
「太りやすい体質でも健康的な体型を手に入れるためのアドバイス」“Advice for getting a healthy body shape even if you are prone to gaining weight”


For those with a tendency to gain weight, low metabolism, lack of execise, poor eating habits, it is also believed that there is a genetic factor.

People with low metabolism tend to accumulate extra calories even if they eat the same meal,
a person who lacks execise consumes less energy throught physical activity,
is unable to cosume excess calories, and becomes prone to gaining weight.

In addition, people with disordered eating habits, often eat high-calorie, low-nutrition foods, it is easy to accumulate excess energy, and it become easy to gain weight.

In addition, some people are prone to gaining weight due to genetic factor.
Due to genetic factors, such as low metabolism, strong appetite, lack of exercise, and many fat cells, etc. It is said that there is a tendency to become fat easily.

For those with a tendency to gain weight, it is important to improve your lifestyle,such as moderate exercise and a well-balanced diet.

To overcome lack of exercise, it is important to get into the habit of moving your body, such as walking, jogging, and cycling on a daliy basis.

In addition, it is important to consider the blance of calories and nutrients,
and take in dietary fiber and protein for a well-balanced diet.

Even if you are prone to gaining weight, you can maintain a healthy figure by improving your lifestyle.
By improving not only exercise and diet, but also sleep and stress management, all aspects of life.
You can create a more effective and hard-to-weight constitution.










gaining weight 体重増加 ゲイニングウェイト
tendecy 傾向
consumes 消費する ケンシュゥム
excess 過剰 エクサァス
unable できない アニボォ
disordered 無秩序な
habit 癖 habits 習慣
due 期限 デュゥー due to により
prone なりやすい プロォン
become fat easily 太りやすい
into the に
such as そのような
figure 形 フィギュァ
