, but there is so much to gain from it.

And when children learn that humans and animals are equally precious, they become capable in taking care of smaller lives. This leads them to take care of other people.
In the greater picture, loving animals, humans, or nature leads them to contribute to the world, the planet, and the universe.

I wish not only children, but everyone to live their lives in a way in which one can feel closer to animals.

Naoko Mitsuda:
It is a wonderful concept that looking after a small life can lead us to contribute to the universe. I'll give my love properly to my two cats.

Thank you so much for your time today.

On the wall of his clinic, there are some paintings by Dr. Morii, and his favorite Cayce readings were displayed:



Think, for a moment, of the music of the waves upon the shore, of the morning as it breaks with the music of nature, of the night as it falls with the hum of the insect, of all the kingdoms as they unite in their song of appreciation to an all-creative influence that gives nature consciousness or awareness of its being itself. And harmonize that in thine own appreciation, as to bring music akin to the song of the spheres.(2581-2)

Through those same channels that the entity gained this understanding that beauty comes from within, rather than as an external condition - for the external fades, but that beauty of life, of individuality shining through that personality of self, gives the beauty that fades not - and as the warning was given respecting the understanding of self, and that to be accomplished through the efforts of self, these must radiate then from within. As to the physical appearance, and the outward show of face and figure, necessary that these be modeled after that of the self's ideal, that these may manifest that the body would radiate through its inner being. Accomplish this through that of self's own application to BECOME that the body would make of self. (2071-2)

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