

The GPAI Summit 2022, the annual meeting of the international multi-stakeholder initiative on AI will be held in Japan.
The World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan and the METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry) will co-host 'Women in AI lunch' as a side event of the Summit on 21 November.

Women in AI lunch
Date: Monday, 21 November, 11:30-13:00 JST
Venue: Room Miyabi (Hotel ChinzansoTokyo, Banquet Bldg. 4F)
Language: English
Participation fee: Free (free lunch)
Note: Lunches are limited in quantity and must be booked by Friday, 18 November
• Yuko Harayama, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University / Science representative, Steering Committee of the GPAI / Former 2020-2021 co-chair of the GPAI’s “The Future of Work”
• [Moderator] Fumiko Kudo, Project Strategy Lead, World Economic Forum Centre for Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan

Please register your participation at the GPAI Summit 2022 official website and reserve your lunchbox at the form.

About GPAI

The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) is a multi-stakeholder international initiative that brings together industry, academia, governments, international organizations, and others that share the same values. The GPAI’s founding goal of guiding the responsible and human-centric development and use of AI. It was established in 2020 with 15 member countries/regions, currently, its member to 25 members.
Japan will have a presidency from November 2022. The GPAI Summit 2022 is held in Tokyo as the third annual conference, which will be held as the first summit conference in Asia.


Diverse teams are an excellent way to guard against biases. The 2020 World Economic Forum report, however, found that women make up only 26 percent of data and AI positions in the workforce.
This session is a celebration of our outstanding contributions to responsible and trustworthy AI. It gives us a chance to talk about our successes and failures, build connections with others and have fun with like-minded people.

  • Yuko Harayama, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University / Science representative, Steering Committee of the GPAI / Former 2020-2021 co-chair of the GPAI’s “The Future of Work”

  • [Moderator] Fumiko Kudo, Project Strategy Lead, World Economic Forum Centre for Fourth Industrial Revolution Japan

Pre-registration is required to attend, please register via the GPAI Summit 2022 official website. Lunches are limited in quantity and must be booked at the form by 18 November.
